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Benghazi: Tell me again how many American deaths were too many (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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Political Leaning
Just type a number.
:popcorn2: (This will end well.)
4 deaths: 7 investigations allegedly into how it happened but used only to smear a political opponent with a stupid ****ing email server that none of the smearers care about (when an R does it).

3,000 deaths: massively increase government surveillance, set up an agency to molest grandma at airports while being unable to catch guns in luggage, invade two countries, get several thousand servicepeople killed, get over 100,000 Iraqi civilians and however many Afghans killed, all at the cost of 2 trillion dollars.

Nearly 200,000 deaths:
a wonderful opportunity for Trumpists to rape the tragedy for purposes of dishonestly accusing the left of hoaxing and plotting to steal freedoms by way of mask mandates.

Trumpism: the evil is the point.
4 deaths: 7 investigations allegedly into how it happened but used only to smear a political opponent with a stupid ****ing email server that none of the smearers care about (when an R does it).

3,000 deaths: massively increase government surveillance, set up an agency to molest grandma at airports while being unable to catch guns in luggage, invade two countries, get several thousand servicepeople killed, get over 100,000 Iraqi civilians and however many Afghans killed, all at the cost of 2 trillion dollars.

Nearly 200,000 deaths:
a wonderful opportunity for Trumpists to rape the tragedy for purposes of dishonestly accusing the left of hoaxing and plotting to steal freedoms by way of mask mandates.

Trumpism: the evil is the point.

4 deaths: 7 investigations allegedly into how it happened but used only to smear a political opponent with a stupid ****ing email server that none of the smearers care about (when an R does it).

3,000 deaths: massively increase government surveillance, set up an agency to molest grandma at airports while being unable to catch guns in luggage, invade two countries, get several thousand servicepeople killed, get over 100,000 Iraqi civilians and however many Afghans killed, all at the cost of 2 trillion dollars.

Nearly 200,000 deaths:
a wonderful opportunity for Trumpists to rape the tragedy for purposes of dishonestly accusing the left of hoaxing and plotting to steal freedoms by way of mask mandates.

Trumpism: the evil is the point.

maybe the thing we should be guessing is how many Trump Republicans come into this thread.
Asking the Cult of Dirtbag to search their souls* suggests they have them. There is no evidence for that premise.

*if "soul" has anything to do with a conscience.
Asking the Cult of Dirtbag to search their souls* suggests they have them. There is no evidence for that premise.

*if "soul" has anything to do with a conscience.

They are avoiding this thread like it's COVID.
Asking the Cult of Dirtbag to search their souls* suggests they have them. There is no evidence for that premise.

*if "soul" has anything to do with a conscience.

A soul can be rotten to its core.
#Trump lied, 200,000 died.
They are avoiding this thread like it's COVID.

We should follow their example, espcially when trolls like (ill-)logical1 and simpletruther) post their daily nonsense.
Meanwhile, it seems like trump actually gave "stand down orders".


"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!"
We should follow their example, espcially when trolls like (ill-)logical1 and simpletruther) post their daily nonsense.

Bengazi is to be blamed on Obama he was out campaigning while the four horse women were running the Whitehouse, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Micheal Obama, Vallery Jerret. Trump warned the American people while Joe and Nancy said it was to early to take such drastic measures. you guys need to get your facts straight. Q 2024
bengazi is to be blamed on obama he was out campaigning while the four horse women were running the whitehouse, hillary clinton, susan rice, micheal obama, vallery jerret. Trump warned the american people while joe and nancy said it was to early to take such drastic measures. You guys need to get your facts straight. Q 2024

q 2024
Bengazi is to be blamed on Obama he was out campaigning while the four horse women were running the Whitehouse, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, Micheal Obama, Vallery Jerret. Trump warned the American people while Joe and Nancy said it was to early to take such drastic measures. you guys need to get your facts straight. Q 2024

Whoa, pallie. CIT said you guys were avoiding this thread, I said we should follow that example. If you need a mount point for a Hate Obama post I guess one is as good as another. :2wave:
anybody wanna post a number?
Four is a tragedy, 200,000 is statistics.

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