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Body Armor Headed to Iraq (1 Viewer)

Nov 9, 2005
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Wonderful news! Our brave military needs and deserves the best.

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Army, under pressure to issue more protective gear to soldiers in Iraq, has signed a $70 million emergency contract to rush ceramic body armor to the front lines.
The sole-source contract, with California-based Ceradyne Inc., was approved last week and announced Friday. It comes on the heels of a Pentagon study that found that side armor could have saved dozens of U.S. lives in Iraq.
The Army is planning to buy 230,000 sets of the ceramic side plates. Army spokesman Paul Boyce said that one company will not be able to deliver that order in the time required, so additional vendors are being sought through an open-bid process.
“Our goal is to continue providing the American soldier with the best, most protective body armor in the world,” Boyce said. “We are working with soldiers, commanders, the medical community and industry to continue these improvements while ensuring the safety of our soldiers.”

Finally, after sending an undermanned force into the Middle East the very least we can do is give them adequate supplies.
KCConservative said:
Wonderful news! Our brave military needs and deserves the best.

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Army, under pressure to issue more protective gear to soldiers in Iraq, has signed a $70 million emergency contract to rush ceramic body armor to the front lines.
The sole-source contract, with California-based Ceradyne Inc., was approved last week and announced Friday. It comes on the heels of a Pentagon study that found that side armor could have saved dozens of U.S. lives in Iraq.
The Army is planning to buy 230,000 sets of the ceramic side plates. Army spokesman Paul Boyce said that one company will not be able to deliver that order in the time required, so additional vendors are being sought through an open-bid process.
“Our goal is to continue providing the American soldier with the best, most protective body armor in the world,” Boyce said. “We are working with soldiers, commanders, the medical community and industry to continue these improvements while ensuring the safety of our soldiers.”


Keep in mind that no Marines in Iraq are without SAPI Plates. Why are the controversies, lack of equipment, and innacurate reports always something we see from the Army?
It's about time. Maybe they shouldn't have tried to pork-barrel ANWR the last time a defense spending bill was issued. :shock:

GySgt said:
Keep in mind that no Marines in Iraq are without SAPI Plates. Why are the controversies, lack of equipment, and innacurate reports always something we see from the Army?
Well, that's the Army. Marines don't need body armor, Marines ARE body armor!
According to USA Today this morning the fact is new armour has been in development and testing and is now ready and being produced. Reading the story it seems the military is doing what it can to supply the best armour as quickly as possible. Of course it also points out that too much armour can be just as dangerous as too little.
KCConservative said:
Wonderful news! Our brave military needs and deserves the best.

WASHINGTON — The U.S. Army, under pressure to issue more protective gear to soldiers in Iraq, has signed a $70 million emergency contract to rush ceramic body armor to the front lines.
The sole-source contract, with California-based Ceradyne Inc., was approved last week and announced Friday. It comes on the heels of a Pentagon study that found that side armor could have saved dozens of U.S. lives in Iraq.
The Army is planning to buy 230,000 sets of the ceramic side plates. Army spokesman Paul Boyce said that one company will not be able to deliver that order in the time required, so additional vendors are being sought through an open-bid process.
“Our goal is to continue providing the American soldier with the best, most protective body armor in the world,” Boyce said. “We are working with soldiers, commanders, the medical community and industry to continue these improvements while ensuring the safety of our soldiers.”

And we all know who DIDN'T VOTE on this action the first DM time! If you want the results from your favorite celebrity Politician, I will happy too look up their vote on the bill!

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