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Bishop apologizes, Nicholas Sandmann: “premature statement” (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 21, 2009
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[h=1]Bishop apologizes, Nicholas Sandmann: “premature statement”.[/h]

The Bishop of Covington on Friday apologized to parents of Covington Catholic High School for being “bullied” into issuing a “premature statement” regarding an incident involving some of its students and a Native American activist during last Friday’s March for Life event in Washington, D.C.

“Within hours we were being pressured from all sides to make a statement regarding a video clip which purportedly showed students from Covington Catholic High School being disrespectful to Native American Elder Nathan Phillips,” Bishop Roger J. Foys wrote in a letter.


While many Democrats were cheering their claim that the student(s) would be expelled and ruining, from day one I predicted there would be no discipline of the students. The students behaved perfectly. Phillips acted like an abusive old wino in conduct extremely degrading about Native Americans while doing so. This was absurd fake outrage from the start.

[h=1]Bishop apologizes, Nicholas Sandmann: “premature statement”.[/h]

The Bishop of Covington on Friday apologized to parents of Covington Catholic High School for being “bullied” into issuing a “premature statement” regarding an incident involving some of its students and a Native American activist during last Friday’s March for Life event in Washington, D.C.

“Within hours we were being pressured from all sides to make a statement regarding a video clip which purportedly showed students from Covington Catholic High School being disrespectful to Native American Elder Nathan Phillips,” Bishop Roger J. Foys wrote in a letter.


While many Democrats were cheering their claim that the student(s) would be expelled and ruining, from day one I predicted there would be no discipline of the students. The students behaved perfectly. Phillips acted like an abusive old wino in conduct extremely degrading about Native Americans while doing so. This was absurd fake outrage from the start.

Oh yeah, the racist MAGA hat wearing douches really behaved perfectly. Right wingers truly as the most dishonest people the world has every seen. They will lie about anything
[h=1]Bishop apologizes, Nicholas Sandmann: “premature statement”.[/h]

The Bishop of Covington on Friday apologized to parents of Covington Catholic High School for being “bullied” into issuing a “premature statement” regarding an incident involving some of its students and a Native American activist during last Friday’s March for Life event in Washington, D.C.

“Within hours we were being pressured from all sides to make a statement regarding a video clip which purportedly showed students from Covington Catholic High School being disrespectful to Native American Elder Nathan Phillips,” Bishop Roger J. Foys wrote in a letter.


While many Democrats were cheering their claim that the student(s) would be expelled and ruining, from day one I predicted there would be no discipline of the students. The students behaved perfectly. Phillips acted like an abusive old wino in conduct extremely degrading about Native Americans while doing so. This was absurd fake outrage from the start.

I think he's worried his diocese might get sued.

However, I do believe he has put his foot in bigly ... before all the facts were out.

Slick move on his part to blame "being bullied" for his hasty initial statement. He should have just kept his mouth shut until he had more info.

In this day and age, nothing is what it seems.

I hope he delivers that apology in person to his congregation.

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