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Biden Rips Donald Trump For Saying American Workers Are Paid Too Much (1 Viewer)


Feb 6, 2016
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“Where the h*ll does he live?” Biden asked, as he criticized Trump for stating U.S. workers are overpaid.

What Joe hasn’t realized is that the predominate belief among rank-and-file conservatives is that most U.S. workers are paid way too much, and are taking unfair advantage of the fat cats and Big business.

However, as individuals, an overwhelming number of right-wingers are certain they themselves, are underpaid due to employers being forced to pay others, especially the “lazy and stupid”, far more than they deserve.

Trump is successfully exploiting this right wing conviction, just as he has the right’s homophobia, xenophobia, misogynism, hatred of non-Christians, and every other bigoted characteristic of conservatism. One of these characteristics is the denial that income inequality exists.

'Where the hell does he live?': Joe Biden rips Donald Trump for saying American workers are paid too much - AOL


If you agree with me that's fine. If you do not, I don't really care.

His comments were taken out of context. The subject was minimum wage. Perhaps Trump likes the idea in countries like Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland, none of which have any minimum wage.
There is a lot of fear, misandry, hatred of Christians and other forms of bigotry among self described liberals. Don't believe everything that you read.
When are Trump's opponents going to learn that they do not strengthen their cause (or hurt Trump's) by reducing themselves to Trump's level?

The best way to beat Trump, IMO, is to let Trump beat himself.

The guy just can't shut up and if you play with a loaded gun enough times, eventually you will shoot yourself in the foot. And Trump's mouth is his loaded gun.
His comments were taken out of context.

Oh, rats! He only meant poor people are paid too much.

The subject was minimum wage. Perhaps Trump likes the idea in countries like Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland, none of which have any minimum wage.

Um, that's not true, unless you completely ignore those countries' laws regarding collective bargaining and their general pro-union (to the point of almost legally mandated) stance. Are you really going to try to sell me on Trump being pro-union now?

There is a lot of fear, misandry, hatred of Christians and other forms of bigotry among self described liberals. Don't believe everything that you read.

How dare liberals disagree with things they disagree with!
Um, that's not true, unless you completely ignore those countries' laws regarding collective bargaining and their general pro-union (to the point of almost legally mandated) stance. Are you really going to try to sell me on Trump being pro-union now?
<Minimum wages in Scandinavia:
Denmark: None; instead, negotiated between unions and employer associations; the average minimum wage for all private and public sector collective bargaining agreements was approximately DKK 110 ($18) per hour, exclusive of pension benefits
Finland: None; however, the law requires all employers, including non-unionized ones, to pay minimum wages agreed to in collective bargaining agreements; almost all workers are covered under such arrangements
Norway: None; wages normally fall within a national scale negotiated by labor, employers, and local governments
Sweden:None; in Sweden the law provides for the right of workers to form and join independent unions to bargain wages collectively, and it prohibits antiunion discrimination.

I was talking about minimum wage LEGISLATION-requiring companies to pay a minimum wage. These countries do not have minimum wage legislation. Words like "wages normally fall within a scale" or "negotiated" or "average wage" or "almost all workers are covered by collective bargaining" is not the same as legislated minimum wages, set by the federal government. Are you suggesting that you oppose minimum wage legislation because we could, instead, do what the Scandinavian countries do? Those countries generally rank higher in economic freedoms than the US and businesses are not under centralized legislation. And, it helps, when Scandinavian unions understand the need to be competitive and work with business.
His comments were taken out of context. The subject was minimum wage. Perhaps Trump likes the idea in countries like Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland, none of which have any minimum wage.
There is a lot of fear, misandry, hatred of Christians and other forms of bigotry among self described liberals. Don't believe everything that you read.

Hmm....well, you see. It actually isn't any kind of meaningful distinction to say he was talking about minimum wage. So what? The subject of the thread is.... hey....

Wait a sec.

There is a lot of fear, misandry, hatred of Christians and other forms of bigotry among self described liberals.


And precisely where is that coming from?
“Where the h*ll does he live?” Biden asked, as he criticized Trump for stating U.S. workers are overpaid.

What Joe hasn’t realized is that the predominate belief among rank-and-file conservatives is that most U.S. workers are paid way too much, and are taking unfair advantage of the fat cats and Big business.

However, as individuals, an overwhelming number of right-wingers are certain they themselves, are underpaid due to employers being forced to pay others, especially the “lazy and stupid”, far more than they deserve.

Trump is successfully exploiting this right wing conviction, just as he has the right’s homophobia, xenophobia, misogynism, hatred of non-Christians, and every other bigoted characteristic of conservatism. One of these characteristics is the denial that income inequality exists.

'Where the hell does he live?': Joe Biden rips Donald Trump for saying American workers are paid too much - AOL


If you agree with me that's fine. If you do not, I don't really care.


The quote that Biden was taking out of context:
"Taxes too high, wages too high," he later added. "We're not going to be able to compete against the world. I hate to say it, but we have to leave it the way it is. People have to go out, they have to work really hard and they have to get into that upper stratum. But we cannot do this if we are going to compete with the rest of the world. We just can't do it."
You know things are getting desperate when they pull Biden out of mothballs to comment on Trump.
“Where the h*ll does he live?” Biden asked, as he criticized Trump for stating U.S. workers are overpaid.

What Joe hasn’t realized is that the predominate belief among rank-and-file conservatives is that most U.S. workers are paid way too much, and are taking unfair advantage of the fat cats and Big business.

However, as individuals, an overwhelming number of right-wingers are certain they themselves, are underpaid due to employers being forced to pay others, especially the “lazy and stupid”, far more than they deserve.

Trump is successfully exploiting this right wing conviction, just as he has the right’s homophobia, xenophobia, misogynism, hatred of non-Christians, and every other bigoted characteristic of conservatism. One of these characteristics is the denial that income inequality exists.

'Where the hell does he live?': Joe Biden rips Donald Trump for saying American workers are paid too much - AOL


If you agree with me that's fine. If you do not, I don't really care.


Its a good thing Conservatism isn't defined by those who misunderstand and or misrepresent and opposoppose it on principle

People might actually start to think Trump was a Conservative if that were the case. He's not
Hmm....well, you see. It actually isn't any kind of meaningful distinction to say he was talking about minimum wage. So what? The subject of the thread is.... hey....
Wait a sec.
And precisely where is that coming from?

Ahh, you missed the sarcasm in my remark about "There is a lot of fear, misandry, hatred of Christians and other forms of bigotry among self described liberals". That was in response to the posters comment:
Trump is successfully exploiting this right wing conviction, just as he has the right’s homophobia, xenophobia, misogynism, hatred of non-Christians, and every other bigoted characteristic of conservatism.
Not a fan of stupid, pseudological moronic generalizations but sometimes they perhaps help in responding to such a comment. I know that I shouldn't use sarcasm in this forum.

As to the first part of your comments, I have no idea what you are trying to say. Perhaps you should listen to Trumps remarks and not Biden's interpretation of them and give some consideration to the idea of expressing complex subjects in a 30 sec debate format.
Who the hell cares what Biden has to say. Heck, he already said everything he needed to say when he told everyone that he won't be running for President.

(HA!! We should be so lucky!!)

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