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Bush: Less Popular Than Nixon During Watergate (1 Viewer)


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Aug 24, 2005
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Via Atrios, an American Research Group poll released today shows that George Bush has dropped to staggering new lows:

George W. Bush’s overall job approval ratings have dropped from a month ago even as Americans who approve of the way Bush is handling his job as president are turning more optimistic about their personal financial situations according to the latest survey from the American Research Group. Among all Americans, 36% approve of the way Bush is handling his job as president and 58% disapprove. When it comes to Bush’s handling of the economy, 33% approve and 62% disapprove.

Among Americans registered to vote, 38% approve of the way Bush is handling his job as president and 56% disapprove, and 36% approve of the way Bush is handling the economy and 60% disapprove.

For a little perspective, recall that Richard Nixon’s approval rating in the summer of 1973 (when the Watergate scandal was in full swing) was 39%.

Compared to Bush, that’s downright sunny.

with-out media spin...... Bush's approval would be around 1%... he only works for the wealthest people in America.
People are just more critical today. Even Bush supporters will cite disapproval because they know we can do better.

The "1%" comment means nothing to me. I voted for Bush, I'm not rich, and I listen to liberal arguments, which did not persuade me.
[mod mode]

Please let conor post hisown posts here.
It's ok to link to it and/or paraphrase it. But starting a thread with merely someone else's words is frowned upon.

This doesn't seem to be couched in the form of a debate. I'm moving it to The Basement.

Simon W. Moon
[/mod mode]
Simon W. Moon said:
[mod mode]

Please let conor post hisown posts here.
It's ok to link to it and/or paraphrase it. But starting a thread with merely someone else's words is frowned upon.

This doesn't seem to be couched in the form of a debate. I'm moving it to The Basement.

Simon W. Moon
[/mod mode]

What are you talking about?

I wasn't stopping anyone from posting here.

Someone elses words? What are you talking about? I linked to the news article.
iCANTseeBLUE said:
Via Atrios, an American Research Group poll released today shows that George Bush has dropped to staggering new lows:

George W. Bush’s overall job approval ratings have dropped from a month ago even as Americans who approve of the way Bush is handling his job as president are turning more optimistic about their personal financial situations according to the latest survey from the American Research Group. Among all Americans, 36% approve of the way Bush is handling his job as president and 58% disapprove. When it comes to Bush’s handling of the economy, 33% approve and 62% disapprove.

Among Americans registered to vote, 38% approve of the way Bush is handling his job as president and 56% disapprove, and 36% approve of the way Bush is handling the economy and 60% disapprove.

For a little perspective, recall that Richard Nixon’s approval rating in the summer of 1973 (when the Watergate scandal was in full swing) was 39%.

Compared to Bush, that’s downright sunny.


Bush has had many problems that is a cinch, BUT....do not believe that horsedump about being less popular than Nixon.

What is going on here is the medias attempt to cook polls by the way they ask poll questions etc.

It IS the MEDIA that WANTS people to believe Bush is terrible, ..& that Bush's presidency is failing.

Why do you think the democrats, & liberals were all upset about the pre-election polls in 04', & the exit polls AFTER the actual election..??

The media had many people BELIEVING that Kerry was getting the majority of all the votes in order to help the democrats. (I know...you prefer in NOT believing the media is helpful to the DNC, but they have ALWAYS been a tool for the DNC to exploit, & are basically just an extension of the democratic party) ITs NO secret that the media champions liberal, & democratic causes either!

THis is what caused such increduility, ..not because of the stupid rigged election accusations. Many of the poll takers are NOT as independent as you think, ..& many ARE biased.

They had hoped to make it "appear" by "perceptions" that Kerry was the man to beat during the election.

Bush is NOT running for anything, ..so I do not see your point, unless you think his bad poll numbers are going to give the democrats a "bounce" in 08', but it is much too early for that.

Inasmuch as Mr. Bush has come out rather badly about issues, ..mainstream republican voters are not going to rush out, & vote democrat.

THe dems have done much damage to themselves, ..& do not even realize it. It is NO secret that they, & the media have been trying to get "something" on Bush for the last couple years almost!

This shyte does NOT play well w/most people who know politics, & actually know the real facts on issues. THe dems might glean some new votes in 08', but you might not want to hold your breath.

I mean think about what many democratic supporters, & websites have said about Bush, all completely as.sinine, & just filled with hate:

1. Bush created 9/11 himself
2. BUsh is a nazi
3. Bush is a murderer
4. The Cindy Sheehan trying to smear Bush
5. Bush hates the poor, & minorities
6. Bush endorsed torture
7. villifying our own troops will hurt the dems as well, & then "pretending" to support them smacks of hypocrisy.

Personnally, ..I'am NOT trying to be political about this at all. Those are PERCEPTIONS put out by irresponsible dem party hacks, ..& played over & over by the helpful media.;)
Stu Ghatze said:
Bush has had many problems that is a cinch, BUT....do not believe that horsedump about being less popular than Nixon.

What is going on here is the medias attempt to cook polls by the way they ask poll questions etc.

It IS the MEDIA that WANTS people to believe Bush is terrible, ..& that Bush's presidency is failing.

Why do you think the democrats, & liberals were all upset about the pre-election polls in 04', & the exit polls AFTER the actual election..??

The media had many people BELIEVING that Kerry was getting the majority of all the votes in order to help the democrats. (I know...you prefer in NOT believing the media is helpful to the DNC, but they have ALWAYS been a tool for the DNC to exploit, & are basically just an extension of the democratic party) ITs NO secret that the media champions liberal, & democratic causes either!

THis is what caused such increduility, ..not because of the stupid rigged election accusations. Many of the poll takers are NOT as independent as you think, ..& many ARE biased.

They had hoped to make it "appear" by "perceptions" that Kerry was the man to beat during the election.

Bush is NOT running for anything, ..so I do not see your point, unless you think his bad poll numbers are going to give the democrats a "bounce" in 08', but it is much too early for that.

Inasmuch as Mr. Bush has come out rather badly about issues, ..mainstream republican voters are not going to rush out, & vote democrat.

THe dems have done much damage to themselves, ..& do not even realize it. It is NO secret that they, & the media have been trying to get "something" on Bush for the last couple years almost!

This shyte does NOT play well w/most people who know politics, & actually know the real facts on issues. THe dems might glean some new votes in 08', but you might not want to hold your breath.

I mean think about what many democratic supporters, & websites have said about Bush, all completely as.sinine, & just filled with hate:

1. Bush created 9/11 himself
2. BUsh is a nazi
3. Bush is a murderer
4. The Cindy Sheehan trying to smear Bush
5. Bush hates the poor, & minorities
6. Bush endorsed torture
7. villifying our own troops will hurt the dems as well, & then "pretending" to support them smacks of hypocrisy.

Personnally, ..I'am NOT trying to be political about this at all. Those are PERCEPTIONS put out by irresponsible dem party hacks, ..& played over & over by the helpful media.;)
yeah..hate...right. How lame
nefarious_plot said:
yeah..hate...right. How lame

Nefarious, ..I do not know whether you are trying to be chic about your comment, or not...but I tell you; the assault upon BUsh has been non-stop & it is filled with hate.

How in the hell can anybody say such things & actually rationalize their words. One can be constructive in their honest critiscism Of Bush, ..but my God you cannot deny such words, & they sure as hell are not said out of "love".

How about some intellectual honesty here w/ regards to hate inspired words that have been directed against Bush?;)
iCANTseeBLUE said:
What are you talking about?

I wasn't stopping anyone from posting here.

Someone elses words? What are you talking about? I linked to the news article.
It's not a news article, it's post to a blog by someone named conor.
Stu Ghatze said:
How about some intellectual honesty here w/ regards to hate inspired words that have been directed against Bush?
What are the "legitimate" criticisms of Bush?
Stu Ghatze said:
Nefarious, ..I do not know whether you are trying to be chic about your comment, or not...but I tell you; the assault upon BUsh has been non-stop & it is filled with hate.

How in the hell can anybody say such things & actually rationalize their words. One can be constructive in their honest critiscism Of Bush, ..but my God you cannot deny such words, & they sure as hell are not said out of "love".

How about some intellectual honesty here w/ regards to hate inspired words that have been directed against Bush?;)

Filed with hate my Eye. Its our right in this country to dissent against goverment.
nefarious_plot said:
Filed with hate my Eye. Its our right in this country to dissent against goverment.

Yea, it's in the constitution. You know, that thing you hate.

I got my eye on you.

Can you feel it?

It's coming.

Wait for it.

Advice: Log off forever.

Let us bow our heads and thank Vague for the basement.
nefarious_plot said:
Filed with hate my Eye. Its our right in this country to dissent against goverment.

Indeed, it is the right of any citizen to dissent!

Is it ALSO the right of the irresponsible liars, who say with a strait face Bush created 9/11, he's a murderer, he's a terrorist, he's a racist, & he hates the poor?

Liberals certainly think so...don't they?:2razz: The modern democratic party is in real trouble because MOST people have NOTHING in common with it anymore, & all it really appeals to are the : socialists, the uninformed, the haters, the entitlement mentalities, the multi-culturalists, the U.N internationalists, the blame America first nitwits, & the appeasers, & pacifists, & lastly, ..the REAL PHONEY LIBERAL DEMOCRATS in congress who are disgustingly wealthy themselves, enjoy THEIR class distinction, send their kids to private schools, live out & away in the suburbs away from the people THEY claim to love, & want to help.

They will give THEIR constituents any handout from the back pockets of the productive, ..just so they can continue getting elected, ..& they ARE the biggest hypocrites in the world, & God knows they can NEVER campaign on who they REALLY are, or WHAT they really espouse when they decide to run for president! ( sorry, ..I shouldn't invoke God in it because most democrats do not accept the god belief system anymore, as They now worship at the Darwin's evolutionary table & the secular humanist manifesto)!

The democratic party is NOTHING as it used to be decades ago, ..& that is just a fact; & those arrogant enough to believe Bush had to rig an election to win is absolutely hillarious, ..& is the epitome of self grandeur, & deliberate illusion! ;)

So, uhh..lets just cut to the chase; & there really is nothing left to debate about that. Besides, ..there are damn few democrats in power today that even have an ounce of rationality left anymore, & the ones that do are deliberatley told to shut up or simply are "silenced" by the whackos who finance, & run the democratic party!
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nefarious_plot said:
Filed with hate my Eye. Its our right in this country to dissent against goverment.

Indeed, it is the right of any citizen to dissent!

Is it ALSO the right of the irresponsible liars, who say with a strait face Bush created 9/11, he's a murderer, he's a terrorist, he's a racist, & he hates the poor?

Liberals certainly think so...don't they?:2razz: The modern democratic party is in real trouble because MOST people have NOTHING in common with it anymore, & all it really appeals to are the : socialists, the uninformed, the haters, the entitlement mentalities, the multi-culturalists, the U.N internationalists, the blame America first nitwits, & the appeasers, & pacifists, & lastly, ..the REAL PHONEY LIBERAL DEMOCRATS in congress who are disgustingly wealthy themselves, enjoy THEIR class distinction, send their kids to private schools, live out & away in the suburbs away from the people THEY claim to love, & want to help.

They will give THEIR constituents any handout from the back pockets of the productive, ..just so they can continue getting elected, ..& they ARE the biggest hypocrites in the world, & God knows they can NEVER campaign on who they REALLY are, or WHAT they really espouse when they decide to run for president!

The democratic party is NOTHING as it used to be decades ago, ..& that is just a fact; & those arrogant enough to believe Bush had to rig an election to win is absolutely hillarious, ..& is the epitome of self grandeur, & deliberate illusion! ;)

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