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Blame them homersexewels (1 Viewer)

Naughty Nurse

DP Veteran
Feb 5, 2005
Reaction score
The UK
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Apparently it was because of us nasty perverts, and God did smite them!

look here


BUT - does the (alleged) great Christian god really do such dreadful things?
...yet Las Vegas is fine. Hrrmm.

Here's an idea for Big Brother:

Get as many religious fundamentalists from all sorts of faiths and denominations (rabid athiests included), and put them all together in the house, with lots of sharp things. :lol:
Here's another idea.

Let's have New Orleans be repopulated by the people who think that the hurricanes are from punishment from God. If they are right, the NO should be safe from any further hurricanes, right?
Apparently Nurse, you haven't been to the French Quarter!
This means that God officially loves titties and beer. Otherwise he would have struck closer to Mardi Gras.

Laisser les bons temps rouler!!
mixedmedia said:
This means that God officially loves titties and beer. Otherwise he would have struck closer to Mardi Gras.

Laisser les bons temps rouler!!

You mean God is a lesbian?
Naughty Nurse said:
You mean God is a lesbian?


No God loves everybody.

Except for male homosexuals who don't have their own tv show.
"Why do birds suddenly appear everytime you turn queer"
My new words to the famous song!
Last edited:
Androvski said:
"Why do birds suddenly appear everytime you turn queer"
My new words to the famous song!


How about the Welsh version of that old Aznavore classic:

Sheep may be the face I can't forget ...
Naughty Nurse said:

How about the Welsh version of that old Aznavore classic:

Sheep may be the face I can't forget ...

:lol: That's BAAD:lol:
Slightly off topic song lyrics

Bon Jovi (Bad Medicine)

You're love makes me take medicine,
Take medicine so I can pee... Ohohoh

(sorry, couldn't resist)

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