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Biden to hold in-person campaign events in September (1 Viewer)


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Aug 4, 2017
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Biden to hold in-person campaign events in September

"Here’s the deal. We plan on, without jeopardizing or violating state rules about how many people can in fact assemble,” Biden said. “But we’re going to do it in a way that is totally consistent with being responsible, unlike what this guy’s doing. He’s on the White House lawn tonight first of all violating the Hatch Act.”

Biden told supporters that he would not hold “irresponsible rallies,” and would follow public health guidelines."


Uh oh. Sean and Rush need to move on to the next talking point.
for anyone that's concerned, it won't be like this...

Biden to hold in-person campaign events in September

"Here’s the deal. We plan on, without jeopardizing or violating state rules about how many people can in fact assemble,” Biden said. “But we’re going to do it in a way that is totally consistent with being responsible, unlike what this guy’s doing. He’s on the White House lawn tonight first of all violating the Hatch Act.”

Biden told supporters that he would not hold “irresponsible rallies,” and would follow public health guidelines."


Uh oh. Sean and Rush need to move on to the next talking point.
Someone on Biden's staff gave him a map with Wisconsin on it? #weekendatbernies2

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bad idea. do not gather in crowds during a pandemic.
Someone on Biden's staff gave him a map with Wisconsin on it? #weekendatbernies2

i know it's important to push the Rush/Sean lies but you should go ahead and find another talking point. this one will blow up.
Biden and Harris, both together and separate, need to visit the 17 states that are listed by Real Clear Politics.
Use safety at rallies, unlike anything that trump or pence do.

what's the point? it's just going to result in more COVID cases, and pretty much everyone already knows who they are going to vote for or against.
what's the point? it's just going to result in more COVID cases, and pretty much everyone already knows who they are going to vote for or against.

Tests and no personal contact.
do you find that to be a likely scenario? it isn't. this is a really bad year for a campaign.

It's a really bad year to descend into a right wing fascist autocracy (okay, some of that might have been redundant), but here we are.

And no, I'm not arguing that it's okay or smart to gather in groups.
do you find that to be a likely scenario? it isn't. this is a really bad year for a campaign.

I wonder what the maximum size of groups are in the States listed.
It's a really bad year to descend into a right wing fascist autocracy (okay, some of that might have been redundant), but here we are.

And no, I'm not arguing that it's okay or smart to gather in groups.

a lot is riding on this election. more than i want to think about right now.
i know it's important to push the Rush/Sean lies but you should go ahead and find another talking point. this one will blow up.
Alluding to Hillary's epic failure re: Wisconsin.

Biden should go to Minnesota too; it was the only state Mondale lost. It won't be that bad; but he should cover his arse. Biden will get Hawaii and California....

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a lot is riding on this election. more than i want to think about right now.

Yeah, no ****.

I don't know about you, but the last few days have been turning my stomach something fierce.
Alluding to Hillary's epic failure re: Wisconsin.

Biden should go to Minnesota too; it was the only state Mondale lost. It won't be that bad; but he should cover his arse. Biden will get Hawaii and California....

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actually, the whole thing comes down to Florida. if Trump loses Florida he's toast.
actually, the whole thing comes down to Florida. if Trump loses Florida he's toast.

No, it doesn't just come down to Florida, but yeah, obviously if Biden gets Florida it's automatic game over. The fact that Trump is putting all his chips on Wisconsin is odd, though.
No, it doesn't just come down to Florida, but yeah, obviously if Biden gets Florida it's automatic game over. The fact that Trump is putting all his chips on Wisconsin is odd, though.

yeah, that's what i meant. if Trump loses Florida it's over.

if he wins Florida then the math (other battleground states) gets really interesting and confusing.
Yeah, no ****.

I don't know about you, but the last few days have been turning my stomach something fierce.

it sometimes feels like we are crossing a bridge that the inertia of normal might not be able to prevent. let's see how i feel about it tomorrow.
Relax, nobody will turn up except a few paid stooges to sit on the 10 seats provided 5 yards apart
it sometimes feels like we are crossing a bridge that the inertia of normal might not be able to prevent. let's see how i feel about it tomorrow.

The last "inertia of normal" happened last fall, when the political fallout of extorting a foreign leader to help him cheat in an election was seen as damaging...perhaps even fatally so. I think we all knew that once the Senate acquitted him...which interestingly enough we all knew would happen...all bets were off. The last couple of months have given us the dividends of that acquittal, and it's accelerating at a logarithmic rate.

You know, I think I'm finally starting to see why my friends don't come to me for comfort.
what's the point? it's just going to result in more COVID cases, and pretty much everyone already knows who they are going to vote for or against.

Democrats lost the five Midwest states because they didn’t pay enough attention to them. You can bet trump and Air Force One won’t have that problem.

Trump rallied all of last week, never with safety. They’ve done it the whole time this week rubbing Americans nose in it. That should make a difference.
actually, the whole thing comes down to Florida. if Trump loses Florida he's toast.
You are correct but Trump will win Florida.

The question is, will Biden win Minnesota and advert an epic landslide?

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