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BREAKING : "US warship USS McCampbell challenges Russia claims in Sea of Japan" (1 Viewer)


Since when was the Sea of Japan considered part of Europe. There is already a thread about this in the Asia section of International Politics.



Since when was the Sea of Japan considered part of Europe. There is already a thread about this in the Asia section of International Politics.


i do agree Muscovy has nothing to do with Europe, its afro- asia. why Muscovite call themselves Russians (rus´ was a European term ) ? why they don't like their real name mongols juchi ?
kuzya its your chance LOL))

kuzya its your chance LOL))


Do not mock the deadliest aircraft carrier known to man, all it needs to do it sail into the middle of a us carrier fleet and wipe it out with carbon monoxide poisoning, no us carrier or any other in the world holds that capability!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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