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Banning Abortion. Have Fun With That Red States (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 16, 2021
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The Supreme Court ruling that over turns Roe V Wade will do a lot of damage to the red states.

The red states are going to lose seats in the House because of their hate for freedom and anyone who isn't like them.

While some conservatives hate the Independents, moderates and liberals, conservatives need them. A lot.

They need them to retain seats in the House. To retain federal dollars. To retain business.

If the some republicans in red states succeed in driving all those who don't agree with the far right from their states, in as little as 10 years from now, they will lose seats in the House and blue states will gain seats.

The red states won't be able to attract much less convince business to come to their states. Many businesses will leave.

Sane people who are disgusted with what some of the republicans are doing will leave those red states as fast as they can. Taking with them their tax dollars and businesses.

So if some republicans think that taking freedom, liberty, the right of free speech, the right to self determination and body control from people is a good idea, they deserve what will come.

Some of the conservatives are destroying their chance to take over our House and Senate in November.
The Supreme Court ruling that over turns Roe V Wade will do a lot of damage to the red states.

The red states are going to lose seats in the House because of their hate for freedom and anyone who isn't like them.

While some conservatives hate the Independents, moderates and liberals, conservatives need them. A lot.

They need them to retain seats in the House. To retain federal dollars. To retain business.

If the some republicans in red states succeed in driving all those who don't agree with the far right from their states, in as little as 10 years from now, they will lose seats in the House and blue states will gain seats.

The red states won't be able to attract much less convince business to come to their states. Many businesses will leave.

Sane people who are disgusted with what some of the republicans are doing will leave those red states as fast as they can. Taking with them their tax dollars and businesses.

So if some republicans think that taking freedom, liberty, the right of free speech, the right to self determination and body control from people is a good idea, they deserve what will come.

Some of the conservatives are destroying their chance to take over our House and Senate in November.
Yes there will be a stiff price paid in November for this offense against our cherished liberties. We left Europe to escape persecution and now we are finding that religious persecution has followed us here. Ironically it is Europe that is more free than we are now. Our founders warned us against letting religion or the Pope write our laws too.
I hate to do this on this site but I feel I must interject some facts...

The portrait of abortion in the United States has changed with society. Today, teenagers are having far fewer abortions, and abortion patients are most likely to already be mothers. Although there’s a lot of debate over gestational cutoffs, nearly half of abortions happen in the first six weeks of pregnancy, and nearly all in the first trimester.

The typical patient, in addition to having children, is poor; is unmarried and in her late 20s; has some college education; and is very early in pregnancy. But in the reproductive lives of women (and transgender and nonbinary people who can become pregnant) across America, abortion is not uncommon. The latest estimate, from the Guttmacher Institute, a reproductive health research group that supports abortion rights, found that 25 percent of women will have an abortion by the end of their childbearing years.

“There isn’t one monolith demographic who get abortions,” Ushma Upadhyay, a professor with Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health at the University of California, San Francisco, said. “The same people who become pregnant and give birth are the same people who have abortions at different points in their lives.”

As heated as the issue has become in recent years, the abortion rate, calculated among women ages 15 to 44, has been falling. Americans are having half as many abortions as 30 years ago. Researchers say a variety of factors — including better contraceptive use and less sex among teenagers — is leading to fewer unintended pregnancies.

The data offers a broad outline of abortion in the United States today — and who may be most affected if Roe v. Wade is diminished or overturned by the Supreme Court.

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