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C-SPAN To Cover Entirety Of 9/11 Congressional Briefing - 8/31/05 & 9/2/05 (1 Viewer)


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Aug 26, 2005
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C-SPAN To Air Entirety Of 9/11 Congressional Briefing - 8/31/05 & 9/2/05

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I can not emphasize this enough. This is something you should tell your friends, and their friends, and all of your family members about.

We don't know how many times we're going to be able to speak truth to power on a national level.

Please do what's right, and pass this along.

Thank you.

Jonathan Gold
[mod mode]

The general anouncement thread is more for forum announcements. So I moved your thread here. If you think it should belong somewhere else let me know.

[/mod mode]

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