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Barr Proves He's a Biased Hack (1 Viewer)


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Feb 12, 2013
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Absolutely. Barr is a biased hack.

I saw the interview and was quite impressed with his candor and professionalism.

Here's an idea... Instead of folks taking the opinions of partisan clowns based on snip-its, why not allow them to form their own opinion?

Let's do that:

I saw the interview and was quite impressed with his candor and professionalism.

Here's an idea... Instead of folks taking the opinions of partisan clowns based on snip-its, why not allow them to form their own opinion?

Let's do that:

Nope! Barr is a biased hack and that’s all there is toit.
I saw the interview and was quite impressed with his candor and professionalism.

Here's an idea... Instead of folks taking the opinions of partisan clowns based on snip-its, why not allow them to form their own opinion?

Let's do that:

His defense for Trump is basically that it is ok to break the law because "witch hunt." Yeah, he's a real legal eagle. :lamo
Nope! Barr is a biased hack and that’s all there is toit.

With Barr and Rudy defending him, the death penalty for everybody becomes a real possibility. They remind me of Mike Tyson's lawyer, after he insulted the Indiana jury. :lol:
A lot of people...those in extreme denial because Trump didn't get slammed by Mueller...are going to be very uncomfortable when the undeniable evidence of Obama administration corruption is shoved in their faces.

I have no sympathy for those people.
With Barr and Rudy defending him, the death penalty for everybody becomes a real possibility. They remind me of Mike Tyson's lawyer, after he insulted the Indiana jury. :lol:

I know I know they are absolutely horrible people.
Trump wanted a loyal attorney general, loyal to him. Now he has one. The rest of us would like one too.
Trump got his "wingman".......hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
I hope the fat **** isn't counting on a hefty retirement pension from the DOJ.

Barr made millions in private sector....he's no idiot like McCabe looking for his pension..which he lost when he was fired.
RNC finance guys all in jail or under indictment. Barr is trying to keep the rest of the crooks out on the street. It’s obvious.
I saw the interview and was quite impressed with his candor and professionalism.

Here's an idea... Instead of folks taking the opinions of partisan clowns based on snip-its, why not allow them to form their own opinion?

Let's do that:

You can't be serious. Either that or you don't know what "candor and professionalism" form the AG's office should look like. Barr should just SHUT UP or simply say he awaits the results of the on going investigations. Instead Barr:
- intones rhetorical Trumpian nonsense
- comments that the answers he has seen to this point regarding the start of the Russian Investigation have been "inadequate"

Barr has been entirely unprofessional and lacking in candor since he knows better. Offering his opinion or his initial reaction at this point is entirely inappropriate and the very description of political hackery from the AG's Office. Its just that simple. He is simply stroking DonDon's DongDong. DonDon's entire Presidency is simply a daily effort to keep his base breathlessly anticipating, foaming at the mouth at the entertainment value of poking at the Left. It is the most laughably absurd Presidency I have ever seen and I am old as dirt. Barr simply has become another tool for that purpose as are virtually of Trumps troops.

The President spending his time choosing colors and toppers for his fantasy wall? Don't make me laugh.

Meanwhile, our allies don't believe us with regard to Iran (see UK General in Iraq comments) and the Spanish Fleet just opted out of its participation in our naval repositioning in protest. Thanks for nothing DonDon. If we don't think adversaries notice that our alliances are crumbling before their and our eyes, then once again we are kidding ourselves.
The problem is obvious. The Repug bugs have become dependent on laundered money. So, they need a Barr to put a lid on any investigations of Trump, because that one is the king of the laundry mat.
I saw the interview and was quite impressed with his candor and professionalism.

Here's an idea... Instead of folks taking the opinions of partisan clowns based on snip-its, why not allow them to form their own opinion?

Let's do that:

Isn't it fascinating to see how partisan hacks view a very open and upfront interview with AG Barr?

There was nothing in his replies that any rational thinking person could construe as being partisan.

I guess the brain washing on the left requires that unless the person being interviewed is calling the President all the names the alt-left has instructed them to use, they interviewee is a scumbag partisan.

Talk about projection.....
~ Speaking of a biased hack let us remember THIS ...
In a public pledge of allegiance to President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder responded to the rumors in 2013 that he’d soon be stepping down from the Justice Department:

`I’m still enjoying what I’m doing, there’s still work to be done. I’m still the President’s wing-man, so I’m there with my boy. So we’ll see ´
You can't be serious. Either that or you don't know what "candor and professionalism" form the AG's office should look like. Barr should just SHUT UP or simply say he awaits the results of the on going investigations. Instead Barr:
- intones rhetorical Trumpian nonsense
- comments that the answers he has seen to this point regarding the start of the Russian Investigation have been "inadequate"

Barr has been entirely unprofessional and lacking in candor since he knows better. Offering his opinion or his initial reaction at this point is entirely inappropriate and the very description of political hackery from the AG's Office. Its just that simple. He is simply stroking DonDon's DongDong. DonDon's entire Presidency is simply a daily effort to keep his base breathlessly anticipating, foaming at the mouth at the entertainment value of poking at the Left. It is the most laughably absurd Presidency I have ever seen and I am old as dirt. Barr simply has become another tool for that purpose as are virtually of Trumps troops.

The President spending his time choosing colors and toppers for his fantasy wall? Don't make me laugh.

Meanwhile, our allies don't believe us with regard to Iran (see UK General in Iraq comments) and the Spanish Fleet just opted out of its participation in our naval repositioning in protest. Thanks for nothing DonDon. If we don't think adversaries notice that our alliances are crumbling before their and our eyes, then once again we are kidding ourselves.

Trump would like nothing more than to be king of his own isolationist fiefdom. He really is beyond stupid. I can't wait for the day Marine One flies him off to Mar-a ****ing-Lago for the last time, and leaves him there to fester.
Trump would like nothing more than to be king of his own isolationist fiefdom. He really is beyond stupid. I can't wait for the day Marine One flies him off to Mar-a ****ing-Lago for the last time, and leaves him there to fester.

Well, you will eventually get your wish. Whether is sooner, or later, is the question.

I'm looking forward to the next New Democratic Party candidate taking office, and the epic ****storm that is planned for every day of their administration.

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