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Best and worst cities to live? (1 Viewer)

What? How the hell does that happen?

They sit for months at a time without moving, paper wasps build nests in anything stationary with shelter.
This could include anywhere the the USA or the world.

Some of the worst USA cities in my opinion are Baltimore, Detroit, and Philadelphia because of the crime, higher unemployment, outdated infrastructure, and lousy weather. All 3 are dirty with lots of bad neighborhoods.

The best cities I've been in are Salt Lake City, Denver, and San Jose. Generally clean, low crime, plentiful jobs, beautiful scenery, and good weather.

Best city? Easy and without question, NYC.

Other great spots, Raleigh, Boston and Nashville.
They sit for months at a time without moving, paper wasps build nests in anything stationary with shelter.

But how do they get in? Do these humvees not have doors or windows?
Full disclosure...I didn't like your post because I like NYC...I don't. I liked it because of Lady Gaga. Great performance.

How does anyone not like NYC?

Obviously, Mycroft doesn't. Too funny.

My guess, it scares you.
I think the last time I was on academy was '86.

I had a friend from Hawaii who had never seen snow before who bought an old Oldsmobile 88 for his first car.

Hit some ice on a bridge on academy, slammed on the brakes and caused a 27 car pile up...:lamo
Fortunately no one was hurt...

'86!! Lordy...yeah, things have changed a LOT since then. Heck, you might get lost traveling I-25. LOL!!
How does anyone not like NYC?

Obviously, Mycroft doesn't. Too funny.

My guess, it scares you.

Nope. Doesn't scare me. I just don't like cities.
But how do they get in? Do these humvees not have doors or windows?

They go under the fenders, or in the sliding glass windows which leave a gap plenty big for them, or make them under the hood. Wasps are creative and can plant nests anywhere, heck as a mechanic I have to deal with them daily some car comes in, usually on the hook, that sat for months, I open the hood to check it and find a football sized nest with a bunch of angry wasps.
Your scared.

You live in teh woods kind of thing?

No, I don't live in the woods. Look at a map around Colorado Springs. I live to the east. High altitude plains.
No, I don't live in the woods. Look at a map around Colorado Springs. I live to the east. High altitude plains.

You mean in a place like this? (this I found on Google map, just east of CS.

Google Maps
Too busy, lack of privacy, lack of quiet/green space, impersonal, just going from one side to the other can take hours.

Well, we are all different.

Not sure what you mean by going from one side to the other can take hours and you are wrong about teh privacy thing.

That is one of the big draws to me. Nothing I know of affords more privacy than a busy city, especially NYC. Many folks don't realize this.
Well, we are all different.

Not sure what you mean by going from one side to the other can take hours and you are wrong about teh privacy thing.

That is one of the big draws to me. Nothing I know of affords more privacy than a busy city, especially NYC. Many folks don't realize this.

Personally I prefer animals to people...
'86!! Lordy...yeah, things have changed a LOT since then. Heck, you might get lost traveling I-25. LOL!!

I was back in the 90s but didn't go that far east, my girlfriend and I had been. Fishing around deckers for a couple weeks and she wanted a night in a hotel, you know a shower, a bed and food that was not trout cooked over a fire.

She could be kinda girly like that...
We stayed more towards the manitou area...
Living in a city? No way. Something remote with a little something is good.
I was back in the 90s but didn't go that far east, my girlfriend and I had been. Fishing around deckers for a couple weeks and she wanted a night in a hotel, you know a shower, a bed and food that was not trout cooked over a fire.

She could be kinda girly like that...
We stayed more towards the manitou area...

Ah...yeah, Manitou Springs hasn't changed much. That's the way they like it. It's a nice town. A little pricey to live in, but nice.

I've fished around Deckers. Beautiful area. The mountains and the high plains are why I stay in Colorado.
Have you ever been to the Carnegie Club?


If you like Sinatra, it's a must.

If I'm ever in NYC, I'll look it up. But, to tell you the truth, I'm more of a Symphony Orchestra, Blues under the Bridge or Telluride Bluegrass Festival kind of guy.
If I'm ever in NYC, I'll look it up. But, to tell you the truth, I'm more of a Symphony Orchestra, Blues under the Bridge or Telluride Bluegrass Festival kind of guy.

Carnegie Hall is directly across the street from the club, Lincoln Center (NY Philharmonic) just a shot walk from the club and hall.

I am always at one of these two concert halls. I also LOVE bluegrass. I was listen to some, rather loudly earlier this evening. (Bill Monroe)

Finally we found something in common.

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