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Biggest disaster... Iraq or New Orleans ? (1 Viewer)


Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
The only US action that may have helped in War on Terror was in Afganistan. Bin Laden has gone to ground becuase of it.
Nevertheless Morroco, Somalia, Suidi, Eritrea, Pakistan & just about every Muslim country on the planet are breeding grounds for terrorists. Even predominantly non muslim countries like the UK are !

Though Blair belatedly is now going to do something about the terrorists right under his nose in our own backyard. Perhaps if he had not been distracted by the 'Iraq phoney war on terror' & his wish to world wide prominance by being in the limelight on the world stage of politics, he might have seen what was right under his nose in London Mosques !
Shame he instead sought an ego trip for himself !

I think my analogy holds true... That is that the war in Iraq as a war against terror is like trying to kill the world's population of flies by standing in one country & swatting them.
End result... you only kill a few in that country, you kill none or next to none in the rest of the world & you just make a lot more angry !

The war in Iraq as a war on terror IS A DISASTER, a failure & a waste of life & 250 billion bucks.

1900 US troops dead. 20,000+ Iraqis dead & a civil war imminent between Sunni's & Shiite's.

If by some miracle, democracy is installed & works, even that won't help in the war on terror becuase Iraq was not a world centre for terrorism. If anywhere is, it's Pakistan !

Cost of Iraq war so far = $250 billion. US death toll 1900, 20,000+ Iraqis !

Estimated cost of New Orleans rebuild = $25 billion. US death toll around the same.

Answer is Iraq war = biggest disaster & yet it's your president's & our priminister's chosen path !

Conclusion = Politicians can create worse disasters than mother nature !
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my dear american friends i am so sorry,my hearts goes out to the wonderfull
people god bless them from the bottom of my heart, the pain i fell for them is
something only for love.

my kind regards to them
mikeey said:
my dear american friends i am so sorry,my hearts goes out to the wonderfull
people god bless them from the bottom of my heart, the pain i fell for them is
something only for love.

my kind regards to them

Nicely put... I can only say I'm fortunate enough for being far away from the tragedy, but it's good to see someone do something other than use it as a soap box for their agenda.
Iraq is certinaly a bigger disaster. Why? Cuase ti could have been completely avertted. yes many mistakes were made in N.O. many things need to be adressed as far as respince and so on. But you couldnt stop that storm. You could have stoped this war.

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