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Birth Control Abortions? (1 Viewer)


dangerously addictive
DP Veteran
Jul 21, 2005
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Somewhere over the rainbow
Political Leaning
I am on birth control and I go to a clinic which specializes in providing medical care to low to middle income women who do not have insurance. I am pro life as I do not believe in murder and every month when I go to pick up my medicine there is this guy outside protesting and calling everyone who enters a murderer and a baby killer. Mind you this is a health clinic where they do no such thing-just as I stated provide medical care. Now last Saturday when I went in I heard the same old story but this time he accused me of not being a good catholic because I go here and get medical care and support them. That drew the line as I have always been very faithful and against abortion. So I argue with him for about 10 minutes about the fact that they do not do abortions there and it is actually illegal to do one in the county I live in but he was so stubborn on his points. He told me that taking birth control was an abortion in itself. I have read up on this and found no facts supporting this. If anyone has any information( facts) to back up this jackass please let me know as I would not want to be the jackass in this situation. It hurts to be called those names when I would never ever have an abortion.
americanwoman said:
I am on birth control and I go to a clinic which specializes in providing medical care to low to middle income women who do not have insurance. I am pro life as I do not believe in murder and every month when I go to pick up my medicine there is this guy outside protesting and calling everyone who enters a murderer and a baby killer. Mind you this is a health clinic where they do no such thing-just as I stated provide medical care. Now last Saturday when I went in I heard the same old story but this time he accused me of not being a good catholic because I go here and get medical care and support them. That drew the line as I have always been very faithful and against abortion. So I argue with him for about 10 minutes about the fact that they do not do abortions there and it is actually illegal to do one in the county I live in but he was so stubborn on his points. He told me that taking birth control was an abortion in itself. I have read up on this and found no facts supporting this. If anyone has any information( facts) to back up this jackass please let me know as I would not want to be the jackass in this situation. It hurts to be called those names when I would never ever have an abortion.

Let me ask you an honest question...One that, I think, you already know the answer to...

If one were to put up the most honest, scientific, and actual proof that goes against any claims he may have....

Do you thing that would change his opinion one iota?

Not worth the trouble...Kick him in the nads, then proclaim, "Now your wife won't ever have to have an abortion either!":smile:
Yeah I guess your right- he would still come out and harrass the people who go there. You should see these "scientific pamplets" he hands out though. Great fiction reading.
americanwoman said:
Yeah I guess your right- he would still come out and harrass the people who go there. You should see these "scientific pamplets" he hands out though. Great fiction reading.

I suggest you take one...pretend to read it for a few seconds...then start laughing and drop it on the ground...then just walk away...
American woman:

From a scientific viewpoint of does a certain type of birth control induce a abortion? Well some do but I am not an expert in that area. The ones that do basically have the egg release from the side of woman an induce a small type of abortion. You need to speak with someone who knows a lot more on the subject than I do. I would suggest that you go to the national right to life website or call the local office. I know your heart is not to induce even a small abortion and I know that you will check on these things.

As a Catholic myself. I know the Church teaches against birth control but I do not think that in anyway is as serious of a sin as having an abortion. All I can do is encourage you to make sure the birth control method that you use is not in any way harmful to a fertilized egg within you. Best of luck.
americanwoman said:
I am on birth control and I go to a clinic which specializes in providing medical care to low to middle income women who do not have insurance. I am pro life as I do not believe in murder and every month when I go to pick up my medicine there is this guy outside protesting and calling everyone who enters a murderer and a baby killer. Mind you this is a health clinic where they do no such thing-just as I stated provide medical care. Now last Saturday when I went in I heard the same old story but this time he accused me of not being a good catholic because I go here and get medical care and support them. That drew the line as I have always been very faithful and against abortion. So I argue with him for about 10 minutes about the fact that they do not do abortions there and it is actually illegal to do one in the county I live in but he was so stubborn on his points. He told me that taking birth control was an abortion in itself. I have read up on this and found no facts supporting this. If anyone has any information( facts) to back up this jackass please let me know as I would not want to be the jackass in this situation. It hurts to be called those names when I would never ever have an abortion.

You sound like a nice person. If your intentions are in the right place, then I'm sure your God will be okay with it.
cnredd said:
Not worth the trouble...Kick him in the nads, then proclaim, "Now your wife won't ever have to have an abortion either!":smile:

:lol: Good idea.

I agree - it's not worth the effort. Just ignore him and let him continue on his self-infatutated way.

Moral of the story? Don't go to extremes in any political argument, and don't insult those who happen to have a different opinion to your own - lest karma rightfully come and bite you in the arse. *nod* ;)
Well, it depends, there are some you can take AFTER THE FACT, but I don't believe that is abortion either, I mean, I am 100% against abortion, but it really isn't a baby when it is first fertilized, it doesn't have a very good chance of living anyway. But that is like saying using a condom, or getting your tubes tied is abortion, it isn't, it is preventing the fact, not killing it AFTER it was fertilized.

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