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Birth Control (1 Viewer)


New member
Mar 11, 2006
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Very Liberal
Why is birth control more expensive than getting an abortion???

With (good) insurance my patch is $30 a month or $360 a year.
If I buy magnum condoms that’s about $25 a month $300 a year.
But my abortion was only $200 without using my insurance.

Something is wrong here.

I know you can get free condoms and reduced pill rates from clincs but money really isn’t an issue for me so I feel bad taking resources from people who really do need them.

It just seems silly to me that its more economic for me to get an abortion once every couple of years
Kettiecat said:
It just seems silly to me that its more economic for me to get an abortion once every couple of years

if you werent on birth control, the abortions would be more often than once every couple of years. theres an 85% chance that you'd concieve within one year.
So once a year you would get pregnant.

Besides the fact that if I used my health insurance it would have been free.
Kettiecat said:
It just seems silly to me that its more economic for me to get an abortion once every couple of years

I don't know if you're in a stable relationship, or just having a really good time, but for those who are having lots of casual sex, condoms do much more than just prevent pregnancy!

And although some people like to refer to me as being "pro-death" (what a hideous expression) I do believe that abortion is really not the best option and best kept to an absolute minimum by adequate birth control.
Kettiecat said:
Why is birth control more expensive than getting an abortion???

With (good) insurance my patch is $30 a month or $360 a year.
If I buy magnum condoms that’s about $25 a month $300 a year.
But my abortion was only $200 without using my insurance.

Something is wrong here.

I know you can get free condoms and reduced pill rates from clincs but money really isn’t an issue for me so I feel bad taking resources from people who really do need them.

It just seems silly to me that its more economic for me to get an abortion once every couple of years

People for the most part agree that during the abortion procedure something is killed! I think it's a baby others think it's something else. But whatever you call it something is being killed.

Just because something is more economical doesn't make it the better choice. But I will agree that perhaps birth control needs to be cheaper however I know you can get it from planned parenthood at greatly reduced prices.
You are missing the point of my post. I never said it was the better choice. I said that I thought it was messed up that an abortion is the most economical choice.

And yes I've been in a relationship for about 5 years.

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