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Canada Now Has 35 Million People, Highest Growth in G8 (1 Viewer)

That's really good news. Where are the immigrants.coming from?

Canada is now home to 35 million people and has the fastest growth out of any G8 country even though we have one of the lowest fertility rates at about 1.5. Immigration is amazing is it not? This is how we fight an aging society by being accepting of immigrants but I guess it also helps we have a functioning economy and much lower rates of illegal immigration.

From the CBC
That's really good news. Where are the immigrants.coming from?

The top four from a few years ago.
India, Russia, China and Iran

The current top will have India and China, but the others I am not sure of
That's really good news. Where are the immigrants.coming from?

Europe and Asia, mostly. I'm on the west coast and most immigrants here are Chinese and Indian.
Canada is now home to 35 million people and has the fastest growth out of any G8 country even though we have one of the lowest fertility rates at about 1.5. Immigration is amazing is it not? This is how we fight an aging society by being accepting of immigrants but I guess it also helps we have a functioning economy and much lower rates of illegal immigration.

From the CBC

Most immigrants are from Europe and East Asia. Not so many from the middle east and africa (as it is in the case of European nations) or from latin america (which is the case with the US).
You mean a Country with 1/10 the population of America, and who has loads of oil to sell has a High GDP ?

Well, that's a weird story. Gotta be more to it than that. Quebec has had a pretty socialist government for a few years and they put a lot of budget into social programs. I think you got wrong information.

I was talking to him via Skype about two hours before i made the posting and i'll know this evening what happened. Surely you know about the lineups in emergency rooms in Canada because I really don't want to bother with a link.
You mean a Country with 1/10 the population of America, and who has loads of oil to sell has a High GDP ?


The difference is that they actually drill for oil and don't leave it in the ground because of elk or a particular bird species.

I should add that Canadians spend far less per capita on the military as well. Like Europeans we have been relying on Americans to do all the heavy lifting. That should change.
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Europe and Asia, mostly. I'm on the west coast and most immigrants here are Chinese and Indian.

And the Chinese, and most Indians, have made very good immigrants. I expect more will be coming from Latin America in the future but will have to follow certain guidelines. There are programs already in place for Mexicans and crews from Brazil have helped build the infrastructure on a few large projects.
Where have I heard this leftist argument before ? :think:

It's true and is pure fact. Without immigrants we would be in trouble and same goes for the U.S. minus illegals.
That's really good news. Where are the immigrants.coming from?

Mostly Asia, Europe, and the U.S. unlike the U.S. we have no Hispanics I have never seen a Hispanic before in my life.

Table 4: Permanent Residents Admitted in 2011, by Top 10 Source Countries Rank Country Number Percentage
1 Philippines 34,991 14.1%
2 People’s Republic of China 28,696 11.5%
3 India 24,965 10.0%
4 United States of America 8,829 3.5%
5 Iran 6,840 2.7%
6 United Kingdom and Colonies 6,550 2.6%
7 Haiti 6,208 2.5%
8 Pakistan 6,073 2.4%
9 France 5,867 2.4%
10 United Arab Emirates 5,223 2.1%
Total Top 10 134,242 54.0%
All Other Source Countries 114,506 46.0%
TOTAL 248,748 100%

That is the top 10 but as you cans see only 46% of immigrants come from other countries.
Most immigrants are from Europe and East Asia. Not so many from the middle east and africa (as it is in the case of European nations) or from latin america (which is the case with the US).

We also get a lot from the U.S.. We also get to have a lot more say in immigrants as illegal immigration is rather hard to do.
It's true and is pure fact. Without immigrants we would be in trouble and same goes for the U.S. minus illegals.

So your saying we aren't in trouble today ?

If true and it's not broken why fix it.

The problem America has been facing for the past forty years is that our immigration laws haven't been enforced and our borders haven't been secured.

Only one administration in the past four decades actually tried to secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws that are already on the books and when that President put someone in charge (Harold Ezzel) to enforce our laws the usual leftist yelled "racist."

America's immigration policies should be what's best for America and it's citizens not what's best for the immigrant or a particular political party's agenda.
So your saying we aren't in trouble today ?

If true and it's not broken why fix it.

The problem America has been facing for the past forty years is that our immigration laws haven't been enforced and our borders haven't been secured.

Only one administration in the past four decades actually tried to secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws that are already on the books and when that President put someone in charge (Harold Ezzel) to enforce our laws the usual leftist yelled "racist."

America's immigration policies should be what's best for America and it's citizens not what's best for the immigrant or a particular political party's agenda.

If you want to keep illegals out just militarize the border and your problem is solved it worked for Austria till it joined the Schengen. The shortage of skilled workers like doctors is an issue now but will grow into a major crisis later if we don't do anything. There is also the fact as more people retire we need people to replace them.

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