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Buzzfeed Finds Its Credibility Questioned Again (1 Viewer)


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Despite winning multiple lawsuits over the Dossier, The public at large is once again doubting Buzzfeed's credibility in these incredible times we are living through. With many public figures and media heads tweeting, "If the buzzfeed report is true..." it is time to impeach the President. Based on Buzzfeed's track record, the story is true!! Perhaps the story is so damming nobody WANTS to believe it.

BuzzFeed Beats Defamation Lawsuit Over Trump Dossier Story

Trump lawyer Michael Cohen drops lawsuits against BuzzFeed, Fusion GPS over Steele dossier

Here you can read the tweets that mention the phrase above, "If the buzzfeed report is true..."
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The OP is totally false and nonsensical. The court did not rule that ANYTHING Buzzfeed published is true. Rather, it ruled that Buzzfeed falls under 2A protection so even if the Dossier is 100% false Buzzfeed is not liable. Nothing else.
The OP is totally false and nonsensical. The court did not rule that ANYTHING Buzzfeed published is true. Rather, it ruled that Buzzfeed falls under 2A protection so even if the Dossier is 100% false Buzzfeed is not liable. Nothing else.

You are completely wrong, but maybe that's what the Russia propaganda said about the results of the case.

First get your amendments right. It's the 1st amendment buddy. Second,
Ungaro found that because BuzzFeed published the dossier in its entirety without editorializing, its presentation was fair and true, which is a requirement of the privilege.
You are completely wrong, but maybe that's what the Russia propaganda said about the results of the case.

First get your amendments right. It's the 1st amendment buddy. Second,

What the court said is "true" is that Buzzfeed had stated what the Dossier says accurately, not the the Dossier itself is true. but that is what leftwing propaganda said about the results of the case.

The Dossier is false. Because I can not be sued successfully for saying that it is therefore a fact it is false. That is your logic and it is 100% nonsense.
What the court said is "true" is that Buzzfeed had stated what the Dossier says accurately, not the the Dossier itself is true. but that is what leftwing propaganda said about the results of the case.

BuzzFeed published the dossier in its entirety without editorializing, its presentation was fair and true, which is a requirement of the privilege.

I beg to differ. If the billionaire had proof that the Dossier was false, he would easily be able to win the lawsuit...
You are completely wrong, but maybe that's what the Russia propaganda said about the results of the case.

First get your amendments right. It's the 1st amendment buddy. Second,

No you are completely WRONG! But we see that often.
They won a technicality of the law not truthfulness of the story.

Gubarev's lawyers hinted they would appeal the verdict.

"First and foremost, nothing in today’s ruling by the Court suggests in any way that the allegations concerning Mr. Gubarev, Webzilla, or XBT Holding were true. Instead, the Court ruled on a narrow legal issue, finding that Buzzfeed had a privilege to publish the information even if it was false," Gubarev's attorneys told BuzzFeed. "When we started this case, we knew that it would be a marathon and not a sprint. We remain convinced that, after appeal, this matter will be presented to a jury and that we will succeed in vindicating the Plaintiffs’ good names."

The OP is totally false and nonsensical. The court did not rule that ANYTHING Buzzfeed published is true. Rather, it ruled that Buzzfeed falls under 2A protection so even if the Dossier is 100% false Buzzfeed is not liable. Nothing else.

2A protection?
Stupid comment but good to know you know they won on a point of law not being truthful!! :doh

The Dossier is packed full of lies and we all know that.

Actually many things in the dossier have been proven true.
Stupid comment but good to know you know they won on a point of law not being truthful!! :doh

The Dossier is packed full of lies and we all know that.

No what's stupid is you sticking up for a Russian billionaire and not an AMERICAN media company that won it's lawsuit against said Russian.
I know people on the left love to use this site when referring to some right wing rag, so it must be good for others to use, no?


Overall, we rate Buzzfeed Left-Center Biased due to story selection that tends to favor the left and Mixed for factual reporting based on poor sourcing and a few failed fact checks. (6/30/2016) Updated (M. Huitsing 12/23/18)

People are right to use, "If true", particularly with Cormier saying he has not seen the actual evidence to support the story.
I know people on the left love to use this site when referring to some right wing rag, so it must be good for others to use, no?


Overall, we rate Buzzfeed Left-Center Biased due to story selection that tends to favor the left and Mixed for factual reporting based on poor sourcing and a few failed fact checks. (6/30/2016) Updated (M. Huitsing 12/23/18)

People are right to use, "If true", particularly with Cormier saying he has not seen the actual evidence to support the story.

Well in this particular case, it is said Mueller has evidence and receipts.
I beg to differ. If the billionaire had proof that the Dossier was false, he would easily be able to win the lawsuit...

That is nonsense. NOW you claiming the head of Buzzfeed is a liar because he has said that they could not verify any of the Dossier is true.

You are now defending Buzzfeed by calling the head of Buzzfeed a liar over the Dossier!
That is nonsense. NOW you claiming the head of Buzzfeed is a liar because he has said that they could not verify any of the Dossier is true.

You are now defending Buzzfeed by calling the head of Buzzfeed a liar over the Dossier!

No I never mentioned anything about the head of Buzzfeed. I don't know where you are getting your information, but you may want to actually read what he said: BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti says lawsuit over Trump dossier is an 'outrageous attempt' to silence the media
No what's stupid is you sticking up for a Russian billionaire and not an AMERICAN media company that won it's lawsuit against said Russian.

You know, NeverTrumpGOP, you admitted that you used to believe in conspiracy theories. How do you know whether or not you are falling into the same pattern of thinking that causes your mind to lock onto a predetermined conclusion and only look at evidence that verifies your claim and ignore any and all evidence to the contrary? And how do you prevent yourself from doing so?
No I never mentioned anything about the head of Buzzfeed. I don't know where you are getting your information, but you may want to actually read what he said: BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti says lawsuit over Trump dossier is an 'outrageous attempt' to silence the media

From your own link: BuzzFeed admitted when first publishing the dossier — shortly before US president Donald Trump took his oath of office in January — that the document contained a number of unverified allegations, including against members of the Russian establishment.
Well in this particular case, it is said Mueller has evidence and receipts.

Now you are claiming Buzzfeed is privy to the Mueller investigation evidence. :roll:
From your own link: BuzzFeed admitted when first publishing the dossier — shortly before US president Donald Trump took his oath of office in January — that the document contained a number of unverified allegations, including against members of the Russian establishment.

And it has stood by those allegations.
You know, NeverTrumpGOP, you admitted that you used to believe in conspiracy theories. How do you know whether or not you are falling into the same pattern of thinking that causes your mind to lock onto a predetermined conclusion and only look at evidence that verifies your claim and ignore any and all evidence to the contrary? And how do you prevent yourself from doing so?

I have no idea what this has to do with the thread, I'm saying you would need ample evidence to suggest that Buzzfeed is not credible and no one has supplied any.
People are right to use, "If true", particularly with Cormier saying he has not seen the actual evidence to support the story.

Nevertheless people should be cautious in doubting Buzzfeed's journalistic chops.

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