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Blacks Are Systemic Racists (1 Viewer)

Moderate Right

DP Veteran
Oct 21, 2015
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Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
BLM and the left have either demanded or even succeeded in forcing out the following black systemic racists from their respective positions:

Rochester Police Chief La’Ron Singletary

Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren

Dallas police chief’s U. Reneé Hall

Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best

Let's not forget that protesters killed black retired St. Louis police Captain David Dorn for being a systemic racist

How many more blacks working in important positions are systemic racists?
:popcorn2: (This thread has disaster written all over it, even the title of the thread suggests this.)
BLM and the left have either demanded or even succeeded in forcing out the following black systemic racists from their respective positions:

Rochester Police Chief La’Ron Singletary

Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren

Dallas police chief’s U. Reneé Hall

Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best

Let's not forget that protesters killed black retired St. Louis police Captain David Dorn for being a systemic racist

How many more blacks working in important positions are systemic racists?

My understanding is they left because the city made demands on them that made policing impractical. So why stick around and be blamed for the failure engineered by others?
My understanding is they left because the city made demands on them that made policing impractical. So why stick around and be blamed for the failure engineered by others?

In many of these cases, BLM and the left demanded their resignations. These black Police chiefs and mayors are responsible for their systemic racism.
:popcorn2: (This thread has disaster written all over it, even the title of the thread suggests this.)

BLM and the left have demanded that these black systemic racists must go, even if they have to kill them.
:popcorn2: (This thread has disaster written all over it, even the title of the thread suggests this.)

Maybe, but I think ol' Mod may have used up all his shock factor. The edge tends to dull, when that's all you use. :lol:
BLM and the left have either demanded or even succeeded in forcing out the following black systemic racists from their respective positions:

Rochester Police Chief La’Ron Singletary

Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren

Dallas police chief’s U. Reneé Hall

Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best

Let's not forget that protesters killed black retired St. Louis police Captain David Dorn for being a systemic racist

How many more blacks working in important positions are systemic racists?

UTTER IGNORANCE. Can you explain how those without power, can inflict systemic racism on the majority culture? Such foolishness.
UTTER IGNORANCE. Can you explain how those without power, can inflict systemic racism on the majority culture? Such foolishness.

i bet Rush and Sean can explain it.
UTTER IGNORANCE. Can you explain how those without power, can inflict systemic racism on the majority culture? Such foolishness.

So you are saying the protestors have no power? The rioters who are burning, looting, vandalizing and assaulting police and citizens alike have no power? Hmmmm, someone should tell them. Somebody ought to inform the mayors of those cities who are afraid to take action to bring the violence to an end that the rioters have no power.
So you are saying the protestors have no power? The rioters who are burning, looting, vandalizing and assaulting police and citizens alike have no power? Hmmmm, someone should tell them. Somebody ought to inform the mayors of those cities who are afraid to take action to bring the violence to an end that the rioters have no power.

Those with power do not protest. They do not burn, or loot. They build their lives. JUST like the powerless desire to do. The ones doing violence WERE the right wingers acting like protesters. But, Trump is stoking violence, till we libs lash out, so he can say, SEE, they were the looters all along.
UTTER IGNORANCE. Can you explain how those without power, can inflict systemic racism on the majority culture? Such foolishness.

What? That is EXACTLY what you are trying to do!
That's new. Right-winger hears a phrase, "systemic racism", and parrots it wrongly. Like they do with every other phrase it seems.
Those with power do not protest. They do not burn, or loot. They build their lives. JUST like the powerless desire to do. The ones doing violence WERE the right wingers acting like protesters. But, Trump is stoking violence, till we libs lash out, so he can say, SEE, they were the looters all along.

So, you're saying that the peaceful protesters and the wall of moms were actually protecting the right wingers? You're saying that Trump sent the feds in to get rid of the right wingers but the lefties chased them out so that the right wingers could riot? Really?
That's new. Right-winger hears a phrase, "systemic racism", and parrots it wrongly. Like they do with every other phrase it seems.

No matter how you slice the pie, lefty protesters and rioters got rid of those black systemic racists.

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