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Bowe Bergdahl, once missing U.S. soldier, charged with desertion (1 Viewer)

It was expected... I'm just having fun pointing out his dishonesty.

Your meltdowns are pretty funny. You still avoided showing any evidence for your claims. If you posted it, show the post #? ;)
I agree with you also... Deserter or not, the government needed to bring back home, even if it was to face charges.

I just disagree with what the president gave up to bring him home.

Agreed. It was a bad deal.... and one that wasn't passed by Congress either but done on his own. That gives me pause given other "deals" that are in play right now with ME countries.
If you actually got that from my post, you're really proving you don't read posts.

I don't think you know what that means but here is the full story which you purposely omitted because it doesn't fit your narrative:

A Timeline of Bergdahl's Army Service, Potential Charges - ABC News

That's from 2010 MMC, it was in a widely available news source and this is how Republicans responded for 3 years:

Lol, wait did you actually post who this report was aired by? Of course you didn't because it was an anonymous source so any question about the report's validity is in question. However, let's say for argument's sake you're right and this was a well known fact since 2010. Were all of these Republicans lying too for 4 years? Or only the Obama administration? ;) C'man MMC, be honest and tell us who was lying and who wasn't?

Nah I didn't purposely Omit anything :mrgreen: .....the point was the Pentagon conducted the investigation in 2010. Nor was the point on what their conclusion was. Other than Bergdahl left his unit. Also Note those references at the Bottom of the page. I did say Wikipedia. Which also shows the dates when the videos come out and when BO started negotiating with the Taliban in and going back to 2009. Wherein The Taliban wanted 21 released and a million dollars. You didn't want to say the Repubs were in on any contact did you? Maybe Hagel, huh? :lol:

Contacts by Taliban
On July 18, 2009, the Taliban released a video showing the captured Bergdahl.....snip~

In December 2009, five months after Bergdahl's disappearance, the media arm of the Taliban released a video of "a U.S. soldier captured in Afghanistan" titled "One of Their People Testified". The Taliban did not name the American, but the only U.S. soldier known to be in captivity was Bergdahl. U.S. military officials had been searching for Bergdahl, but it was not publicly known whether he was being held in Afghanistan or in neighboring Pakistan, an area off-limits to U.S. forces based in Afghanistan.[42] On December 25, another video was released showing Bergdahl in a combat uniform and helmet.[43][44][45] He described his place of birth, deployment to Afghanistan and subsequent capture, and made several statements regarding his humane treatment by his captors, contrasting this to the abuses suffered by insurgents in prisons. He finished by saying that the United States should not be involved in Afghanistan and that its presence there is akin to the Vietnam War.

The Taliban originally demanded $1 million[46] and the release of 21 Afghan prisoners and Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani scientist convicted in a U.S. court on charges of attempted murder of U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan. Most of the Afghan prisoners sought were being held at Guantanamo Bay.[47][48] The Taliban later reduced its demand to six Taliban prisoners in exchange for Bergdahl's release.[49] After Taliban commander Awal Gul died of a heart attack on February 2, 2011, the demand was reduced to five Taliban prisoners.[50].....snip~

Bowe Bergdahl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here is the full timeline. You don't think they missed anything do you? :lol:

National Security
Bowe Bergdahl timeline in Afghanistan: From capture to release

Bowe Bergdahl timeline in Afghanistan: From capture to release - The Washington Post
Nah I didn't purposely Omit anything :mrgreen: .....the point was the Pentagon conducted the investigation in 2010. Nor was the point on what their conclusion was. Other than Bergdahl left his unit. Also Note those references at the Bottom of the page. I did say Wikipedia. Which also shows the dates when the videos come out and when BO started negotiating with the Taliban in and going back to 2009. Wherein The Taliban wanted 21 released and a million dollars. You didn't want to say the Repubs were in on any contact did you? Maybe Hagel, huh? :lol:

I think it's clear that you refuse to acknowledge what is obvious and what your own sources show which is why you cited that snip without actually using the rest of the article. If the findings of the report have been out since 2010 what does that make everyone who repeated the claims of the administration in spite of what has - PER YOUR POST - been known since 2010? Liars and flip floppers, truth tellers? If it's liars and flip floppers then you are consistent with the timeline which states that this was all known since 2010 as per your own post. If they were deceived, then you have to believe that they didn't have access to the AP or knew anything about what you claim was a fact reported by the MSM since 2010. So which is it? I can wait all day. :)
Nah I didn't purposely Omit anything :mrgreen: .....the point was the Pentagon conducted the investigation in 2010. Nor was the point on what their conclusion was. Other than Bergdahl left his unit. Also Note those references at the Bottom of the page. I did say Wikipedia. Which also shows the dates when the videos come out and when BO started negotiating with the Taliban in and going back to 2009. Wherein The Taliban wanted 21 released and a million dollars. You didn't want to say the Repubs were in on any contact did you? Maybe Hagel, huh? :lol:

Contacts by Taliban
On July 18, 2009, the Taliban released a video showing the captured Bergdahl.....snip~

In December 2009, five months after Bergdahl's disappearance, the media arm of the Taliban released a video of "a U.S. soldier captured in Afghanistan" titled "One of Their People Testified". The Taliban did not name the American, but the only U.S. soldier known to be in captivity was Bergdahl. U.S. military officials had been searching for Bergdahl, but it was not publicly known whether he was being held in Afghanistan or in neighboring Pakistan, an area off-limits to U.S. forces based in Afghanistan.[42] On December 25, another video was released showing Bergdahl in a combat uniform and helmet.[43][44][45] He described his place of birth, deployment to Afghanistan and subsequent capture, and made several statements regarding his humane treatment by his captors, contrasting this to the abuses suffered by insurgents in prisons. He finished by saying that the United States should not be involved in Afghanistan and that its presence there is akin to the Vietnam War.

The Taliban originally demanded $1 million[46] and the release of 21 Afghan prisoners and Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani scientist convicted in a U.S. court on charges of attempted murder of U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan. Most of the Afghan prisoners sought were being held at Guantanamo Bay.[47][48] The Taliban later reduced its demand to six Taliban prisoners in exchange for Bergdahl's release.[49] After Taliban commander Awal Gul died of a heart attack on February 2, 2011, the demand was reduced to five Taliban prisoners.[50].....snip~

Bowe Bergdahl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here is the full timeline. You don't think they missed anything do you? :lol:

National Security
Bowe Bergdahl timeline in Afghanistan: From capture to release

Bowe Bergdahl timeline in Afghanistan: From capture to release - The Washington Post

Greetings, MMC. :2wave:

Thanks for keeping us updated on the background on this case - many people, me included, were not aware of much of this information. All we knew was that he apparently deliberately made the decision to walk away from his post, which apparently is the truth. It will remain to be seen how this will be handled by all concerned.
It's fair to state Bergdahl is facing prison time, for how long is to be determined.
Nothing can change the feckless actions this administration took for his release. Releasing five top Taliban terrorists without even notifying Congress is as about as feckless as it gets. Reports are now coming out that three of the five have been getting in contact with their previous terrorist networks. Sen. Ayotte of New Hampshire wrote a letter to the Defense Secretary asking that these men not be allowed released from custody in Qatar June 1. She expressed she did not feel this administration was doing all it could to protect our servicemen.

Senator: Pentagon must watch Taliban swapped for Bergdahl :: WRAL.com

The Rose Garden press conference with Bergdahl's parents, Susan Rice's comments and even Hillary Clinton is on tape claiming the Taliban 5 were not a threat.

sssssiiiiiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhhh. 592 days till the next election.
Greetings, MMC. :2wave:

Thanks for keeping us updated on the background on this case - many people, me included, were not aware of much of this information. All we knew was that he apparently deliberately made the decision to walk away from his post, which apparently is the truth. It will remain to be seen how this will be handled by all concerned.

No matter how different our views are, I love how nice you are to everyone. <3
No matter how different our views are, I love how nice you are to everyone. <3

Greetings, Hatuey. :2wave:

Thank you! :thumbs: What a kind thing to say! You have no idea how much I needed that today. *BIG HUG!*
I think it's clear that you refuse to acknowledge what is obvious and what your own sources show which is why you cited that snip without actually using the rest of the article. If the findings of the report have been out since 2010 what does that make everyone who repeated the claims of the administration in spite of what has - PER YOUR POST - been known since 2010? Liars and flip floppers, truth tellers? If it's liars and flip floppers then you are consistent with the timeline which states that this was all known since 2010 as per your own post. If they were deceived, then you have to believe that they didn't have access to the AP or knew anything about what you claim was a fact reported by the MSM since 2010. So which is it? I can wait all day. :)

Yeah I know what you are trying to say oh and there is no need to wait all day. I don't lean left......so I went back to the beginning, where no Repubs had anything to say. Just BO and his Team and where all that lying and being a Hypocrite started.

Back to the Repubs doing the same thing as the Demos. Again.....then if it we are looking at Morality and who is truly in the Right. Then it goes back to the ideologies.....and who would sell out the country first. Of course all know that tilts left.
Yeah I know what you are trying to say oh and there is no need to wait all day. I don't lean left......so I went back to the beginning, where no Repubs had anything to say.

Lmao, the report came 1 year after his disappearance and FOR YEARS people repeated the same lies. In spite of the fact that, as per the report your cited, the truth had LONG been out. So was everyone else also lying? C'man MMC. Answer the question. :)
It's fair to state Bergdahl is facing prison time, for how long is to be determined.
Nothing can change the feckless actions this administration took for his release. Releasing five top Taliban terrorists without even notifying Congress is as about as feckless as it gets. Reports are now coming out that three of the five have been getting in contact with their previous terrorist networks. Sen. Ayotte of New Hampshire wrote a letter to the Defense Secretary asking that these men not be allowed released from custody in Qatar June 1. She expressed she did not feel this administration was doing all it could to protect our servicemen.

Senator: Pentagon must watch Taliban swapped for Bergdahl :: WRAL.com

The Rose Garden press conference with Bergdahl's parents, Susan Rice's comments and even Hillary Clinton is on tape claiming the Taliban 5 were not a threat.

sssssiiiiiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhhh. 592 days till the next election.

Mornin Vee.
Well we also know BO was in touch with the Taliban going back to 2009. Negotiating with them long before any Pentagon Investigation comes around, and before June of 2014 when the US decides to look into the case. Lets not forget BO was looking to pull out of Afghanistan and was hoping the Taliban would come to talks in the Office BO gave the Taliban in Qatar.
Lmao, the report came 1 year after his disappearance and FOR YEARS people repeated the same lies. In spite of the fact that, as per the report your cited, the truth had LONG been out. So was everyone else also lying? C'man MMC. Answer the question. :)

Still can't pick up on the part when the Repubs weren't in on anything, huh? Did you want to post any Demos quotes and what they were saying to? So you can see their change up?
Mornin Vee.
Well we also know BO was in touch with the Taliban going back to 2009. Negotiating with them long before any Pentagon Investigation comes around, and before June of 2014 when the US decides to look into the case. Lets not forget BO was looking to pull out of Afghanistan and was hoping the Taliban would come to talks in the Office BO gave the Taliban in Qatar.
Do you remember when the State Dept started a smear campaign against those in Bergdahl's unit that came out publically and called him a deserter?
Now it appears BO has extended our soldiers stay in Afghanistan due to the up rise in terrorism after releasing five terrorists the Taliban personally requested for Bergdahl. Where I come from we call that "sh*t for brains".
I was listening to these legal eagles and they don't think we will see Bergdahl go to trial until after Obama leaves office.
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Bergdahl should also be charged for the deaths of the 6 soldiers who died looking for his sorry ass.
You still avoided showing any evidence for your claims. If you posted it, show the post #? ;)

You attaked republicans on page 1, implying that they supported Obama bringing him home and then turned around and attacked Obama for bringing him home after he did so.

That is false and misleading. That's like telling your co-worker to pick you up a chicken sandwich when he goes out to lunch and you'll pay him for it when he gets back, then after eating it you ask him how much you owe him for it, and he hands you the receipt and you discover he payed $38.00 for it at some 5 star restaurant.

It wasn't Obama bringing him home that was objected to, it was what he gave up to do so. Republicans supported bringing him home, but based on why he was captured, the cost of looking for him, and what the president gave the enemy in trade for his release, many including myself felt that Obama gave up far too much for a soldier who abandoned his unit and sought out the enemy.

Your attack was pure partisan BS... You know it, I know it and everyone on this forum who isn't drunk on progressive Kool-aid knows it.
You attaked republicans on page 1, implying that they supported Obama bringing him home and then turned around and attacked Obama for bringing him home after he did so.

Only that's exactly what they did as already proven by MMC. Remember these facts were known in 2010 and were published by the mainstream media, the quotes I posted were from 2011, 2013 and 2014.
Only that's exactly what they did as already proven by MMC. Remember these facts were known in 2010 and were published by the mainstream media, the quotes I posted were from 2011, 2013 and 2014.

I've addressed this before, back when the trade happened... But since you insist on trying to justify your lie, could you please provide a quote from Sarah Palin, Allen West, John McCain, or any other republicans you listed quotes from on page 1, that were made after the trade that support your assertion that their opposition was to Bergdahl being brought home, as opposed to the deal that Obama made to do so?

Being the honest person I am, if you can do that, I will apologize and retract what I said... If not, well...
I've addressed this before, back when the trade happened..

Sure, find the post, and while you're at it, can you show us the evidence I asked for earlier? It's the least you can do before demanding others prove you wrong (and don't worry), I can.

Who was it now that exchanged 5 terrorist for a deserter. An who was it that told us that Bergdahl served with honor? What a pair of idiots. And these are the two people that once again lied to the American people. And all the comments that followed that you posted was based on the lie of the most dumbass person on this planet, your Susan Rice who is directed by Obama the other idiot.
Who was it now that exchanged 5 terrorist for a deserter. An who was it that told us that Bergdahl served with honor? What a pair of idiots. And these are the two people that once again lied to the American people. And all the comments that followed that you posted was based on the lie of the most dumbass person on this planet, your Susan Rice who is directed by Obama the other idiot.

Your feelings are great, but asking questions answered throughout the thread just makes you look silly. :)
Bowe Bergdahl, once missing U.S. soldier, charged with desertion - The Washington Post

The two charges news conference is going on now. No discussion about the 2014 investigation will be discussed to keep impartiality during the USMCJ. An article 32 preliminary hearing (like a Grand Jury hearing) will be coming. IF found guilty on both charges, a maximum incarceration of life in prison could be levied. No death penalty was discussed so that is not an option according to the press conference.

This is quite a difference and contrast from Susan Rice, National Security Adviser saying Bergdahl “served the United States with honor and distinction.”

Obama traded 5 terrorist leaders and 6 marines for his miserable SOB that will soon be hanging from a rope.

And the left can't understand why rational people don't trust the dumb SOB Obama on the Iran nuke deal?
Your feelings are great, but asking questions answered throughout the thread just makes you look silly. :)

Yeah well posting republican comments that were based on Obama and Susan Rice's first comments was silly. It is Obama and his administration who are the fools.
Yeah well posting republican comments that were based on Obama and Susan Rice's first comments was silly.

Only that's not even close to what happened here. In case you didn't read the thread, I suggest you do. It'll stop you from looking silly.

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