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Biden Campaign Raises $300 Million in August (1 Viewer)


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Aug 3, 2020
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Davidson, NC
Political Leaning
Joseph R. Biden Jr. is expected to report a record-breaking haul of donations for August, raising more than $300 million between his campaign and his shared committees with the Democratic Party, according to two people familiar with the matter.

Mr. Biden’s sum laps what is believed to be the previous monthly record of $193 million, set by Barack Obama in September 2008, though there is no formal record-keeping.

Source: Biden Expected to Surpass $300 Million Raised in August, Shattering Record - The New York Times

The official total is $364.5 Million.

Joe Biden's presidential campaign and joint fundraising committees raised an eye-popping $364.5 million in August, the campaign said Wednesday, setting a new monthly record for presidential fundraising.

The campaign said online donations totaled $205 million, or 57%, representing "the best month of online fundraising in American political history." More than 4 million people have made contributions, with 1.5 million new donors in August, according to the campaign.

Source: Joe Biden shatters record with $364.5 million haul in August - CBS News
Joe Biden's presidential campaign and joint fundraising committees raised an eye-popping $364.5 million in August, the campaign said Wednesday, setting a new monthly record for presidential fundraising.

The campaign said online donations totaled $205 million, or 57%, representing "the best month of online fundraising in American political history." More than 4 million people have made contributions, with 1.5 million new donors in August, according to the campaign.


Meanwhile, the Trump campaign still hasn't released its August numbers.

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