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Bush administration silences leading climatologist at NASA (1 Viewer)


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Dec 10, 2005
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The head climatologist at NASA's Goodard earth research institute says Bush administrations censored out his research involving global warming.
Well once again more proof that this government really doesn't care about environment and only pays lip service. I believe that this is the true reason why the administration does not support Kyoto protocols, because they are in the money pockets of Detroit and the oil companies. How pathetic, can we please stop this corruption? Burying our heads in the ground or shutting our ears out to the facts will not make global warming, a very serious problem go away. It needs to be addressed now, the sooner the better.
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jfuh said:
The head climatologist at NASA's Goodard earth research institute says Bush administrations censored out his research involving global warming.
Well once again more proof that this government really doesn't care about environment and only pays lip service. I believe that this is the true reason why the administration does not support Kyoto protocols, because they are in the money pockets of Detroit and the oil companies. How pathetic, can we please stop this corruption? Burying our heads in the ground or shutting our ears out to the facts will not make global warming, a very serious problem go away. It needs to be addressed now, the sooner the better.

jfuh, I saw that too in the New York Times yesterday. I am utterly disgusted! Did you see the part that said that Dr. Hansen was told that there would be "dire consequences" if he continued to inform everyone that 2005 was the warmest year in a century? What the f**k is that? There would be "dire consequences" if he shared scientific findings? What kind of country do we live in? :censored

aps said:
jfuh, I saw that too in the New York Times yesterday. I am utterly disgusted! Did you see the part that said that Dr. Hansen was told that there would be "dire consequences" if he continued to inform everyone that 2005 was the warmest year in a century? What the f**k is that? There would be "dire consequences" if he shared scientific findings? What kind of country do we live in? :censored

A country where seeking re-election through your base, that is those who pay for you to get in office, is more important than anything scientific.
Oh wait let me rephrase myself.
"You're either with us, or against us"....... Thus the "dire consequences" because let's face it, presenting evidence against what the adminstration is propaganding is essentially against them, and since we're at war with terrorists well then you are a threat to national security because you are presenting "terrorising" evidence.
jfuh said:
A country where seeking re-election through your base, that is those who pay for you to get in office, is more important than anything scientific.
Oh wait let me rephrase myself.
"You're either with us, or against us"....... Thus the "dire consequences" because let's face it, presenting evidence against what the adminstration is propaganding is essentially against them, and since we're at war with terrorists well then you are a threat to national security because you are presenting "terrorising" evidence.

So true! BUT, the evangelicals have now come out in favor of the environment. They see the earth as being a symbol of "God." Thus, I would like to think that they would be up in arms about this, but who knows.

Did you ever hear about this?

Former White House Climate Change Official May Have Violated Federal Law Say Lawmakers

WASHINGTON, DC -- After reviewing federal statutes that prohibit obstruction of Congress and false statements, United States Senators Frank R. Lautenberg (D-NJ) and Harry S. Reid (D-NV) asked the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to determine the legality of actions taken by a former top Bush administration official who altered government scientific reports on global warming.

A former lobbyist for the American Petroleum Institute (API), Philip Cooney, was hired by President Bush as Chief of Staff of the White House's Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) in 2001. He recently resigned his post to join ExxonMobil Corporation. . . .


I thought that Bush and his people were going to restore honesty and integrity to the White House. NOT!
2007 is going to be a VERY BUSY year for the courts......but, I am sure John Stewart is drooling in his sleep.
aps said:
So true! BUT, the evangelicals have now come out in favor of the environment. They see the earth as being a symbol of "God." Thus, I would like to think that they would be up in arms about this, but who knows.

Did you ever hear about this?
Yes I read about it in the NY Timess. Literal Evangelicals referring to the Book of Genesis of how God instructed Adam to tend to the garden of eden - Earth.
But I was really reffering to the "Big Oil" companies. Bush has to take really good care of that base, which is why Exxon has reported the largest profit of any US company in a year in the history of the US. Link
Katrina my ass

aps said:
I thought that Bush and his people were going to restore honesty and integrity to the White House. NOT!
You mean they didn't? I thought that leaking undercover CIA ops names, quieting dessenting scientists, launching warrentless eavesdropping on domestic US citizens and buddying up with lavish golf trips to Scotland were honest? No? Well the wistleblowers are more honest.
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Woo hoo! And a republican senator is challenging the silencing of a NASA scientist! Let freedom ring!!!

Lawmaker Condemns NASA Over Scientist's Accusations of Censorship

The chairman of the House Science Committee sharply criticized NASA yesterday after the agency's top climate scientist and several public affairs officers complained of political pressure intended to prevent public discussions of global warming.

"Good science cannot long persist in an atmosphere of intimidation," the chairman, Representative Sherwood Boehlert, Republican of New York, said in a letter to NASA's administrator, Michael D. Griffin. . . .


Apparently, he has asked NASA to respond to the charges.
aps said:
Woo hoo! And a republican senator is challenging the silencing of a NASA scientist! Let freedom ring!!!

Apparently, he has asked NASA to respond to the charges.
You have to admit, there are some good republican senators just as there are some croked democrats as well.
The real question is just how far are they willing to persue this issue.
If they did they're all idiots. Aren't there any advisers or anything at the white house? How can you make sure that a story gets even more attention... lets try to censor it! Idiots...
jfuh, I'm bummed. The evangelicals will not be taking a stand against global warming..... :(

Evangelicals Will Not Take Stand on Global Warming

By Alan Cooperman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, February 2, 2006; Page A08

The National Association of Evangelicals said yesterday that it has been unable to reach a consensus on global climate change and will not take a stand on the issue, disappointing environmentalists who had hoped that evangelical Christians would prod the Bush administration to soften its position on global warming. . . .

aps said:
jfuh, I'm bummed. The evangelicals will not be taking a stand against global warming..... :(
Why am I not surprised? Cowards.
:doh I wish I had a time machine big enough to take the whole freakin' U.S. back in time!

This has been debated for YEARS. People on both sides of the aisle have claimed the thousands of Global Warming Nostradomas' were all crack pots. Most of these politicians have switched sides back and forth numerous times. Addressing the problem would cause BILLIONS of dollars and cosyt many people their jobs, effecting the economy. The reason we didn't sign the Kyoto Accords was because the technological advances/changes required regarding the emmission restrictions, for instance, of factories/companies would have cause 'economic hardship' on companies and cost people their jobs....so we push it down the road.

This should be no surprise to anyone. The silencing and discrediting scientist over global warming has been going on long before Bush was voted in, all in the name of the almighty dollar and business!
easyt65 said:
:doh I wish I had a time machine big enough to take the whole freakin' U.S. back in time!

This has been debated for YEARS. People on both sides of the aisle have claimed the thousands of Global Warming Nostradomas' were all crack pots. Most of these politicians have switched sides back and forth numerous times. Addressing the problem would cause BILLIONS of dollars and cosyt many people their jobs, effecting the economy. The reason we didn't sign the Kyoto Accords was because the technological advances/changes required regarding the emmission restrictions, for instance, of factories/companies would have cause 'economic hardship' on companies and cost people their jobs....so we push it down the road.

This should be no surprise to anyone. The silencing and discrediting scientist over global warming has been going on long before Bush was voted in, all in the name of the almighty dollar and business!
In the infamous words of Daffy Duck, dispicable.
-Demosthenes- said:
If they did they're all idiots. Aren't there any advisers or anything at the white house? How can you make sure that a story gets even more attention... lets try to censor it! Idiots...[/QUOTE

Either they are all idiots, or the scientist has no descency. Read the article and take a look at his picture.
justone said:
-Demosthenes- said:
If they did they're all idiots. Aren't there any advisers or anything at the white house? How can you make sure that a story gets even more attention... lets try to censor it! Idiots...[/QUOTE

Either they are all idiots, or the scientist has no descency. Read the article and take a look at his picture.

I don't see what you're saying, did I miss something?
justone said:
-Demosthenes- said:
If they did they're all idiots. Aren't there any advisers or anything at the white house? How can you make sure that a story gets even more attention... lets try to censor it! Idiots...[/QUOTE

Either they are all idiots, or the scientist has no descency. Read the article and take a look at his picture.
What does the scientists picture have to do with anything?
Not to mention, the scientist has no descency? where did that come from?
-Demosthenes- said:
I don't see what you're saying, did I miss something?

jfuh said:
What does the scientists picture have to do with anything?
Not to mention, the scientist has no descency? where did that come from?

Hey guys. Something is definitely off here, if you know what I mean. :lol:
Woo hoo! I am thrilled this is getting some good attention!

NASA Chief Backs Agency Openness

A week after NASA's top climate scientist complained that the space agency's public-affairs office was trying to silence his statements on global warming, the agency's administrator, Michael D. Griffin, issued a sharply worded statement yesterday calling for "scientific openness" throughout the agency. . .

The statement came six days after The New York Times quoted the scientist, James E. Hansen, as saying he was threatened with "dire consequences" if he continued to call for prompt action to limit emissions of heat-trapping gases linked to global warming. He and intermediaries in the agency's 350-member public-affairs staff said the warnings came from White House appointees in NASA headquarters.

Other National Aeronautics and Space Administration scientists and public-affairs employees came forward this week to say that beyond Dr. Hansen's case, there were several other instances in which political appointees had sought to control the flow of scientific information from the agency.

They called or e-mailed The Times and sent documents showing that news releases were delayed or altered to mesh with Bush administration policies.

In October, for example, George Deutsch, a presidential appointee in NASA headquarters, told a Web designer working for the agency to add the word "theory" after every mention of the Big Bang, according to an e-mail message from Mr. Deutsch that another NASA employee forwarded to The Times.

And in December 2004, a scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory complained to the agency that he had been pressured to say in a news release that his oceanic research would help advance the administration's goal of space exploration. . . .


tsk tsk
jfuh said:
justone said:
What does the scientists picture have to do with anything?
Not to mention, the scientist has no descency? where did that come from?
I am sorry for mistyping.
Picture has nothing to do with anything I just like it. I did not mean to say that the scientist has no descency -I am sorry for mistyping- and I did not say so. I just answered to the previous poster and I suggested that he had the logical choice in his post - either "they all are idiots!!!" or the scientist has no descency - one of twothings. If he thinks they all (Bush, his government, NASA) are idiots I would not argue - why would I be arguing?
justone said:
jfuh said:
I am sorry for mistyping.
Picture has nothing to do with anything I just like it. I did not mean to say that the scientist has no descency -I am sorry for mistyping- and I did not say so. I just answered to the previous poster and I suggested that he had the logical choice in his post - either "they all are idiots!!!" or the scientist has no descency - one of twothings. If he thinks they all (Bush, his government, NASA) are idiots I would not argue - why would I be arguing?
All good, was just confusing, but now cleared up.

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