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Biden voter (15 yr old) (1 Viewer)

Wow, a teenager rebelling against her parents.
That's never happened before.
Kellyanne Conway's daughter Claudia Conway 'pushing for emancipation'

(At one point she urged progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to adopt her.)
(My mothers job ruined my life to begin with, she wrote.)

She is looking for someone else to pay her cell phone bill and feed her.

This is what happens when you don't establish responsibilities and consequences for your children early on. I mean, like, when they are five years old. You end up with this child.
This is what happens when you don't establish responsibilities and consequences for your children early on. I mean, like, when they are five years old. You end up with this child.

Do you think she will lose her cell phone privileges?

I bet not, she will soon have a job at CNN, and pregnant by 16.
This is what happens when you don't establish responsibilities and consequences for your children early on. I mean, like, when they are five years old. You end up with this child.

What a disgrace... these Conservative parents have failed to indoctrinate their children.
When Trump gets reelected will she be leaving the country?
When Trump gets reelected will she be leaving the country?

I don't know.
Will you be leaving if he loses and the country is inevitably turned into a socialist utopia by Biden?
This is what happens when you don't establish responsibilities and consequences for your children early on. I mean, like, when they are five years old. You end up with this child.

Yes, how dare someone have different political views than their parents.
Yes, how dare someone have different political views than their parents.

I didn't say anything about political views.
I didn't say anything about political views.

You seem to be against any sort of difference of opinion of children from their parents and expect absolute conformity.
Rebellion by kids is kind of what they do and plenty of hugely successful people have had rebellious childhoods.
Do you think she will lose her cell phone privileges?

I bet not, she will soon have a job at CNN, and pregnant by 16.

Should we call this the Palin Principle?
You seem to be against any sort of difference of opinion of children from their parents and expect absolute conformity.
Rebellion by kids is kind of what they do and plenty of hugely successful people have had rebellious childhoods.


Now don't go all hyperbole on me. I said nothing of the sort.

I mentioned "responsibilities" and "consequences".


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