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Ban Guns & Save America!! (1 Viewer)

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I love how this forum is full of ppl that will tell you that you're proven wrong, simply because someone who has been here a day longer says you're wrong. People have been shooting each other since the day it was discovered by the Vikings, not Columbus.
Take the damn guns away from the violent public that's addicted to crack and Hennessey.

Propose a working plan that will do that. Hang onto something solid as there are many who will want to know what it is. Do note that jack-ass gun confiscation from all and sundry is not an acceptable answer.
All guns should be confiscated by the feds. In nations where guns are not available, there are no shootings outside of rouge authorities and terrorists from Iraq.
Why? Because they don't have guns!!
If you remove the tool people conveniently and easily use to commit murders with, those murders caused by guns will stop.
You can not rob a man with a gun if u can't buy them, noone sells them, and the feds take them from every civilian and every home in the nation.
If someone refuses to surrender their firearm, shoot them dead. Yes civilians die, but how many deaths are prevented by taking that gun off the streets? Possibly thousands!!!
Children can't find and play with a gun, killing mommy and daddy if that gun doesnt exist!!!
And no, guns do not have rights, you misread the constitution, which DOES need to be changed, as we are no longer dirt eating, moon worshiping, Neanderthals.

"Rouge authorities"? Why do you think an expert on a particular type of cosmetics would be as prone to shoot someone as an Iraqi terrorist?
Maybe he wants to rob someone, maybe his wife cheats on him and he wants to kill her, maybe his mistress plans to tells wife about their affair and he has to kill her to silence her?
Not being a terrorist doesn't mean u can't be a murderer.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but murder has been around longer than terrorism.
Maybe he wants to rob someone, maybe his wife cheats on him and he wants to kill her, maybe his mistress plans to tells wife about their affair and he has to kill her to silence her?
Not being a terrorist doesn't mean u can't be a murderer.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but murder has been around longer than terrorism.

Confiscate and ban alcohol. Save more lives if saving lives is your concern. Most family homicides, gun related or not, are alcohol related.
Confiscate and ban alcohol. Save more lives if saving lives is your concern. Most family homicides, gun related or not, are alcohol related.

You make many claims for this but where is your proof ?

Are you a religious type with an abstinance hang up by any chance ?
All guns should be confiscated by the feds.
Because...Yay extremist actions!

In nations where guns are not available, there are no shootings outside of rouge authorities and terrorists from Iraq. Why? Because they don't have guns!!
Man..there's NOTHING worse than rouge authorities. That color does NOTHING for their complexion. Geez! You know what those countries also don't have? Kardashians. I say America should ban Kardashians, and I think I have full support of liberals as well as republicans!!

If you remove the tool people conveniently and easily use to commit murders with, those murders caused by guns will stop.
What about really long, pointy sticks? I'm pretty sure you can commit murders with those. Perhaps we should ban really long, pointy sticks.

You can not rob a man with a gun if u can't buy them, noone sells them, and the feds take them from every civilian and every home in the nation.
No, but you can rob a man with a knife. Crap...I just walked into that one...I guess we're going to have to ban knives as well as really long, pointy sticks. I'd be willing to bet you could rob someone with a really long, pointy stick.

If someone refuses to surrender their firearm, shoot them dead. Yes civilians die, but how many deaths are prevented by taking that gun off the streets? Possibly thousands!!!
Hmm...let's put this one on a trial basis. Let's use Ferguson, Chicago and Detroit as test markets. See how that works.
(but what if they attack the feds with really long, pointy sticks? Have we determined whether or not to ban those? Boy, they sound dangerous.

Children can't find and play with a gun, killing mommy and daddy if that gun doesnt exist!!!
God, I hope those children don't go in their kitchens to find the knives! Maybe we should force people (at federal agent gunpoint) to buy "knife safes" so those snowflakes can't get to the knives. Maybe if we force them to buy big enough safes, they can lock up their really long, pointy sticks too.
we are no longer dirt eating, moon worshiping, Neanderthals.

...at least all the OTHER people in this thread aren't.

Edit: Wait...what about steamrollers? I'll bet you can put someone under a steamroller, and kill them. Better ban steamrollers. FOR THE CHILDREN!!!

Hmm....then there's this article I just read where drinking too much water can kill you. Geez....there goes water onto the ban list. We're all just screwed.
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You make many claims for this but where is your proof ?

Are you a religious type with an abstinance hang up by any chance ?

Google is your friend.

Actually, I love good beer. I am more a personal responsibility kind of guy. I also see that most gun control advocates are nothing more than modern day Prohibitionists. Same circus, different clowns. Same exact self righteous logic and reasoning. Same type that will gladly ask someone else to give up a freedom to save lives yet would never do so themselves. Kind of like you.
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All guns should be confiscated by the feds. In nations where guns are not available, there are no shootings outside of rouge authorities and terrorists from Iraq.
Why? Because they don't have guns!!
If you remove the tool people conveniently and easily use to commit murders with, those murders caused by guns will stop.
You can not rob a man with a gun if u can't buy them, noone sells them, and the feds take them from every civilian and every home in the nation.
If someone refuses to surrender their firearm, shoot them dead. Yes civilians die, but how many deaths are prevented by taking that gun off the streets? Possibly thousands!!!
Children can't find and play with a gun, killing mommy and daddy if that gun doesnt exist!!!
And no, guns do not have rights, you misread the constitution, which DOES need to be changed, as we are no longer dirt eating, moon worshiping, Neanderthals.

What is your relationship to Tinker Bell? All anti-gunners should be sent to re-adjustment camps.

Just because it used to be ok, that doesn't make it ok in the modern civilized world. Child marriage used to be legal, want to bring that back?
Slavery was legal when this "right" was written. Fact.

Child marriage? It still continues in many places, even in the US.

Welcome. I suspect your stay will be short.

Very short.

People being able to hide activities from the government is dangerous too. So we should just allow cops to enter people's homes for inspections whenever they want. SAVE AMERICA!

Screwedpokie doesn't believe in the Constitution or Bill of Rights.
same nonsense as this

just trying to stir stuff up with a silly nonsensical attempt to bait pro rights posters. He obviously is either ignorant of the war on drugs or pretends it has not existed. People such as him should volunteer to go to the inner cities and seize all the guns from the gang bangers and then report back to us how successful that effort has been

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! No ****!
I think you're putting the cart before the horse in this case.

Before we can realistically expect to ban the 2nd amendment we must ban the 1st amendment. By doing so we could justly incarcerate and silence the critics of such an action... even deport them if necessary.


ACtually abolishing the Constitution and installing a Communist government with unfettered access and control over our lives is the only rationale way to keep everyone safe.

Yep...that would work...:lamo

So i assume you prefer the idea of arming every last man,.woman, and child with flame throwers and heat seeking missiles?
Yeah... That sounds totally not living like a crazy doomsday prepper...

Your assumptions are flawed by nonsense! Nothing crazy whatsoever in being a doomsday prepper.

One should be prepared for ...anything! ;)

I love how this forum is full of ppl that will tell you that you're proven wrong, simply because someone who has been here a day longer says you're wrong. People have been shooting each other since the day it was discovered by the Vikings, not Columbus.
Take the damn guns away from the violent public that's addicted to crack and Hennessey.

Ain't gonna happen dude.................you are in Never Never Land.................... for keeps .....it seems!
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Maybe he wants to rob someone, maybe his wife cheats on him and he wants to kill her, maybe his mistress plans to tells wife about their affair and he has to kill her to silence her?
Not being a terrorist doesn't mean u can't be a murderer.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but murder has been around longer than terrorism.

It has indeed .........and all the murders committed, over many centuries, were successfully accomplished before the advent of firearms. ;)

There's 50 ways to kill your lover.....here's a catchy melody for that...
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It has indeed .........and all the murders committed, over many centuries, were successfully accomplished before the advent of firearms. ;)

There's 50 ways to kill your lover.....

when i was 9 or so, my father gave me a Bear recurve bow for Christmas. It had a little booklet about the history of archery and included references to the English archers who helped various British kings crush the French at battles like Agincourt, and Crecy and that book noted that more people had been killed with arrows than all the bullets ever made. Probably true given that firearms have been around less than 700 years and arrows have been around for thousands.
Confiscate and ban alcohol. Save more lives if saving lives is your concern. Most family homicides, gun related or not, are alcohol related.

Boy Howdy!!!

You make many claims for this but where is your proof ?

Are you a religious type with an abstinance hang up by any chance ?

Was that 80 Proof or 100 Proof?

As a cop of 30 years, who has been to literally dozens of domestic violence calls and lots of bar fights.........I Second BretJ's motion!

Alcohol is the ruination of man....and woman.
when i was 9 or so, my father gave me a Bear recurve bow for Christmas. It had a little booklet about the history of archery and included references to the English archers who helped various British kings crush the French at battles like Agincourt, and Crecy and that book noted that more people had been killed with arrows than all the bullets ever made. Probably true given that firearms have been around less than 700 years and arrows have been around for thousands.

Exactly! Good point. :)
Google is your friend.

Actually, I love good beer. I am more a personal responsibility kind of guy. I also see that most gun control advocates are nothing more than modern day Prohibitionists. Same circus, different clowns. Same exact self righteous logic and reasoning. Same type that will gladly ask someone else to give up a freedom to save lives yet would never do so themselves. Kind of like you.

When gun rights take precedence over human rights I immediately take issue. I make no apologies for taking that view nor should I need to :roll:
Was that 80 Proof or 100 Proof?

As a cop of 30 years, who has been to literally dozens of domestic violence calls and lots of bar fights.........I Second BretJ's motion!

Alcohol is the ruination of man....and woman.

The big difference in other developed nations being that it rarely ends in murder because guns were absent
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Sorry ScrewPokemonGo, but banning guns isn't going to happen. Ever.

The 2nd Amendment pretty much guarantees that US Citizens have the right to own guns.

Don't like it? Don't live here.

Governess, I did not even finish reading his OP post. It smells of month old fish bait left in the cooler in the garage.

It is pretty apparent to me, this thread was only started to stir up crap where there was none previously.

It is a shame this stinky bait was bitten and drug around the lake for five pages presently.

If I had no morals or sense of propriety, I could do the same thing.

Say something outrageous, and then just walk away and watch all the fireworks.

Fortunately, I am of better stock than that.
Well there is an admission for you you really don't care about peoples lives, it is guns you fear. Now try to answers this, what country in the world has the most pro-rata mass shootings. Is it civilised? Does it have gun restrictions?
hint it is

View attachment 67206028

I'm trying to think of a good example you based this lunacy on. Prohibition of alcohol perhaps? Hmm no that was an abysmal failure of that principle. I know must be drugs. Yep that's it the one you know the most about. Tell how successful it is. Maybe pornography then..... no as far as I can see you do not have a successful example to use. Imagine that you are proposing a first without showing how it is going to work when all others have failed. You explanation has been an abject failure. Shame on you for trying to fool us when this is so easily checked.

See above. Will a knife do if your victims have been disarmed by the criminals friends?

You are new here so step back and try thinking before you post. Handguns are banned in the UK, there is no shortage of handguns for criminals in the UK. Japan has theft and in the whole country only about 10,000 have rifles or shotguns. I could go one but I really want you to explain why criminals are going to be rehabilitated if you remove CIVILIAN arms. Can you do that and use drugs as your model of what should be done.

Neither you, government or any one can take guns off the streets any better than they can keep drugs off the streets. You don't get out much do you, so how long would it take you to find illegal drugs?

As for saving lives civilians defend themselves from crime and criminals up to 3 million times a year using firearms.

Oh!! That describes your character nicely. Shoot innocent people because they want to defend themselves from what government has not put in prison. I can see the fear that drives you.

Wow from an estimated 120 to 300million firearms we have 500 or so accidental deaths. How much lower do you want it? How do you suggest that be obtained ie can you find next years 500? That fear is even more exposed.

I rest my case.

I truly think we have gone backwards since then. All those things they warned about have come true. The lust for power at any cost, the greed for money, citizens stupidity and acceptance, to bone idle to object to government usurping their rights. I think I know why now.

Pro rata is not a good guide. The country with the highest number of Nobel prize winners pro rata is Iceland with one winner.
People being able to hide activities from the government is dangerous too. So we should just allow cops to enter people's homes for inspections whenever they want. SAVE AMERICA!

...and shoot anyone dead.....as he said. Right?
Well there is an admission for you you really don't care about peoples lives, it is guns you fear. Now try to answers this, what country in the world has the most pro-rata mass shootings. Is it civilised? Does it have gun restrictions?
hint it is

View attachment 67206028

I'm trying to think of a good example you based this lunacy on. Prohibition of alcohol perhaps? Hmm no that was an abysmal failure of that principle. I know must be drugs. Yep that's it the one you know the most about. Tell how successful it is. Maybe pornography then..... no as far as I can see you do not have a successful example to use. Imagine that you are proposing a first without showing how it is going to work when all others have failed. You explanation has been an abject failure. Shame on you for trying to fool us when this is so easily checked.

See above. Will a knife do if your victims have been disarmed by the criminals friends?

You are new here so step back and try thinking before you post. Handguns are banned in the UK, there is no shortage of handguns for criminals in the UK. Japan has theft and in the whole country only about 10,000 have rifles or shotguns. I could go one but I really want you to explain why criminals are going to be rehabilitated if you remove CIVILIAN arms. Can you do that and use drugs as your model of what should be done.

Neither you, government or any one can take guns off the streets any better than they can keep drugs off the streets. You don't get out much do you, so how long would it take you to find illegal drugs?

As for saving lives civilians defend themselves from crime and criminals up to 3 million times a year using firearms.

Oh!! That describes your character nicely. Shoot innocent people because they want to defend themselves from what government has not put in prison. I can see the fear that drives you.

Wow from an estimated 120 to 300million firearms we have 500 or so accidental deaths. How much lower do you want it? How do you suggest that be obtained ie can you find next years 500? That fear is even more exposed.

I rest my case.

I truly think we have gone backwards since then. All those things they warned about have come true. The lust for power at any cost, the greed for money, citizens stupidity and acceptance, to bone idle to object to government usurping their rights. I think I know why now.

Crimefree, my friend, it is painful to see the lengths of logical thought and research to made in this post, and then presented it to a doorstop.

The time you devoted to these intricate thoughts you will never get back.

Just reading the post tell me there is on logical thought put into it, and I also doubt any actual feeling. I think it was only made to get a reaction, as TD said, and I surmised after a cursory glance.
Confiscate and ban alcohol. Save more lives if saving lives is your concern. Most family homicides, gun related or not, are alcohol related.

A drunk man without a gun can not shoot anyone, no matter how drunk or high he gets.
So i assume you prefer the idea of arming every last man,.woman, and child with flame throwers and heat seeking missiles?
Yeah... That sounds totally not living like a crazy doomsday prepper...

Well actually, you CAN get your own personal flame thrower for only $699. Perfectly legal in 49 states.

Better run, before someone shows up in your neighborhood with one.


PS...I AM a survivalist, and have been since the 70's. Probably longer than you have been alive.
Google is your friend.

Actually, I love good beer. I am more a personal responsibility kind of guy. I also see that most gun control advocates are nothing more than modern day Prohibitionists. Same circus, different clowns. Same exact self righteous logic and reasoning.

I have no problem with alcohol whatsoever, drugs yes, alcohol no.
When gun rights take precedence over human rights I immediately take issue. I make no apologies for taking that view nor should I need to :roll:

Guns do not have rights. They're not living things.
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