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BREAKING : Germany pledges €1 billion for Ukraine as Germans redefine pacifism (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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BREAKING : Germany pledges €1 billion for Ukraine as Germans redefine pacifism

many of us were so frustrating to see that the G. government has been hesitating even though German people are extremely pro Ukrainian. Finally!!!

Litwin, that's incredible! I was one of those who thought Ukraine would probably be overrun in about three days. Boy, was I--and most of the rest of the world--wrong!
Litwin, that's incredible! I was one of those who thought Ukraine would probably be overrun in about three days. Boy, was I--and most of the rest of the world--wrong!
unfortunately the westren analytics have been moscow centrated , I always wrote here that Moscow is a PAPER TIGER

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