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Bush rallying poll numbers (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
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Hmmm, I thought President Bush didn't pay attention to polls?

Don't believe that bullsh!t for one moment, Bush is out rallying his dismal poll numbers as we speak and he is using the hated main-stream media to get his message out! Hypocrisy? Of course it is, no one ever said Bush & Co don't know how to manipulate the media to perfection, no one except the dittoheads, extremists and the RNC that is.

So, President Bush, Rove and Co stuck their fingers in the air and all agreed, we need to shore up those record low approval ratings, let's hit the main-stream media! Let's get those soundbites out!

Yes, boys and girls, what you are all seeing on the major networks are Bush & Co and their drive-by news conference hit pieces.

Want proof? Just you watch those poll numbers go up for Bush in the next few days!


President Bush answers questions during Tuesday's news conference at the White House.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush said Tuesday that he believes the United States will succeed in Iraq, and that if he didn't believe so, he would withdraw U.S. forces.

"I'm confident, I believe, I'm optimistic we'll succeed -- if not, I'd pull our troops out," Bush said during a White House news conference.

"If I didn't believe we could succeed, I wouldn't be there. I wouldn't put those kids there. I meet with too many families who've lost a loved one to not be able to look them in the eye and say, 'We're doing the right thing,' and we are doing a right thing." (Watch what he had to say about a possible civil war -- 6:59) ...
"I can understand how Americans are worried about whether or not we can win," Bush said during Tuesday's news conference. "I think most Americans understand we need to win. But they're concerned about whether or not we can win. So one of the reasons I go around the country to Cleveland is to explain why I think we can win." ... President Bush

And there it is, proof that Bush is responding to polls.

Proof, that Bush does indeed read the newspapers. (or at least his handlers do)

Proof indeed that the Bush administration responds to the American people with the "finger"!
KidRocks said:
And there it is, proof that Bush is responding to polls.

Proof, that Bush does indeed read the newspapers. (or at least his handlers do)

Proof indeed that the Bush administration responds to the American people with the "finger"!

Of course he responds to polls. I provided examples to easy yesterday and he ignored them. :lol:

Everyone does it. For Bush to claim he doesn't do it is rather ridiculous. I certainly don't blame him for doing it--I just blame him for denying that he does it.
Of course the president would like to have the majority of Americans behind him, and he does need to explain himself more, this is the problem I have had with him, and the party. You have to keep yourself out there, keep repeating the message, continue to explain the mission, and let us all know this is not going to end tomorrow. Folks see it as arrogant, and inconsiderate, when he does not speak more about the war, and why we are still there, and that it's important that we stay until we win.

As for the polls, I don't think he ignores polls, he just thinks he must not lead by them, and Iraq is the reason the polls are way down. These guys will just not learn, you have to stay out there, you have to stay on message, and you do have to tackle the tough questions, Bush did that yesterday, he neeeds to continue to do that.
KidRocks said:
Hmmm, I thought President Bush didn't pay attention to polls?

Don't believe that bullsh!t for one moment, Bush is out rallying his dismal poll numbers as we speak and he is using the hated main-stream media to get his message out! Hypocrisy? Of course it is, no one ever said Bush & Co don't know how to manipulate the media to perfection, no one except the dittoheads, extremists and the RNC that is.

So, President Bush, Rove and Co stuck their fingers in the air and all agreed, we need to shore up those record low approval ratings, let's hit the main-stream media! Let's get those soundbites out!

Yes, boys and girls, what you are all seeing on the major networks are Bush & Co and their drive-by news conference hit pieces.

Want proof? Just you watch those poll numbers go up for Bush in the next few days!


President Bush answers questions during Tuesday's news conference at the White House.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush said Tuesday that he believes the United States will succeed in Iraq, and that if he didn't believe so, he would withdraw U.S. forces.

"I'm confident, I believe, I'm optimistic we'll succeed -- if not, I'd pull our troops out," Bush said during a White House news conference.

"If I didn't believe we could succeed, I wouldn't be there. I wouldn't put those kids there. I meet with too many families who've lost a loved one to not be able to look them in the eye and say, 'We're doing the right thing,' and we are doing a right thing." (Watch what he had to say about a possible civil war -- 6:59) ...
Bold face portion response:
What kind of statment is that? He believe in success otherwise he's withdraw?
YEah I also believe in the flying spaggetti monster too.
No one cares what you believe in, only what the facts are.
It's not you can succeed, you must succeed. You got the entire nation involved into the situation to create security, you pull out now you're helping in the creation of a sectarian authority or plumiging the region into a civil war.
Right now, failure is not an option, and pulling troops out is only going to be more catastrophic especially with an Iraqi force that needs US troop presence to maintain authority (for now). I say the only option is the unpopular one. Send in the total number of troops that Gen Shinzeki called for when questioned by the armed service commitee prior to the invasion, lock down the country, flush out the insurgents effectivly expanding the green zone to the entire country.
Yeah it's gonna be expensive, but how much more expensive do you think any other option would cost?
This was the same in Vietnam, the gradual troop presence of low numbers never rising above the actual required number.
I thought only dems were capable of Vietnam? Or so some repubs claim.
Deegan said:
Of course the president would like to have the majority of Americans behind him, and he does need to explain himself more, this is the problem I have had with him, and the party. You have to keep yourself out there, keep repeating the message, continue to explain the mission, and let us all know this is not going to end tomorrow. Folks see it as arrogant, and inconsiderate, when he does not speak more about the war, and why we are still there, and that it's important that we stay until we win.

As for the polls, I don't think he ignores polls, he just thinks he must not lead by them, and Iraq is the reason the polls are way down. These guys will just not learn, you have to stay out there, you have to stay on message, and you do have to tackle the tough questions, Bush did that yesterday, he neeeds to continue to do that.
You can repeat the same message over and over and over, which is what he's done, but it doesn't make any difference when it's BS.
How many times have we heard freedom, democracy, terrorism, Al-Qaeda, Saddam in his speeches. In fact, have we heard anything else from him except for those topics? Every day it's the fight against terror, everyday it's we're winning the war.
Funny, the facts seem quite contrary to this lame duck pres.
jfuh said:
You can repeat the same message over and over and over, which is what he's done, but it doesn't make any difference when it's BS.
How many times have we heard freedom, democracy, terrorism, Al-Qaeda, Saddam in his speeches. In fact, have we heard anything else from him except for those topics? Every day it's the fight against terror, everyday it's we're winning the war.
Funny, the facts seem quite contrary to this lame duck pres.

Exactly why he must keep repeating these things, because folks like yourself continue to suggest otherwise. It's seems to be working for you, why should he not do the same. There are many success stories in Iraq, they finally voted, they are on their way to a complete government in April(they claim anyway), they are training troops, policemen, etc, and they are now starting to act alone, without our help. They are also in a terrible situation right now, it must be hell to not know if you are going to blown up today. They must be scared to death that a brutal regime will pop up again, and it will if we leave, so that also must worry them, us leaving them behind again.

Anything worth doing, is worth doing well, we can't leave this country now, no matter how much we all want it to be over. The president must continue to speak to the people, remind them how important this mission is, and how it will affect all of us if we leave before they are ready to defend themselves. None of this is "B.S" it is a well known fact, and it's the responsibility of the president to get the job done, no matter what may have went wrong from the beginning.

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