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Biden’s Gas Prices Are The ‘Unity’ President’s Latest Way To Force You To Do What He Says (1 Viewer)


Supporting Member
DP Veteran
Sep 12, 2019
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Political Leaning
This article would be funny if not true.

“If you can’t afford $4-$5 gas buy a Tesla” 🤣

Oh, you don’t like gas prices? Good. Buy an electric car so we can hit our climate goals, rube. Also, eat cake.

Americans are watching gas prices shoot up a bit higher every single day. Thanks to President Joe Biden’s green energy dreams and relinquishing of U.S. energy independence since his very first day in the Oval, ordinary people are paying the price. As The Federalist reported, it’s affecting everyone — from stay-at-home moms to office commuters, to small and large business owners. Biden, however, doesn’t seem to care.

This article would be funny if not true.

“If you can’t afford $4-$5 gas buy a Tesla” 🤣

Oh, you don’t like gas prices? Good. Buy an electric car so we can hit our climate goals, rube. Also, eat cake.

Americans are watching gas prices shoot up a bit higher every single day. Thanks to President Joe Biden’s green energy dreams and relinquishing of U.S. energy independence since his very first day in the Oval, ordinary people are paying the price. As The Federalist reported, it’s affecting everyone — from stay-at-home moms to office commuters, to small and large business owners. Biden, however, doesn’t seem to care.

Imagine that.

Joe thinks Putin is going to save his favorability ratings.

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