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Campaign Finance Violation (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 20, 2018
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Miami, FL
Political Leaning
It is becoming evident that Trump is guilty of a Campaign Finance Violation given that his affairs with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal happened in 2006 but the payments to them were made in 2016, strongly suggesting that they were done exclusively as an illegal campaign contribution to prevent Trump from losing the election.

This is especially true given than Stormy Daniels first made her accusation in 2012 but the payment to her was not made until 2016, suggesting it was to shut her up right before the election.

This time discrepancy is clearly evident that this was not a payoff to keep the information away from Melania but to keep the information away from the American public just prior to the election.

For the past 2 years it did not seem that this event would be the death knell of Trump but it is fast becoming an impossible-to-get-by obstacle.
It is becoming evident that Trump is guilty of a Campaign Finance Violation given that his affairs with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal happened in 2006 but the payments to them were made in 2016, strongly suggesting that they were done exclusively as an illegal campaign contribution to prevent Trump from losing the election.

This is especially true given than Stormy Daniels first made her accusation in 2012 but the payment to her was not made until 2016, suggesting it was to shut her up right before the election.

This time discrepancy is clearly evident that this was not a payoff to keep the information away from Melania but to keep the information away from the American public just prior to the election.

For the past 2 years it did not seem that this event would be the death knell of Trump but it is fast becoming an impossible-to-get-by obstacle.

When using ones own money, how does that work?
It is becoming evident that Trump is guilty of a Campaign Finance Violation given that his affairs with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal happened in 2006 but the payments to them were made in 2016, strongly suggesting that they were done exclusively as an illegal campaign contribution to prevent Trump from losing the election.

This is especially true given than Stormy Daniels first made her accusation in 2012 but the payment to her was not made until 2016, suggesting it was to shut her up right before the election.

This time discrepancy is clearly evident that this was not a payoff to keep the information away from Melania but to keep the information away from the American public just prior to the election.

For the past 2 years it did not seem that this event would be the death knell of Trump but it is fast becoming an impossible-to-get-by obstacle.

How so? No one seems to care except democrats. Are they going to impeach him in the house? Whats the punishment for paying someone not to talk about an affair during a campaign?
When using ones own money, how does that work?

Using one's own money?

You must know that Essential Consultants LLC in Delaware, in October 2016, and sent the $130,000 from a bank account in the company’s name to an account linked to Stormy Daniel's lawyer. That doesn't sound like Trump's own money.
How so? No one seems to care except democrats. Are they going to impeach him in the house? Whats the punishment for paying someone not to talk about an affair during a campaign?

Funny. Isn't that what Bill Clinton was accused of? Lying about getting a blow job and then paying Paula Jones and other women to keep quiet about the affairs he had with them?

Of course. I keep forgetting that when a republican does it , it's OK - but if Bill Clinton , Gary Hart or Al Franken allegedly do something similar - then they must be prosecuted.
Using one's own money?

You must know that Essential Consultants LLC in Delaware, in October 2016, and sent the $130,000 from a bank account in the company’s name to an account linked to Stormy Daniel's lawyer. That doesn't sound like Trump's own money.

How does that mean it wasn't Trump's money? You think he wrote her a personal check?
When using ones own money, how does that work?

A. It is a felony to direct others to make illegal campaign contributions.
B. Trump proved his illegal intent by painstakingly covering these payments up.

Cohen borrowed $130,000 from his HELOC, washed it through a bogus corporation, paid Stormy Daniels. Then he went back to the Trump Organization, submits a bill for campaign expenses. He also submitted a $50,000 bill for campaign related IT expenses. The company then pays him $180,000, rounds it up so he breaks even on taxes (to $360,000), THEN kicks in a $60,000 bonus for $420,000. To disguise the nature of the payment - one massive payout in an illegal campaign contribution from Trump Organization - they break it up into multiple payments distributed over the year of $35,000 each. This is conspiracy, money laundering, campaign finance violations, fraud and, depending on the accounting, tax fraud.

No, no need to thank me.
It is becoming evident that Trump is guilty of a Campaign Finance Violation given that his affairs with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal happened in 2006 but the payments to them were made in 2016, strongly suggesting that they were done exclusively as an illegal campaign contribution to prevent Trump from losing the election.

This is especially true given than Stormy Daniels first made her accusation in 2012 but the payment to her was not made until 2016, suggesting it was to shut her up right before the election.

This time discrepancy is clearly evident that this was not a payoff to keep the information away from Melania but to keep the information away from the American public just prior to the election.

For the past 2 years it did not seem that this event would be the death knell of Trump but it is fast becoming an impossible-to-get-by obstacle.

IMO it is becoming evident that the opposition is grasping at straws. :roll:

Cohen was Trump's "fixer." As is evident even from the taped conversations, this process was nothing new as Cohen was talking about using their standard practice of holding companies to pay rather than using direct cash (which Trump seemed to prefer).

Trump has a long history of using NDA's, for all sorts of reasons. Currently he has been trying to do so to stifle "leaks" to little success.

The problem with using Cohen is that he had his own illegal side-businesses which were the meat of the charges against him leading to his plea deal.

Like many "fixers," when they get burned they try to deal to get a lighter sentence, and IMO that's what he was trying to do by claiming in his plea agreement all sorts of anti-Trump nefariousness to see what would stick.

It appears that Mueller's investigators, and the biased members of the Southern District of NY's Justice Dept. legal team are going to try this and anything else they can get to hurt the President.

IMO Trump will be able to prove this is another nothing-burger, or at worst something that should be handled with a fine much like Obama.

However, I would definitely file a motion for a change of venue based on fair trial grounds if any indictments actually occur in the SDNY on this issue.
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There are campaign finance violations and there are campaign finance violations. Many campaigns make bookkeeping mistakes and have to pay a fine for it. That is not unheard of.

When a campaign for President of the USA engages in carefully and secretly paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in hush money to two former lovers / mistresses / whatever to Trump and go to great lengths to both deny it and cover it up as it would damage the election effort - that is in a whole different category altogether and is not something dismissed by a claim of ignorance or paperwork error or just a technical violation with no intent. That is a serious matter to defraud the American people and commit an offense against the American people.
How so? No one seems to care except democrats. Are they going to impeach him in the house? Whats the punishment for paying someone not to talk about an affair during a campaign?

Because the right doesn't care about the law anymore?
He just pays the fine like Obama did, what’s different here?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Criminal intent. Ordering a Federal crime to be carried out and making structured payments through multiple shell companies. Also, what indication do you have that Obama was in any way responsible for or even aware of those violations?
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Funny. Isn't that what Bill Clinton was accused of? Lying about getting a blow job and then paying Paula Jones and other women to keep quiet about the affairs he had with them?

Of course. I keep forgetting that when a republican does it , it's OK - but if Bill Clinton , Gary Hart or Al Franken allegedly do something similar - then they must be prosecuted.

Well Clinton was accused of rape, and lying under oath. But to your main point you seem to be agreeing with me. If its OK for Clinton (he got relected), its ok for Trump.
Because the right doesn't care about the law anymore?

Anymore? When did the right or left care about the law? Democrats only care right now because its Trump. If it were Dem, Republicans would care. So, no one cares. Why are we debating this?
Anymore? When did the right or left care about the law? Democrats only care right now because its Trump. If it were Dem, Republicans would care. So, no one cares. Why are we debating this?

Speak for yourself, please. I care about the law. So does everyone I know. If you don't care about the law, that's fine, but you don't get to attribute your feelings to everyone else.
He just pays the fine like Obama did, what’s different here?

As Cardinal pointed out, criminal intent.
But think about it MrShangles. Everything Trump is doing, screams criminal intent, on every potential crime he may have exposure on.
Repeated and constant attempts at obstruction, in the public record...over and over and over. Admitting firing Comey was about Russia, getting Rosenstein to draft a critique and then trying to say it was because of that, etc.
Repeated attempts to cover up his campaign contacts with Russia, his business deal going on in Russia, etc.

And the Attorneys' in SDNY already nailed a conservative with a felony on this just recently:
Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced today that DINESH D’SOUZA was sentenced in Manhattan federal court to five years of probation, with eight months during the first year to be served in a community confinement center, after having pled guilty to violating the federal campaign election law by making illegal contributions to a United States Senate campaign in the names of others. D’SOUZA was sentenced today before U.S. District Judge Richard M. Berman.

Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara stated: “Dinesh D’Souza attempted to illegally contribute over $10,000 to a Senate campaign, wilfully undermining the integrity of the campaign finance process. Like many others before him, of all political stripes, he has had to answer for this crime – here with a felony conviction.”
Trump fired Preet and pardoned Dinesh.

Is any of this worrisome to you?
It is becoming evident that Trump is guilty of a Campaign Finance Violation given that his affairs with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal happened in 2006 but the payments to them were made in 2016, strongly suggesting that they were done exclusively as an illegal campaign contribution to prevent Trump from losing the election.

This is especially true given than Stormy Daniels first made her accusation in 2012 but the payment to her was not made until 2016, suggesting it was to shut her up right before the election.

This time discrepancy is clearly evident that this was not a payoff to keep the information away from Melania but to keep the information away from the American public just prior to the election.

For the past 2 years it did not seem that this event would be the death knell of Trump but it is fast becoming an impossible-to-get-by obstacle.

The Trump base has thrown out all their other principles for Trump, like family values, personal responsibility, fiscal responsibility.

Why wouldn't they also throw out the principle of being lawful citizens? I would be very surprised if more than a small percentage cared, I suppose we will get a sample in this thread.
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It is becoming evident that Trump is guilty of a Campaign Finance Violation given that his affairs with Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal happened in 2006 but the payments to them were made in 2016, strongly suggesting that they were done exclusively as an illegal campaign contribution to prevent Trump from losing the election.

This is especially true given than Stormy Daniels first made her accusation in 2012 but the payment to her was not made until 2016, suggesting it was to shut her up right before the election.

This time discrepancy is clearly evident that this was not a payoff to keep the information away from Melania but to keep the information away from the American public just prior to the election.

For the past 2 years it did not seem that this event would be the death knell of Trump but it is fast becoming an impossible-to-get-by obstacle.

Anymore? When did the right or left care about the law? Democrats only care right now because its Trump. If it were Dem, Republicans would care. So, no one cares. Why are we debating this?

I always care if someone is breaking the law. It doesn't matter who is doing it, and I can't imagine how any decent person can justify it by pointing at someone else. Maybe rethink your position?
They've thrown out all their other principles for Trump, why not add "law abiding citizen" to the list?

The "moral" Republicans sold all their other principles for the chance to pack the courts with anti-abortion judges.

That's the last thread that they are hanging onto.

They banked everything they have on that.
The "moral" Republicans sold all their other principles for the chance to pack the courts with anti-abortion judges.

That's the last thread that they are hanging onto.

They banked everything they have on that.

The moral Republicans (like me) have left the party. The ones still sticking with Trump are less moral than Trump is, and that's saying a lot.
The moral Republicans (like me) have left the party. The ones still sticking with Trump are less moral than Trump is, and that's saying a lot.

It hit 'like'. But I do know people who really are decent people but who are staying all in because of abortion. I said it snarkily and cynically. But there are some people whom I still respect who I know mean well, and they live generous God-fearing lives, and still they're laying down with the mangy, destructive, anti-American orange dog to save the unborn children.

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