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Best "Clutch" player-any sport? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 6, 2005
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Very Liberal
Without a doubt, hands-down, it is Mr. Clutch, Jerry West!
Aaahh, Billo, we meet again. Micheal Jordan is the best clutch performer. He did it year in, year out. He played sick and hurt and still got it done. West is a close second. West didn't get the crap knocked out of him every game like Jordan did though. Gretzky and Joe Montana also come to mind.
Originally posted by independent_thinker2002:
Aaahh, Billo, we meet again. Micheal Jordan is the best clutch performer. He did it year in, year out. He played sick and hurt and still got it done. West is a close second. West didn't get the crap knocked out of him every game like Jordan did though. Gretzky and Joe Montana also come to mind.
What are you talking about? West had is nose broken nine times in his career. He shot that 63 footer on two broken thumbs and a bad hambstring. His jump shot was automatic. He made all defensive team every year he played. And he had so many clutch shots at the ends of games it more than doubles Jordans.

Nice to see you too.
Billo_Really said:
What are you talking about? West had is nose broken nine times in his career. He shot that 63 footer on two broken thumbs and a bad hambstring. His jump shot was automatic. He made all defensive team every year he played. And he had so many clutch shots at the ends of games it more than doubles Jordans.

Nice to see you too.

I said that he was a close second. I realize that you appreciate old-school over new school. It is hard to compare different eras. I still think MJ is number one. We will have to agree to disagree.
Originally posted by independent_thinker2002:
I said that he was a close second. I realize that you appreciate old-school over new school. It is hard to compare different eras. I still think MJ is number one. We will have to agree to disagree.
Jordan was definately gifted. I just wish he would have played more games against Michael Cooper.
Billo_Really said:
Jordan was definately gifted. I just wish he would have played more games against Michael Cooper.

Pippen and Magic would have been some good match-ups as well.
Originally posted by independent_thinker2002:
Pippen and Magic would have been some good match-ups as well.
I don't know. Pippen only became Pippen when he linked with MJ. He wouldn't have been Pippen if that didn't occur. Magic has always been Magic. He would be hard for anyone to guard, except maybe Russell.
Billo_Really said:
I don't know. Pippen only became Pippen when he linked with MJ. He wouldn't have been Pippen if that didn't occur. Magic has always been Magic. He would be hard for anyone to guard, except maybe Russell.

Pippen did guard Magic. Regardless of how Pippen became the player he was, he was the player he was. I am not saying Pippen was better than Magic. I am just saying that it was a good defensive matchup.
Originally posted by independent_thinker2002:
Pippen did guard Magic. Regardless of how Pippen became the player he was, he was the player he was. I am not saying Pippen was better than Magic. I am just saying that it was a good defensive matchup.
Did you notice Pippen wasn't the same player he was after him and Jordan broke up?
Billo_Really said:
Did you notice Pippen wasn't the same player he was after him and Jordan broke up?

His role changed, of course he wasn't the same. He became the MVP of the team. He had to produce more offense. He could have handled it better I will admit. Magic wasn't the same when Kareem was hurt and he was playing center either.
Originally posted by independent_thinker2002:
His role changed, of course he wasn't the same. He became the MVP of the team. He had to produce more offense. He could have handled it better I will admit. Magic wasn't the same when Kareem was hurt and he was playing center either.
And what happened? We get all emotional and excited and give him the series MVP for his little triple-double in game 6 which was bullshit! Jabbar was the man in that series. Game in, game out. I'm not knocking Magic. It's just that Kareem was a bigger reason why they won.
Billo_Really said:
And what happened? We get all emotional and excited and give him the series MVP for his little triple-double in game 6 which was bullshit! Jabbar was the man in that series. Game in, game out. I'm not knocking Magic. It's just that Kareem was a bigger reason why they won.

True, but Jabbar couldn't play all five positions like Magic.
Originally posted by independent_thinker2002:
True, but Jabbar couldn't play all five positions like Magic.
You got that right. I think Magic is the only player in NBA history that could play all five positions.
Of past players, I would have to say Jordan for sure. In the present day, I would venture to guess, Tiger Woods.

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