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Bush Begins 5-Day Push to Defend Iraq War (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
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CRAWFORD, Texas - With anti-war protesters continuing their vigil outside
President Bush's ranch, the commander in chief began a five-day push Saturday to tell Americans why he thinks U.S. troops must continue the fight in

"Our troops know that they're fighting in Iraq,
Afghanistan, and elsewhere to protect their fellow Americans from a savage enemy," the president said in the recorded broadcast.

"They know that if we do not confront these evil men abroad, we will have to face them one day in our own cities and streets, and they know that the safety and security of every American is at stake in this war, and they know we will prevail."

Bush is making a sell to a skeptical public. According to recent polls, a majority of Americans do not approve of his handling of the war.

"We need a strategy to win in Iraq or an exit strategy to leave," former Sen. Max Cleland of Georgia said in the Democratic radio address. "The present course will lead us to disaster. More of the same just means more precious blood spilled in the desert."

Although he didn't mention him specifically, Bush spoke of the soldiers who have died. "We offer their families our heartfelt condolences and prayers," he said.

"Now we must finish the task that our troops have given their lives for and honor their sacrifice by completing their mission," he said. "We can be confident in the ultimate triumph of our cause, because we know that freedom is the future of every nation and that the side of freedom is the side of victory."

The protesters at "Camp Casey" can claim some victory for forcing Bush to talk so extensively about the military deaths when he'd rather focus on indictors of progress in Iraq. The campers' call to bring the troops home now dominated news coverage out of Crawford this week while Bush stayed on his ranch with no public events.

As he has before when he has been challenged, Bush invoked the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in his radio address.

"On that day, we learned that vast oceans and friendly neighbors no longer protect us from those who wish to harm our people," he said. "And since that day, we have taken the fight to the enemy."

In the Democratic address, Cleland also brought up the Sept. 11 attacks — to remind Americans that al-Qaida terror group leader
Osama bin Laden has yet to be captured.

"We're spreading the hope of freedom across the broader Middle East," Bush said. "By advancing the cause of liberty in a troubled region, we are bringing security to our own citizens and laying the foundations of peace for our children and grandchildren."
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What do you mean by a 5 day push? Besides the fact, does it really count as vacation if you have reporters and Anti-War protesters constantly bothering him. So now I poke at the TV personalities of the news, and say this "Since when did yelling protesters and having TV interviews be considered vacation!" :2wave: WARNING: THIS FEAT MAY INVOVLE YOU TO PUT YOURSELF IN SOMEONE ELESES SHOES! :mrgreen:
stsburns said:
What do you mean by a 5 day push? Besides the fact, does it really count as vacation if you have reporters and Anti-War protesters constantly bothering him. So now I poke at the TV personalities of the news, and say this "Since when did yelling protesters and having TV interviews be considered vacation!" :2wave: WARNING: THIS FEAT MAY INVOVLE YOU TO PUT YOURSELF IN SOMEONE ELESES SHOES! :mrgreen:

Apparently, that little televised speech Bush had not too long ago went under the radar with some people...
You may have to ask yourself why Bush is having a vacation and bike rides while Americans are dying in his war? Did Roosevelt take a month long vacationduring WW2? Its not a very good example of what a war leader is.
The Iraq war must be a piece of cake.:roll:
GarzaUK said:
You may have to ask yourself why Bush is having a vacation and bike rides while Americans are dying in his war? Did Roosevelt take a month long vacationduring WW2? Its not a very good example of what a war leader is.
The Iraq war must be a piece of cake.:roll:

He is on a "working" vacation....His ranch in Crawford is like a Southern White House...I wouldn't be surprised if he gets more done in a comfortable environment than he does in Washington.
cnredd said:
He is on a "working" vacation....His ranch in Crawford is like a Southern White House...I wouldn't be surprised if he gets more done in a comfortable environment than he does in Washington.

I don't think I'd call it "comfortable" environment, #1 It's in Texas and #2 there's about some hundred protestors screaming all die.. you might get a break when they go to light up Mary Jane
stsburns said:
What do you mean by a 5 day push? Besides the fact, does it really count as vacation if you have reporters and Anti-War protesters constantly bothering him. So now I poke at the TV personalities of the news, and say this "Since when did yelling protesters and having TV interviews be considered vacation!" :2wave: WARNING: THIS FEAT MAY INVOVLE YOU TO PUT YOURSELF IN SOMEONE ELESES SHOES! :mrgreen:
I didn't write the article...;)
Arch Enemy said:
I don't think I'd call it "comfortable" environment, #1 It's in Texas and #2 there's about some hundred protestors screaming all die.. you might get a break when they go to light up Mary Jane

It's a ranch...I would assume there's a ton of land between the actual housing and where the protesters are.

Nice shot at Texas, though:smile:...Is that a personal thing?
cnredd said:
It's a ranch...I would assume there's a ton of land between the actual housing and where the protesters are.

Nice shot at Texas, though:smile:...Is that a personal thing?

I don't know many Texans personally, but the ones I have met are stubborn "Everthing is bigger in Texas" jerks. Get this, my brother went to Italy with his Latin Club and a group from Texas came with them. This one guy, standing in the middle of the Colliseum said "did them mexicans build this too? They've been building good texas buildings every where". This guy also critized the Italians just because they're not from Texas. If my brother didn't want to go home early, he would have knocked the living crap outta that guy.
Arch Enemy said:
I don't know many Texans personally, but the ones I have met are stubborn "Everthing is bigger in Texas" jerks. Get this, my brother went to Italy with his Latin Club and a group from Texas came with them. This one guy, standing in the middle of the Colliseum said "did them mexicans build this too? They've been building good texas buildings every where". This guy also critized the Italians just because they're not from Texas. If my brother didn't want to go home early, he would have knocked the living crap outta that guy.


I don't know much about Texas, but I've lived in Philly all of my life, so I am required by city law to hate Dallas. E-A-G-L-E-S...EAGLES!:2wave:

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Simon W. Moon
GarzaUK said:
You may have to ask yourself why Bush is having a vacation and bike rides while Americans are dying in his war? Did Roosevelt take a month long vacationduring WW2? Its not a very good example of what a war leader is.
The Iraq war must be a piece of cake.:roll:

Bush owns a home. Since when were Presidents required to give up thier homes? It is absurd this assertion the left is making that he is not "working", do you really fall for it.

And yes every President took time away from the White House, Roosevelt spent a lot of time down in Warm Springs GA.
Omg, is this what the latest left-wingers argument is? the amount of time the president spends on vacation?

Whats next? A argument on whether or not the president ate crispy creme donuts on lent?

My God my God these people have been consumed by there own intiquities.
Stinger said:
Bush owns a home. Since when were Presidents required to give up thier homes? It is absurd this assertion the left is making that he is not "working", do you really fall for it.
I say let him stay in Crawford! No need to come back to DC. The more he's on vacation the less trouble we can get into.

I also have not seen "the left" say that he's not working? I guess it's possible but I think most people on "the left" have more important things to think about than Bush and his recreational use of chain saws.

Stay in Crawford Karl! I think I read that Hillary and her decorator visited the White House last week to take some measurements. :mrgreen:

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