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Bacteria (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2005
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Political Leaning
Bacteria has now affected the bible belt of the United States,it now has crossed over to London and to Rome.It comes in many forms of disguise
to cause death to our children.We had detected it a while back here in Scotland,but we had a antidote for it.
The Bacteria was in Gleneagles hotel in July for 3 days and then it went away.
I hope half of your people manage to find a cure as it ravages the brian

bless u all

Is it possible that you could be a little more vague?
Simon W. Moon said:
Is it possible that you could be a little more vague?

No, I don't think it is possible. What is he going on about?
A google search for bacteria and Gleneagles produced this. (Is this what we're talking about here?):confused: :confused: :confused:

Soviet chemical weapons cache sparks G8 fear for Gleneagles; former boss of the KGB's ultra-secret department reveals cold war stockpiles may be controlled by Al Qaeda terrorists

SECURITY bosses fear biochemical weapons secretly buried during the Cold War could be used in a terror spectacular at this summer's G8 Summit in Scotland.

An explosive new book claims Soviet spies hid vials of deadly germs, including smallpox, across the British countryside more than 20 years ago as part of plans to attack UK targets.

But intelligence chiefs learned details of the locations - known only by the Russians - have now been sold on to Al Qaeda cells by former KGB spies.
mikeey said:
Bacteria has now affected the bible belt of the United States,it now has crossed over to London and to Rome.It comes in many forms of disguise
to cause death to our children.We had detected it a while back here in Scotland,but we had a antidote for it.
The Bacteria was in Gleneagles hotel in July for 3 days and then it went away.
I hope half of your people manage to find a cure as it ravages the brian

bless u all


FYI: "bacteria" is plural. The singular is "bacterium".
Thinker said:
FYI: "bacteria" is plural. The singular is "bacterium".

But you rarely find just one!
Naughty Nurse said:
But you rarely find just one!
Same is true of ants, but few people would write
"A ants is crawling up my leg".
I cringe when I see the language being corrupted by probable
unknowing misuse--but that's another thread.
Naughty Nurse, sorry about that, but my girl friend came over to me with nothing on.What i forgot to say was that the bacteria originated in Texas
and wore cowboy boots i hope this clears this up.

ps I like your name bad bad.

all the best
mikeey said:
Naughty Nurse, sorry about that, but my girl friend came over to me with nothing on.What i forgot to say was that the bacteria originated in Texas
and wore cowboy boots i hope this clears this up.

ps I like your name bad bad.

all the best

Alright then. Off to The Basement wi' ye
mikeey said:
Naughty Nurse, sorry about that, but my girl friend came over to me with nothing on.

Thus proving that heterosexuality is bad for the brain. :rofl

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