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Bush has Appeased His Enemies Too Long (1 Viewer)

Nov 9, 2005
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So Much for Compassionate Conservatism!
Bush has Appeased His Enemies Too Long

Written by JB Williams

The title compassionate conservative might have helped Bush get elected, but trying to live up to that title has him spending like a drunken Kennedy and appeasing enemies like a hang-nail Purple Heart Kerry having a morning latte with the Viet Cong in Paris.

We are the land of the free… but only because we are the home of the brave and the tireless.
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KCConservative said:
So Much for Compassionate Conservatism!
Bush has Appeased His Enemies Too Long

Written by JB Williams

The title compassionate conservative might have helped Bush get elected, but trying to live up to that title has him spending like a drunken Kennedy and appeasing enemies like a hang-nail Purple Heart Kerry having a morning latte with the Viet Cong in Paris.

When it comes to fighting our nation’s foreign enemies, Bush has proven to be a formidable foe capable of far more than just tough talk. But in the face of relentless attacks from his enemies here within, he has proven to be about as tough as Jimmy Carter, (no graphic expletive needed).

That is funny considering Bush and his attack machine have taken the art of the offensive campaign to new levels.

He has pandered to the electorate with his tax cuts and took us from a surplus budget to 40% ($2.4 trillion) more in debt. He, at best, misused the intellegence and misrepresented the case for going to the war in Iraq. Unlike Reagan, his hero, Bush is too arrogant to admit mistates and change course to address either of these problems. He can try to take action; but even his own party will no longer unflaggingly support his failed policies.

To your quotes I'll add another one, appropriate to Bush, IMO:

"You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time." Abraham Lincoln.
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Simon W. Moon said:
Please do not post entire articles.
The proper format is to paraphrase the contents of an article and/or post relevant excerpts.

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8. Copyrighted Material - All material posted from copyrighted material MUST contain a link to the original work.
Please do not post entire articles. Proper format is to paraphrase the contents of an article and/or post relevant excerpts and then link to the rest.
Best bet is to always reference the original source.
Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107 http://www4.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.html

This is the second time that this rule has been brought to your attention. Please read and review all DP Rules. Feel free to ask any mod for clarifications as needed.

There was a link, until someone took it away. Where is the link I provided?
Here it is again.


The title compassionate conservative might have helped Bush get elected, but trying to live up to that title has him spending like a drunken Kennedy and appeasing enemies like a hang-nail Purple Heart Kerry having a morning latte with the Viet Cong in Paris.

When it comes to fighting our nation’s foreign enemies, Bush has proven to be a formidable foe capable of far more than just tough talk. But in the face of relentless attacks from his enemies here within, he has proven to be about as tough as Jimmy Carter, (no graphic expletive needed).
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