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Betcha Ketanji Brown Jackson And Her Friends Know What A Woman Is Now (1 Viewer)


Supporting Member
DP Veteran
Sep 12, 2019
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Political Leaning
lol…. So true. These a$$hats are beyond lunacy

“How interesting that two weeks ago they refused to define a ‘woman’ and now today the only thing they want to talk about is protecting a ‘woman’s right to choose,'” Blackburn pointed out on Tuesday.

lol…. So true. These a$$hats are beyond lunacy

“How interesting that two weeks ago they refused to define a ‘woman’ and now today the only thing they want to talk about is protecting a ‘woman’s right to choose,'” Blackburn pointed out on Tuesday.

It depends on who the right are lying about and hating on the day I guess. No one wants to get into an argument to define women to shit on trans women. But we are happy to confirm that people whose sex is female can get pregnant and choose an abortion.

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