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Can the president with an executive order override the constitution. (1 Viewer)

Does not matter. TRump will pay no attention to the Constitution and no one will stop him.
The courts will stop him like they did last time. The lawsuits are already in the can. Even the Supreme Court is souring on him. Let's not give up hope yet.
It's a ploy to get birth right citizenship defined. It was intended and designed to deal with children born by slaves at the end ov the Civil War. No rational thinker can support the "drop it, it's a citizen" crap the looney left is praying for.
That is what the amendment says and you are welcome to pass another amendment to overturn it. Don't hold your breath though.
I won't be discussing the constitution with you again.

FWIW, if congress could implement a "lawful permanent resident" status in 1917 when the 14th Amendment was written 30 years prior then we can make judgements about the intent of that amendment now. I don't think there's a lot of question regarding what the intent of the 14th was. How it's applied, however, is certainly up for discussion.

FWIW, if congress could implement a "lawful permanent resident" status in 1917 when the 14th Amendment was written 30 years prior then we can make judgements about the intent of that amendment now. I don't think there's a lot of question regarding what the intent of the 14th was. How it's applied, however, is certainly up for discussion.
Not really. It's up for decree.
That is what the amendment says and you are welcome to pass another amendment to overturn it. Don't hold your breath though.
The amendment DEFINITELY DOESN'T SAY "if you break the law entering the country illegally and have a baby you'll be able to sponsor that rest of your family to enter legally. Another amendment probably won't be necessary - SCOTUS can decide the issue.
It depends on how the Supreme court feels on any given day. They have ruled that money=speech. So anything is possible from the nine marsupials.
The courts will stop him like they did last time. The lawsuits are already in the can. Even the Supreme Court is souring on him. Let's not give up hope yet.

Lol "Even the Supreme Court is souring on him. "

This germ is at the pinochle of his power.

FWIW, if congress could implement a "lawful permanent resident" status in 1917 when the 14th Amendment was written 30 years prior then we can make judgements about the intent of that amendment now. I don't think there's a lot of question regarding what the intent of the 14th was. How it's applied, however, is certainly up for discussion.
Nope. It’s why it says all persons and not, former slaves.
The amendment DEFINITELY DOESN'T SAY "if you break the law entering the country illegally and have a baby you'll be able to sponsor that rest of your family to enter legally.
The amendment specifically states their children are citizens if born on US soil.
Another amendment probably won't be necessary - SCOTUS can decide the issue.
another amendment is necessary. SCOTUS has already decided the issue.

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