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Benefits and Consequences (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 20, 2018
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Miami, FL
Political Leaning
Whether we are Democrats or Republicans, we all know that every decision in life has benefits and consequences that need to be considered, and that nothing good in life is ever free.

Having said that, this thread is all about the Trump supporters and the oxymoron that exists at this time.

Trump has made it a goal of his to build support through fear. Fear of the illegal immigrants, fear of the Mexicans, fear of the Democrats, fear of regulations that stop advancement, fear of the free press giving fake news, fear of being taken advantage of in trade by other nations, fear of the wrong people running our nation through the FBI, the CIA, Amazon, and so on and so forth. Fear of what the future will bring if what was here before is allowed to continue.

The oxymoron here is that Trump supporters do not seem to have the same fear of Trump making the wrong decisions himself. They do not fear Trump alienating our friends, opening the door for autocracy or even dicatorship, weakening our institutions to the point that they are ineffective, or fear of incompetency in running our nation. They do not fear any of the decisions being made by Trump.

How can rational people fear so much and then have no fear at all at what we all know is human nature which is to lie, to be incompetent, to mess things up, which is something that no human is above or below it happening to them.

What makes Trump supporters so sure of Trump doing the right thing but fear everything else that could happen. Do they truly believe Trump is God and infallible? Why do they not fear human nature in Trump if they fear human nature in everyone else but Trump.

It does not make sense to me and I would like someone to explain it to me in a way that supports this oxymoron.
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Whether we are Democrats or Republicans, we all know that every decision in life has benefits and consequences that need to be considered, and that nothing good in life is ever free.

Having said that, this thread is all about the Trump supporters and the oxymoron that exists at this time.

Trump has made it a goal of his to build support through fear. Fear of the illegal immigrants, fear of the Mexicans, fear of the Democrats, fear of regulations that stop advancement, fear of the free press giving fake news, fear of the wrong people running our nation through the FBI, the CIA, Amazon, and so on and so forth. Fear of what the future will bring if what was here before is allowed to continue.

The oxymoron here is that Trump supporters do not seem to have the same fear of Trump making the wrong decisions himself. They do not fear Trump alienating our friends, opening the door for autocracy or even dicatorship, weakening our institutions to the point that they are ineffective, or fear of incompetency in running our nation. They do not fear any of the decisions being made by Trump.

How can rational people fear so much and then have no fear at all at what we all know is human nature which is to lie, to be incompetent, to mess things up, which is something that no human is above or below it happening to them.

What makes Trump supporters so sure of Trump doing the right thing but fear everything else that could happen. Do they truly believe Trump is God and infallible? Why do they not fear human nature in Trump if they fear human nature in everyone else but Trump.

It does not make sense to me and I would like someone to explain it to me in a way that supports this oxymoron.

this thread is just about your fear of trump. no one is afraid of mexicans or illegals. we just dont want more mouths to feed when we have 10-15 million already here...
this thread is just about your fear of trump. no one is afraid of mexicans or illegals. we just dont want more mouths to feed when we have 10-15 million already here...

No one is afraid of Mexicans or illegals?

I think you need to take the "no one" out and say that you are not afraid. Certainly Trump has been talking about fearing them and the amount of people supporting his words seems to suggest that most of his supporters do fear them.
Whether we are Democrats or Republicans, we all know that every decision in life has benefits and consequences that need to be considered, and that nothing good in life is ever free.

Having said that, this thread is all about the Trump supporters and the oxymoron that exists at this time.

Trump has made it a goal of his to build support through fear. Fear of the illegal immigrants, fear of the Mexicans, fear of the Democrats, fear of regulations that stop advancement, fear of the free press giving fake news, fear of being taken advantage of in trade by other nations, fear of the wrong people running our nation through the FBI, the CIA, Amazon, and so on and so forth. Fear of what the future will bring if what was here before is allowed to continue.

The oxymoron here is that Trump supporters do not seem to have the same fear of Trump making the wrong decisions himself. They do not fear Trump alienating our friends, opening the door for autocracy or even dicatorship, weakening our institutions to the point that they are ineffective, or fear of incompetency in running our nation. They do not fear any of the decisions being made by Trump.

How can rational people fear so much and then have no fear at all at what we all know is human nature which is to lie, to be incompetent, to mess things up, which is something that no human is above or below it happening to them.

What makes Trump supporters so sure of Trump doing the right thing but fear everything else that could happen. Do they truly believe Trump is God and infallible? Why do they not fear human nature in Trump if they fear human nature in everyone else but Trump.

It does not make sense to me and I would like someone to explain it to me in a way that supports this oxymoron.

The US 2 party system is intellectually and morally bankrupt. People, including me, were very much opposed to Hillary, and since their only realistic choice was voting for her opponent, they believe they got a really good deal by having her defeated. Yes, many are experiencing buyer's regret, but many more think Trump is the best thing since sliced bread.

Keep in mind they were raised and conditioned believing in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy too. Americans are not sophisticated in their political system.
Trump has made it a goal of his to build support through fear. Fear of the illegal immigrants, fear of the Mexicans, fear of the Democrats, fear of regulations that stop advancement, fear of the free press giving fake news, fear of being taken advantage of in trade by other nations, fear of the wrong people running our nation through the FBI, the CIA, Amazon, and so on and so forth. Fear of what the future will bring if what was here before is allowed to continue.

Change your word "fear" to "opposition" and you will be closer to reality. Because of your spin and hyperbole, though, you just aren't quite at reality yet...even if you had used the word "opposition".

Oh well, moving on...
The US 2 party system is intellectually and morally bankrupt. People, including me, were very much opposed to Hillary, and since their only realistic choice was voting for her opponent, they believe they got a really good deal by having her defeated. Yes, many are experiencing buyer's regret, but many more think Trump is the best thing since sliced bread.

Keep in mind they were raised and conditioned believing in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy too. Americans are not sophisticated in their political system.

I thank you for chiming in to the thread but that is no explanation for the question posed in the thread. Aren't most people supposed to be rational to a point? Certainly the Trump supporters on this message board seem to think of themselves as rational so I still want to know "why Trump supporters do not fear human nature in Trump but fear human nature in everyone else but Trump"?

and by the way, this is not about the 2-party system, it is about general "human nature".
I thank you for chiming in to the thread but that is no explanation for the question posed in the thread. Aren't most people supposed to be rational to a point? Certainly the Trump supporters on this message board seem to think of themselves as rational so I still want to know "why Trump supporters do not fear human nature in Trump but fear human nature in everyone else but Trump"?

and by the way, this is not about the 2-party system, it is about general "human nature".

Wonderful, human nature and behavior, my hobby. :mrgreen:

Oxymorons, contradictions in terms, are very common, though I'm not sure your use of the term was the best choice.

Humans are rational only part of the time, and the more emotional they become, the less rational they become. If you live your life think logic rules in human behavior, you will be gravely disappointed.
Wonderful, human nature and behavior, my hobby. :mrgreen:

Oxymorons, contradictions in terms, are very common, though I'm not sure your use of the term was the best choice.

Humans are rational only part of the time, and the more emotional they become, the less rational they become. If you live your life think logic rules in human behavior, you will be gravely disappointed.

I fully understand that and I have lived a long time (73 years old) and by my profession (salesman) I was always a studier of human nature and yes, I do understand that irrationality is common when emotions are in place. Nonetheless, I have never seen a phenomenon such as this with so many people involved in this irrationality and not even one of them being able to even accept that as what is happening to them. This situation with Trump is beyond being irrational. It is to the point of being legendary.
this thread is just about your fear of trump. no one is afraid of mexicans or illegals. we just dont want more mouths to feed when we have 10-15 million already here...

I agree we do have mouths to feed! We're going to need help to harvest food, cook it and clean up. We better figure out a way for immigrants to come help us … AS THEY HAVE FOR OVER 100 YEARS!

Trump has made it a goal of his to build support through fear. Fear of the illegal immigrants, fear of the Mexicans, fear of the Democrats, fear of regulations that stop advancement, fear of the free press giving fake news, fear of being taken advantage of in trade by other nations, fear of the wrong people running our nation through the FBI, the CIA, Amazon, and so on and so forth. Fear of what the future will bring if what was here before is allowed to continue.


What makes Trump supporters so sure of Trump doing the right thing but fear everything else that could happen. Do they truly believe Trump is God and infallible? Why do they not fear human nature in Trump if they fear human nature in everyone else but Trump.

It does not make sense to me and I would like someone to explain it to me in a way that supports this oxymoron.

IMO, a nexus of phenomena and statuses that suffuse them collectively and individually:
  • Ignorance, as in they lack the knowledge to know better or otherwise, so they cleave to the specious rationale whereby Trump's wealth is a valid proxy for his overall existential prudence, prescience and perspicacity. (There's probably stupidity in play and in much the same way; however, unlike ignorance, stupidity is hard to gauge from afar.)
  • Affirmation --> They already likely did, prior to hearing Trump's demagoguery, fear the things Trump advocates they fear. Trump's merely affirmed their fear, and in doing so, garnered their approbation.
  • Lack of accomplishment --> Accomplished people, no matter what some of them may utter as political rhetoric, are not at all fearful of the stuff Trump says we need to be afraid. Accomplished people recognize those things' verisimility, but they see it as merely something to be managed/overcome, not feared. (Note: Accomplishment is both relative and absolute. The preceding comment refers to individuals' perception of their accomplishment (or lack of), not what they've actually achieved.)
  • Intellectual hubris --> The attitude that what one thinks is so is indeed so.
  • Intellectual indolence --> Not confirming the accuracy and germanity of one's notions regarding a given matter.
As you can see, there isn't, AFAIC, any single thing that explains it. Despite their puerile presentment, Trumpkins are yet human animals and are thus complicated, and that complexity is why there is no single quality effecting their insouciance about the prospect of Trump's inaptness and ineptitude.
this thread is just about your fear of trump. no one is afraid of mexicans or illegals. we just dont want more mouths to feed when we have 10-15 million already here...

Trump continually harps on violence from immigrants in South American gangs, claims that muslim terrorists are in the caravan, that immigrants are going to bring in diseases. I'd say that he's definitely stoking fears. Since you're not afraid of any of that, you must be very brave, or you don't believe the president. I wouldn't blame you if you didn't believe him. I don't believe him either.
I think Trump presents an alternative to those that feel disenfranchised because of two party politics and endenic bureaucracy that inhabits our Nation, sometimes similar to a cancer. Trump rocks the boat, but has been forced to ally with the CIA and Intelligence Agencies, to our detriment. We will collectively suffer intended and/or unintended consequences by Trump's actions. Trump will claim bragging rights to positive occurences and cast blame loudly, and with MSM amplification, on negative consequences. Trump can probably get away with anything, except a WorldWide Depression and he the likely cause. His Daddy sent him to Wharton, not to get educated, but to meet the Wealthy Business Partners for the rest of his life. His lack of educational and intellectual prowess has been aptly documented. The old adage, "It's who you know" applies. It also explains why so many millionaires and billionaires are Trump appointees. Trump is Big Money and supports Big Money and is crafty enough to present a populist image successfully. We are in deep doodoo.
I think Trump presents an alternative to those that feel disenfranchised because of two party politics and endenic bureaucracy that inhabits our Nation, sometimes similar to a cancer. Trump rocks the boat, but has been forced to ally with the CIA and Intelligence Agencies, to our detriment. We will collectively suffer intended and/or unintended consequences by Trump's actions. Trump will claim bragging rights to positive occurences and cast blame loudly, and with MSM amplification, on negative consequences. Trump can probably get away with anything, except a WorldWide Depression and he the likely cause. His Daddy sent him to Wharton, not to get educated, but to meet the Wealthy Business Partners for the rest of his life. His lack of educational and intellectual prowess has been aptly documented. The old adage, "It's who you know" applies. It also explains why so many millionaires and billionaires are Trump appointees. Trump is Big Money and supports Big Money and is crafty enough to present a populist image successfully. We are in deep doodoo.

Well stated, unfortunately for all of us.
I fully understand that and I have lived a long time (73 years old) and by my profession (salesman) I was always a studier of human nature and yes, I do understand that irrationality is common when emotions are in place. Nonetheless, I have never seen a phenomenon such as this with so many people involved in this irrationality and not even one of them being able to even accept that as what is happening to them. This situation with Trump is beyond being irrational. It is to the point of being legendary.

Yes, I know what you mean. I compare it to the political phenomenon, the group and their behavior, called the Know-Nothings in the last century. Others compare it to the wide support and fanaticism in German with Hitler.
Yes, I know what you mean. I compare it to the political phenomenon, the group and their behavior, called the Know-Nothings in the last century. Others compare it to the wide support and fanaticism in German with Hitler.

Hitler is a good comparison as Hitlers followers were willing to do anything for him. Forget about all human decency and kill innocent people just because they were Jews. The hate that Trump is drumming up against Democrats and for the media for example, is starting to compare with that.

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