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BOMBSHELL: Ford Lied Under Oath About 'Never' Coaching Others On How To Take A Polygraph, Per Ex (1 Viewer)

You failed to indicate where and when she lied in her testimony. Who exactly asked her if she had ever prepped another person on how to pass a lie detector test?

Do your own research. She was asked, and denied, if she had ever helped someone with a polygraph... replied "NEVER", twice.
What the prosecutor had was a letter from an old Ford boyfriend which is now being refuted.

By whom? Let's see the refutation...or is that ANOTHER Liespeak tactic, like repeating the lie that "Kavanaugh lied", while failing to produce a SINGLE CASE where that was true?

It's from a guy who LIVED WITH HER, when this happened, and he named names, places and times.

Let's see the LINK to your claim.
We know the polygraph test was a fraud because only 2 questions were asked. That is not normal polygraph procedure. We also know Dr. Ford lied about exploring polygraph tests plus she literally wrote a paper on how a person can self convince themselves of false stories.

Dr. Ford is a perjurer and a fraud.

Apparently you no nothing about polygraphs, two questions is standard procedure for a victim.
Apparently you no nothing about polygraphs, two questions is standard procedure for a victim.

Irrelevant to her LYING , UNDER OATH TWICE, about teaching people how to pass them.
McLean denies she was coached by Ford thus refuting the boyfriend's claim.

How did he even know she was taking a polygraph?

Let's see the LINK...and not from "VOX"...or "DailyKos"...or "Huffblos".
How did he even know she was taking a polygraph?

Let's see the LINK...and not from "VOX"...or "DailyKos"...or "Huffblos".

How do we know he knew anything?
It's been in the chamber since 2012, when Ford was afraid Romney might beat Obama and nominate Kavannaugh to the Court. I'll give her a little credit though for thinking about the possibility that Republicans could actually win. Many on the left were so arrogant they never seemed to even consider the possibility that Republicans could even win, even though voters had already kicked out over 1000 Democrats and replaced them with Republicans.

I find it telling that Ford got her accusation (at least one version of it) documented in 2012, and then let it go dormant until...drumroll, please...2018! When Trump nominated Kavanaugh.
How do we know he knew anything?

My God this board is full of denny dimwits. Ford's legal team released the statement from McLean. Try to keep up if you are going to blather continually from your keyboard.
How do we know he knew anything?


Are you now trying to claims that McLean DID NOT TAKE A POLYGRAPH when he says she did?


Common sense + linear thought+ logical deduction. Try it.

I'm sure no one besides me has noticed your CONTINUING FAILURE to produce the link to your claims.
I find it telling that Ford got her accusation (at least one version of it) documented in 2012, and then let it go dormant until...drumroll, please...2018! When Trump nominated Kavanaugh.

Just a "coincidence", I'm sure....
Just a "coincidence", I'm sure....

Of course not at all;) Apparently, SCOTUS was Ford's red line. Not the Bush WH. Not a Federal (and pretty much lifetime, also) appointment to the D.C. Circuit. No. Her red line was SCOTUS.
Ford got her accusation on record and then chambered it. If Hillary had won, you better believe we'd never be able to pick Dr. Ford out of a lineup.
Do your own research. She was asked, and denied, if she had ever helped someone with a polygraph... replied "NEVER", twice.

Well throwing around theories about how to beat a polygraph is not helping someone beat one.
Well, well, well....looks like MORE HOLES in Blasey-Ford's SWORN TESTIMONY have been revealed, in addition to her swearing she went to a NON-EXISTENT Safeway "after the attack", which took place WHEN and WHERE she "can't remember" .

"What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive" :

BOMBSHELL: Ford Lied Under Oath About 'Never' Coaching Others On How To Take A Polygraph, Per Ex-Boyfriend

A new letter, released by Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA), states that a former boyfriend of Christine Blasey Ford says that he personally witnessed her coaching someone on how to take a polygraph test, despite the fact that she testified under oath that she had never done so.

"The full details of Dr. Ford's polygraph are particularly important because the Senate Judiciary Committee has received a sworn statement from a longtime boyfriend of Dr. Ford's, stating that he personally witnessed Dr. Ford coaching a friend on polygraph examinations," Grassley wrote.

Ford's ex-boyfriend said in his letter that Ford coached Monica L. McLean on how to pass a polygraph test, saying that she "explained in detail what to expect" during the polygraph and how to be "less nervous" about the test.

During some of the time we were dating, Dr. Ford lived with Monica L. McLean, who I understood to be her life-long best friend,” Ford's ex-boyfriend wrote in the letter. "During that time, it was my understanding that McLean was interviewing for jobs with the FBI and U.S. Attorney’s Office."



Further links:

Christine Blasey Ford ex-boyfriend says she helped friend prep for potential polygraph; Grassley sounds alarm



You guys need to quit relying on Fox news for information you jumped the gun once again


I have NEVER had Christine Blasey Ford, or anybody else, prepare me, or provide any other type of assistance whatsoever in connection with any polygraph exam I have taken at any time,” McLean said in the statement relayed by attorneys Michael Bromwich and Debra Katz.
I find it telling that Ford got her accusation (at least one version of it) documented in 2012, and then let it go dormant until...drumroll, please...2018! When Trump nominated Kavanaugh.

I find it very telling that you consider your CT so telling...
Well throwing around theories about how to beat a polygraph is not helping someone beat one.

Your theories are irrelevant to her LYING UNDER OATH about it.

Are you now trying to claims that McLean DID NOT TAKE A POLYGRAPH when he says she did?


Common sense + linear thought+ logical deduction. Try it.

I'm sure no one besides me has noticed your CONTINUING FAILURE to produce the link to your claims.

"I witnessed Dr. Ford help [Monica L.] McLean prepare for a potential polygraph exam" and that Ford had "explained in detail what to expect, how polygraphs worked and helped [her] become familiar and less nervous about the exam," using her background in psychology.

It appears Ford was explaining to McLean how being nervous could bias the results, not how to beat the test. I would have expected something suggesting Ford had advised McLean how to beat a polygraph test. I don't see that and the boyfriend did not say that about the "potential polygraph exam". The use of the term potential polygraph exam suggests there was no specific polygraph test under discussion. Nor does the boyfriend mention any dates relative to any potential polygraph exam only claiming that he dated Dr Ford from 1992-1998. She did not receive her doctorate until 1996. So what polygraph test are you referring to Mr Ex-Boyfriend and when did this "discussion" about a "potential polygraph test" occur?

Notice also, (when you find it) that McLean is making a straight up denial in rebuttal to the boyfriend's claim, not one of these "I don't remember" rebuttals.
Ford is full of it. Just another liberal shill. If you've seen accounts from the women abused by Weinstein and Cosby, they know dates, times, places, an array of intimate details and their stories do not change. Ford cannot remember anything, what she claims to remember has been rebutted by others and she's changed her story a couple times. She has no credibility whatever. So, she's either lying or has some serious mental disorder.
"I witnessed Dr. Ford help [Monica L.] McLean prepare for a potential polygraph exam" and that Ford had "explained in detail what to expect, how polygraphs worked and helped [her] become familiar and less nervous about the exam," using her background in psychology.

It appears Ford was explaining to McLean how being nervous could bias the results, not how to beat the test. I would have expected something suggesting Ford had advised McLean how to beat a polygraph test. I don't see that and the boyfriend did not say that about the "potential polygraph exam". The use of the term potential polygraph exam suggests there was no specific polygraph test under discussion. Nor does the boyfriend mention any dates relative to any potential polygraph exam only claiming that he dated Dr Ford from 1992-1998. She did not receive her doctorate until 1996. So what polygraph test are you referring to Mr Ex-Boyfriend and when did this "discussion" about a "potential polygraph test" occur?

Notice also, (when you find it) that McLean is making a straight up denial in rebuttal to the boyfriend's claim, not one of these "I don't remember" rebuttals.


No amount of "dancing" can make this go away...just like the NON-EXISTENT SAFEWAY store...she's BUSTED.
You're coming off sounding pretty partisan yourself. If your ready to condemn Kavanagh for not recollecting things from his past accurately you should be equally concerned with hers as well.

I am open to the possibility that a person could not remember something from decades ago and innocently give a false answer. The only flag it raises for me is that it is an example that she is familiar with polygraphs. She might be able to manipulate the results if she desired to.

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So you believed her polygraph before this?
Nope. The entire charade has been a FARCE FROM THE START , as the facts are revealing...

The real farce is that you even care if Brett was ever a sexual predator and a drunk or not. Like Trump said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave. and you would still support him.

No amount of "dancing" can make this go away...just like the NON-EXISTENT SAFEWAY store...she's BUSTED.

Who's dancing. This is what Ford was asked:
“ever given tips or advice to somebody who was looking to take a polygraph test.”

She answered, “Never.”

McLean says: “I have never had Christine Blasey Ford, or anybody else, prepare me, or provide any other type of assistance whatsoever in connection with any polygraph exam I have taken at any time,”

Nothing definitive can be drawn from the boyfriends comments. Again, I fail to see why he would use the term "potential polygraph exam" if he knew of a specific instance. Friends are not allowed to talk to friends? Sounds like "if anything", the boyfriend heard an informal discussion as opposed to advice from a trained psychiatric expert.

Again McLean has made a straight up rebuttal as opposed to an "i don't remember" claim.
Who's dancing. This is what Ford was asked:
“ever given tips or advice to somebody who was looking to take a polygraph test.”

She answered, “Never.”

McLean says: “I have never had Christine Blasey Ford, or anybody else, prepare me, or provide any other type of assistance whatsoever in connection with any polygraph exam I have taken at any time,”

Nothing definitive can be drawn from the boyfriends comments. Again, I fail to see why he would use the term "potential polygraph exam" if he knew of a specific instance. Friends are not allowed to talk to friends? Sounds like "if anything", the boyfriend heard an informal discussion as opposed to advice from a trained psychiatric expert.

Again McLean has made a straight up rebuttal as opposed to an "i don't remember" claim.

It's pretty obvious that her ex was coached to write that lie. Many here would say anything to get Brett confirmed. They have no compunctions about lying either.

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