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'Boogaloo Bois' charged with attempting to support Hamas (1 Viewer)


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Feb 12, 2013
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Looks like the marriage between the Far Right and Muslim Extremists is nearly complete.

Two self-proclaimed members of 'Boogaloo Bois' charged with attempting to support Hamas - CNNPolitics

Two self-proclaimed members of the "Boogaloo Bois" were arrested by federal agents after allegedly conspiring and attempting to become "assets" to a foreign terrorist organization that shared their "anti-US government views," the Justice Department announced on Friday.

Michael Robert Solomon and Benjamin Ryan Teeter were taken into custody on Thursday and will be held pending a formal detention hearing on Wednesday in US District Court in Minneapolis.

Nice guys.
Sounds serious. Should I lock my doors?
This is supposed to be a white supremacist group? These guys, according to the article, wanted to kill white supremacists. If this article is even close to accurate the these guys seem to have pretty much the same goals as Antifa.
This is supposed to be a white supremacist group? These guys, according to the article, wanted to kill white supremacists. If this article is even close to accurate the these guys seem to have pretty much the same goals as Antifa.

Shh..we're only two comments away from tying this into Trump..
This is supposed to be a white supremacist group? These guys, according to the article, wanted to kill white supremacists. If this article is even close to accurate the these guys seem to have pretty much the same goals as Antifa.

Wouldn't be the first time some Nazi group did a deed to try pinning it on the anti-fascists.
Wouldn't be the first time some Nazi group did a deed to try pinning it on the anti-fascists.

Solomon is a common given name and surname derived from Aramaic (Classical Syriac: ܫܠܝܡܘܢ‎ Šleimon); Sol as a given name is usually a form of "Solomon". Its Aramaic form, Shlomo is related to the Hebrew word shalom ("peace"); and is often chosen in part as a reference to King Solomon mentioned in the Hebrew Bible.

Solomon (name) - Wikipedia

Ok boomer
Solomon is a common given name and surname derived from Aramaic (Classical Syriac: ܫܠܝܡܘܢ‎ Šleimon); Sol as a given name is usually a form of "Solomon". Its Aramaic form, Shlomo is related to the Hebrew word shalom ("peace"); and is often chosen in part as a reference to King Solomon mentioned in the Hebrew Bible.

Solomon (name) - Wikipedia

Ok boomer

"Da Jooos!"
"Boogaloo Bois" are not in any sense a "far right" movement. They're basically left-libertarians.

Yeah, just like the Far Right Nazis were really liberal socialists. :roll:
Yeah, just like the Far Right Nazis were really liberal socialists. :roll:

It is not my fault that you do not know what you are talking about.

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