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Bloomberg plans to spend $100M in Florida in support of Biden. (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 3, 2016
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Bloomberg plans to spend $100M to support Biden in Florida.

Will it help beat The Trumpet?

Surely it wont hurt. Good choice as well to pick Florida. I wonder how The Trumpet is gonna react to this. Especially after it has been widely published that he has lost a lot of donors and grabbed significantly less money than Biden in recent months.

Incorrect title... It's mini mike... If you want to get an idea of what states Trump's internal polling is showing he is losing, just look where he is holding rallies and tweeting about...

Screen Shot 2020-09-13 at 8.54.18 AM.jpg
Bloomberg plans to spend $100M to support Biden in Florida.

Will it help beat The Trumpet?

Surely it wont hurt. Good choice as well to pick Florida. I wonder how The Trumpet is gonna react to this. Especially after it has been widely published that he has lost a lot of donors and grabbed significantly less money than Biden in recent months.


Here is the article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opin...sary-shows-how/#click=https://t.co/plkNGFGhBR

If DT loses FL, there is little avenue to victory.
He is terrified...
Screen Shot 2020-09-13 at 9.07.17 AM.jpg
Bloomberg plans to spend $100M to support Biden in Florida.

Will it help beat The Trumpet?

Surely it wont hurt. Good choice as well to pick Florida. I wonder how The Trumpet is gonna react to this. Especially after it has been widely published that he has lost a lot of donors and grabbed significantly less money than Biden in recent months.


Money is effective if you spend it well.


Trump's tweet does point out that spending money doesn't always get you results; Bloomberg's recent campaign run is a good example of that. Of course you need money to run an effective campaign, but having the right candidate greatly improves your odds.
Incorrect title... It's mini mike... If you want to get an idea of what states Trump's internal polling is showing he is losing, just look where he is holding rallies and tweeting about...

View attachment 67295129

Hi BlueTex,

Mini Mike... First time I heard this. :lamo

But the very fact that The Trumpet responds to the news and tries to little him by calling him Mini Mike already shows he feels pissed of, threatened and uncomfortable.

Hopefully he uses some of that cash to highlight Trump's 'defund Social Security' plan to Floridians.
Hi BlueTex,

Mini Mike... First time I heard this. :lamo

But the very fact that The Trumpet responds to the news and tries to little him by calling him Mini Mike already shows he feels pissed of, threatened and uncomfortable.


He has already responded twice this morning about Bloomberg...
The reason why Florida is so important (besides its obvious whopping 29 EC votes) is because if its early counting and reporting system. If Florida comes in for Biden, then there's a good chance we're spared further months of Trump claiming the vote was rigged as we slowly see absentee ballots get tabulated.

I'm getting my info from episode 30 of The Lincoln Project, "Explained: Vote Counting & The Election Results Delay." Good listen.

Explained: Vote Counting & The Election Results Delay - The Lincoln Project
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I wonder if Trump knows what Bloomberg's outdated "stuff" actual is since he couldn't find the "best words" to describe what he's talking about.

He wouldn't have a clue... :2razz:
The reason why Florida is so important (besides its obvious whopping 29 EC votes) is because if its early counting and reporting system. If Florida comes in for Biden, then there's a good chance we're spared further months of Trump claiming the vote was rigged as we slowly see absentee ballots get tabulated.

Florida sends ballots to military and overseas voters in 6 days and to Florida residents on the 24th...
I wonder if Trump knows what Bloomberg's outdated "stuff" actual is since he couldn't find the "best words" to describe what he's talking about.

Hi ElChupacabra,

I think he is jealous that Bloomberg has more money.

Florida sends ballots to military and overseas voters in 6 days and to Florida residents on the 24th...

Just woke up. Was that additive of my post, refuting it or agreeing with it?

Bloomberg systems are the most advanced in the industry and are upgraded as new tech is available. That's why he was able to make billions legitimately, unlike the guy who is Tweeting against him, who made his money scamming people.
The reason why Florida is so important (besides its obvious whopping 29 EC votes) is because if its early counting and reporting system. If Florida comes in for Biden, then there's a good chance we're spared further months of Trump claiming the vote was rigged as we slowly see absentee ballots get tabulated.

Hey Cardinal,

I think you know I am not American. Can you explain a little bit more about how this works in Florida, I have never heard of that. Are you saying that the votes are counted as they come in for all to see?

And as far as The Trumpet keeping his mouth shut, I think you know full well that he is incapable of that, right? But it would not carry much meaning anymore than for sure.

Just woke up. Was that additive of my post, refuting it or agreeing with it?

Totally agreeing... Just pointing out that many, many will have voted before Nov 3rd... There is very little time for last minute heroics to save his campaign...
Hey Cardinal,

I think you know I am not American. Can you explain a little bit more about how this works in Florida, I have never heard of that. Are you saying that the votes are counted as they come in for all to see?

And as far as The Trumpet keeping his mouth shut, I think you know full well that he is incapable of that, right? But it would not carry much meaning anymore than for sure.


See edit.

Also, I'm not suggesting that he won't claim rigging anyway, but there is a very specific scenario that Biden getting Florida avoids. The podcast I linked to goes into detail on that.
See edit.

Also, I'm not suggesting that he won't claim rigging anyway, but there is a very specific scenario that Biden getting Florida avoids. The podcast I linked to goes into detail on that.

Thanks a lot Cardinal. Listening as I speak (Write...)

Bloomberg plans to spend $100M to support Biden in Florida.

Will it help beat The Trumpet?

Surely it wont hurt. Good choice as well to pick Florida. I wonder how The Trumpet is gonna react to this. Especially after it has been widely published that he has lost a lot of donors and grabbed significantly less money than Biden in recent months.


That being done exponentially due to a credible pol that found a significant
amount of support for Trump by southern Floridians,especially former Cubans.
Because the last thing a Cuban living in florida wants is a version of what Fidel
heaped upon Cuba.Once a great place to vacation and gamble.
So let the Rich little jew who says he owns only 2 pair of shoes support Biden.
I mean he could have used that $ 100 Million to build a shoe factory in Miami.
Instead of backing Rich Slow Joe using China on his way to becoming a Multi-Multi Millionaire.
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It sort of scares me that anyone could be swayed by an ad at this point. I mean, ****.
It sort of scares me that anyone could be swayed by an ad at this point. I mean, ****.

Nancy Pelosi { Current day Marie Antoinette } alone could make for a resurgence in
Political Ad departments.Where healthy and sane Ad Men { Mad Men } could boost their
career personifying her utter shaming of America.No finer portrait of the Democrat Party than\
San Fran Nan { Today's Marie Antoinette }.
Trust me.

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