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Bush job approval dips again to 39% (1 Viewer)

Lefty said:

I'm thinking unless Republican's distance themselves from Bush they are going to get crushed in November.

If anything crushes them its going to be their association with the Religious Right (which anymore is about as bad as being associated with Communists), and all the scandals.

However, I have no faith at all in the Democrats. They have proved time and time again to screw up every opportunity laid before them.
oh no, at this rate he'll never get re-elected.
Lefty said:
I'm thinking unless Republican's distance themselves from Bush they are going to get crushed in November.

This will only happen if the Dems present themselves as a coherent, credible alternative to the GOP - they have to come across as somethig other than the "We hate Bush / We're not Bush!" Party.

It didnt happen in 2000, 2002, or 2004, and there's little sign of it happening in 2006.
KCConservative said:
oh no, at this rate he'll never get re-elected.

It was 51% in November 2004. Thats all that mattered.
The Real McCoy said:
I'm thinking unless Democrat's distance themselves from Dean/Kennedy they are going to get crushed in November

Let's see. Dean is the party chairman. All he does is raise money for the Democratic Party and for candidates. He seems to be doing a decent job of it. Moreover, he has helped to return the party to raising money in small donations instead of relying so much on wealthy donors. Granted Republicans do not like him, but being they are Republicans, they are not going to vote Democrat anyway. So he will have nothing to do with outcome of the elections other than raise money and his outlandish statements really bring the money in.

Being that Kennedy is to the left of at least 95% of the Democratic Party, he is not a factor in any election but his own.

The Republicans have a big problem this year. People don't like how they govern, and they are engulfed in scandal. They are corrupt, and much more so than the average politician. Moreover, they are in bed with the Religious Right, and your better off being associated with Communists than those nut jobs anymore.
SouthernDemocrat said:
Moreover, they are in bed with the Religious Right, and your better off being associated with Communists than those nut jobs anymore.

Oh, but the religious reactionaries are both powerful and numerous.

I have thought for a few months now that I have the mid-terms pegged: religious right candidates like Sam Brownback will be re-elected by the fundamentalist vote, but moderate Republicans (having lost the support of that group following missed opportunities to appease them or cozy up to them) will be left out in the rain for the Democrats to tear apart.

If this happens, it will be because of the fanaticism of the far Right. They have the will to succeed where their candidates are well and truly theirs (i.e., lack any traces of moderatism), but- having seen how favorable are candidates completely in their collective pocket- they will lose enthusiasm for the less conservative. They field their own candidates to replace these, and voila! Terrible Republican infighting. If the fundamentalists win out in the primaries, the moderates will vote for the Democrats because, as you said, the mainstream finds the fundamentalists abhorrent. If the moderates win in the early stages, the far Right will either stay home on election day or field third-party candidates, either of which would hand elections to the Democrats.

This will be the Year of the Donkey on the Politidiak, methinks.
SouthernDemocrat said:
Let's see. Dean is the party chairman.


SouthernDemocrat said:
All he does is raise money for the Democratic Party and for candidates.

He does a little more than that.

SouthernDemocrat said:
He seems to be doing a decent job of it. Moreover, he has helped to return the party to raising money in small donations instead of relying so much on wealthy donors. Granted Republicans do not like him, but being they are Republicans, they are not going to vote Democrat anyway. So he will have nothing to do with outcome of the elections other than raise money and his outlandish statements really bring the money in.

Granted, he can raise funds but his tactics are furthering the drive of the DNC to the left and disenchanting plenty of the more moderate members of the party.

SouthernDemocrat said:
Being that Kennedy is to the left of at least 95% of the Democratic Party, he is not a factor in any election but his own.

Liberals like Kerry and Kennedy represent what the modern day democratic party is becoming.

SouthernDemocrat said:
The Republicans have a big problem this year. People don't like how they govern, and they are engulfed in scandal.

Republicans are better politicians (not to be confused with better leaders) and I have no doubts that by the time November rolls around, they'll suffer very little.

SouthernDemocrat said:
They are corrupt, and much more so than the average politician.

How does being a Republican make a politician "much more" corrupt than Democratic politicians? (Other than the fact that the GOP is the majority party.)

SouthernDemocrat said:
Moreover, they are in bed with the Religious Right, and your better off being associated with Communists than those nut jobs anymore.

The religious right is an enormous voting bloc that Bush wisely targeted in 04.
The Real McCoy said:

He does a little more than that.

Granted, he can raise funds but his tactics are furthering the drive of the DNC to the left and disenchanting plenty of the more moderate members of the party.

Liberals like Kerry and Kennedy represent what the modern day democratic party is becoming.

Republicans are better politicians (not to be confused with better leaders) and I have no doubts that by the time November rolls around, they'll suffer very little.

How does being a Republican make a politician "much more" corrupt than Democratic politicians? (Other than the fact that the GOP is the majority party.)

The religious right is an enormous voting bloc that Bush wisely targeted in 04.

The religious right is no bigger of a Voting Block today than it was 10 years ago. In 1996, the religious right represented 20% of the voters. In 2004, 20% of the voters. The problem is, they the more vocal they are, the more they scare the other 80%.

Dean is a pro-gun rights moderate in the party. His rhetoric maybe off the wall, but thats only to raise money. He had more support among Republicans in Vermont than Democrats.

Kennedy could never get elected anywhere outside of Massachusetts. The Dem's are by and large ran by the DLC. The DLC is hardly a liberal organization.

Republicans have won over the last 10 years on wedge issues. The party platform is basically Guns, Gays, and God. However, they do nothing at all for those who elect them. When they get into office is nothing but K-Street all the way.
I started a thread like this and it was sent to the basement. Interesting.
Billo_Really said:
I started a thread like this and it was sent to the basement. Interesting.
Maybe it had too many F words.
Originally Posted by KCConservative
Maybe it had too many F words.
Funny, I don't think I used the word fool once.

What's worse, profanity or someone that makes excuses for a liar that cost the lives of over 2000 American GI's?
Billo_Really said:
someone that makes excuses for a liar that cost the lives of over 2000 American GI's?
Jealous, partisan, opinionated, hate-filled rhetoric. But I understand. The president and I ask for God's blessing upon the brave men and women who serve our country, even if you don't.
Originally posted by KCConservative:
Jealous, partisan, opinionated, hate-filled rhetoric. But I understand. The president and I ask for God's blessing upon the brave men and women who serve our country, even if you don't.
How did I know you would make some lame ass excuse not to answer the question? So your for the killing of GI's and innocent Iraqis? Beautiful.
Billo_Really said:
How did I know you would make some lame ass excuse not to answer the question? So your for the killing of GI's and innocent Iraqis? Beautiful.
Show me the quote of me saying that, bill.
Originally posted by KCConservative:
Show me the quote of me saying that, bill.
For the former, I can't because you haven't answer my question. I can't show you your quote that you refused to answer. For the latter, I can't because it is merely conjecture on my part.
Billo_Really said:
For the former, I can't because you haven't answer my question. I can't show you your quote that you refused to answer. For the latter, I can't because it is merely conjecture on my part.
In other words, you made it up. I never said it. You lied.
Originally posted by KCConservative:
In other words, you made it up. I never said it. You lied.
Those are you words, not mine. I said, "conjecture", look it up,
it doesn't mean lie.
Originally posted by KCConservative:
The president and I ask for God's blessing upon the brave men and women who serve our country, even if you don't.
You want God's blessing to kill people? This right there tells me you don't have a clue as to what God is all about. Remember the Commandments? Thou shall not kill. It doesn't say Thou shall not kill (unless their Iraqis). Your statement is out there.
It says "murder" not "kill." Several wars in the Old Testament were supposedly sanctioned by God. You two should just get married already! :2razz:
It is my opinion.....that ANYONE who uses "God" to justify a war.....has lost credibility. Just as someone doing the same in court to defend against a murder charge is more likely to plead insanity....so does the label fit a leader claiming God's support for War. Just consider the Logic of it all...or lack of it.
tecoyah said:
It is my opinion.....that ANYONE who uses "God" to justify a war.....has lost credibility. Just as someone doing the same in court to defend against a murder charge is more likely to plead insanity....so does the label fit a leader claiming God's support for War. Just consider the Logic of it all...or lack of it.
I agree, just wanted to point out that using "thou shalt not kill" to argue against war is futile.
Yeah considering god was all for the genecide of foreign races in the Old Testament as the Jews fought over the "promised land". God does seem a very warlike figure in the old testament. I'm kinda surprised that God and jesus got along. The Conservative father and the Liberal Son. Holy Spirit in the Green Party anyone???

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