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Bombing in London (1 Viewer)


Joe ohhnoo

Bombing in London ? Islam is coming, with a new sword, called “Big Bang”
At the time when one can observe that humanity ( in west ) is approaching to the gate way of love, peace and forgiveness and realizing their oneness, the evil of Islam, a religion planted 1400 ago by the devil ( Alien) is rising to stop the enlightenment of the masses and drag them down to the darkness and past. It is interesting as we become passive towards aggression and become more loving, devil is getting angrier and will use the opportunity to hit us hard. Like 1400 in old Persia, and start another slavery of the earth for another 1400 years? It is a sensitive time, a time for balance and wisdom. Being loving but firm and practical.
I am a born Muslim and I confess that, there is no intelligent MUSLIM. Because a human in this century should be absolutely dumb to believe in Islam. Islam is religion of devil, and Mohamad is the devil prophet. To observe this fact you need to remember that: God is love, Fear of god is a crime against love. when and if you leave your fear behind then read the Koran, it makes you throw up. Islamic ideology is so vicious and dirty, if and when one believe in it, he is ignorant and vicious even if one has ten university degrees. Muslim means ignorant and devil worshiper... A religion which is all about killing has nothing to do to god of love. The reason for misery in Muslim country is not west or east, it is their worship of a evil philosophy. I need to remind you that sophism and other mystic religion are ancient Persian mysticism path which had to pretend in being Islamic, to survive, their beauty is from old Persian philosophy and they have hardly any thing in common with vicious Koran and Mohamad’s nightmares.
After I watched latest changes in Iranian government, take over of the Parliament and presidency, specially forced election of a terrorist as new president, I expected the new killing and bombing to restart in the world. Mr. Khameneie coop to purify his surrounding from opponents and possible whistle blowers and replacing them with hard liners who can kill human faster than wild hungry cats and a gang of ignorant who think they need to kill the opponents to protect their powerful ( weak ?) God And their evil prophet. In Iran some people call the new government as the government of revenge, and known to be here to clear all of the opponents of Islam from all over the world.
Can western politician understand or match Iranian mullahs in trickery and deception? Iranian mullahs are more vicious and complicated than any human alive ( proof is the last 26 vicious years). The Mullahs survived For the last 1400 without ever working by trickery and deception in the name of their prophet and by learning how to control people and money supply by deception in name of their worthless god. Islam believers are deep in the darkness. Unfortunately college education and even, living in the western countries could not open their Muslim frightened conscious to the light , truth, and oneness of humanity. It is so because MOHAMAD words in koran, in the name of his god take all securities away from the followers and therefore remove possibility of thinking away from them. According to koran ( Mohamad) the god is always watching and is aware of everything and he is vicious in his punishments. These repeated threats can and has caused survival of this evil religion. If Muslim take one hour of their time , remove all their false pride, and all their fear of god then fill themselves with belief in love and brotherhood with whole humanity , and then read their holy book, they will end up throwing it as a worthless piece of junk in the trash. The only thing the college degree gave to educated muslim is more false pride and belief that they as muslim are the best thing which has happened to humanity, therefore as their prophet has requested, the whole humanity will join them in their dark path towards ignorance and pain or they all deserve to be burned.. Fear that Mohamad has injected in his followers made them blind to the truth and love and un-curable and even death won’t accept them. They do not understand that fear of god is one of the biggest crime against God and his kingdom, and fear is opposite of love and it is only used by evil mind who likes to control others ( like Mohamad and friends).
Mullahs have been causing chaos in the world for 26 years without being caught. It is very interesting that rich smart Iranian religious leaders are using their money to hire arabic terrorists ( indirectly) to bomb and destroy in the name of Islam and hate but even the individual terrorist does not know his employer is Iranian government. Therefore even if the whole group is arrested no one knows the real force behind the scene and there is not even one Iranian in whole operation.. Most of the money in the hand of terrorist comes from Khameneie ( head of Iranian government) through some trusted channel but even the head of terror organization does not know and does not care where the money is coming from.
Iranian people are wiser than rest of middle east although they are trapped by an Islamic government. What makes me more worried is people in Pakistan, which are more religious and are deeper in the Islamic ignorance and darkness. Muslim should know that the cause of their misery is not the east or the west, it is the philosophy they believe in, they are worshiping devil and devil only bring darkness and pain, please do not try to spread it to the rest of the world. Best example is Iranian people who always were rich and powerful until evil of Mohamad hit them and his ignorance consume their conscious and fear of god made them blind to the truth.

Are we heading towards a possible atomic wars?
I wish there was no ignorance, no weapons, no aggression no war, but... And I know the solution is education but Is there opportunity for that?... Islam is the devil religion and it is rising and looking for blood and death.... Although all the Muslims misery is caused by their belief in evil Islam but... They only point at others as its cause... and other’s destruction as the solution.
If the whole world ( including Russia and China ) do not take drastic measure in removal of trouble makers with any price specifically the pride and joy of hateful Islamic movement, Iranian religious government, I need to say that, Unfortunately we are heading to a atomic war. Even if the whole western world leave middle east and its oil for ever, Muslim viciousness would not end, Mohamad the evil is arabs pride and joy, The whole world should join his dark and forceful belief or whole world should say good bye. China and Russia may think they are safe by befriending them but... Evil knows no friend and their turn will come a bit later.
Muslim have upper hand in their possible attack and destruction for the following reasons

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