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Bush Waivers McCain Torture Bill (1 Viewer)



Apparently, the President added a "signature statement" to McCains torture bill that allows Bush to use executive powers to torture if he feels like it. It's sort of like - I had my fingers crossed, so it doesn't count.

Bush did this over the holiday along with making 17 recess appointees that no one is covering.

McCain & Warner are fuming.
Trajan's probably dancing in the streets. :mrgreen:

Statement here in paragragh 6
Another example of abuse of presidential power.
"In 2003, lawmakers tried to get a handle on Bush's use of signing statements by passing a Justice Department spending bill that required the department to inform Congress whenever the administration decided to ignore a legislative provision on constitutional grounds.

Bush signed the bill, but issued a statement asserting his right to ignore the notification requirement."

That is classic actually. IF congress can't control him, they should just impeach him. I mean HELLO


"To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof. "
Bush is the Torture President. It's even torture just listening to the f_cker speak!

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