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Best Movie Year (1 Viewer)


Oct 9, 2005
Reaction score
Southern California
Political Leaning
What was the best movie year in the last century? Try to go beyond the last ten years, OK? I will supply the correct answer later.
alphamale said:
What was the best movie year in the last century? Try to go beyond the last ten years, OK? I will supply the correct answer later.

The best movie year was 1939. No "golly gee!" special effects, no Pee See. The number gives the ranking on the AFI greatest 100 movies of all time list.

Stagecoach (63)
The Wizard of Oz (6)
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (29)
Dark Victory
Gone with the Wind (4)
Wuthering Heights (73)
Gunga Din
Beau Geste

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