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Back When Trump supported Clinton (1 Viewer)


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Mar 7, 2011
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"Hillary Clinton is, I think, a terrific woman." - Donald Trump
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"Hillary Clinton is, I think, a terrific woman." - Donald Trump

He didn't endorse her politically or say he supported her political agenda, he just said he liked her on a personal level.

But you go ahead and interpret that to your liking.
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We all know that Trump once supported Clinton.
Well, all of us except for Trump's Chumps. They think he's always been what he says he is now. It's like the mutability of the past. We've always been at war with Eurasia. Trump has always been an arch conservative with no use for a Democrat like Clinton.
Who has stated that anyone who's donated money to the Clinton Foundation, isn't fit for office?


Well there is another thread saying how the Clinton Foundation is corrupt. Corrupted by the money, some of which came from Trump. Is the payer of a bribe better than the receiver?
Well there is another thread saying how the Clinton Foundation is corrupt.

So who among the people who posted to that thread, said that anyone donating to the Clinton Foundation is also corrupt and unfit to hold office?
Barack Obama 2008: "Hillary Clinton is a liar."



I remember those ads. Barack and Hillary were not friends during the campaign.

Of course after he was elected he made nice-nice by giving her a shot at Secretary of State.

My how people can change...say one thing one day, recant and make nice-nice (or vice-versa) later.

Will wonders never cease? :coffeepap:
Barack Obama 2008: "Hillary Clinton is a liar."


And you should criticize Obama was holding inconsistent positions. I would like to strengthen your comparison as both Trump and Obama maintained similar positions of Hillary when they were occupying positions that encouraged their adversarial status and when occupying positions that permitted all types of opinions.

Obama criticized Hillary while he was in the adversarial position of running against her for the Democratic nomination. Now, as President, he is free to remain neutral, positive or negative, and he has chosen to be positive. Trump, in 2008 when he was not running for President also had the ability to remain neutral, positive, or negative. He chose to hold a wholly positive opinion of Hillary. Now that he is running for President against Hillary and is in the adversarial position that entails, now he has taken on the negative opinion.

I guess Hillary is a lying bitch only when you are actively campaigning against her.
He didn't endorse her politically or say he supported her political agenda, he just said he liked her on a personal level.

But you go ahead and interpret that to your liking.

Even Bill won't go that far
He didn't endorse her politically or say he supported her political agenda, he just said he liked her on a personal level.

But you go ahead and interpret that to your liking.

Wut? For fork's sake, Grim, Trump donated money to her campaigns.
But he did support her political agenda. That's why he was making donations to her Senate and Presidential races.

I was only commenting on what was said in the video clip used to start this thread.

Please don't get the false impression that I'm defending Donald Trump, or playing some kind of political game designed to BS anyone, because I'm doing neither. You watch the clip and tell me what you see and hear.
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"Hillary Clinton is, I think, a terrific woman." - Donald Trump

So what about Obama's hatred for Clinton, and now her nose is so far up his bum her voice comes out of his mouth...
But he did support her political agenda. That's why he was making donations to her Senate and Presidential races.

You mean to say you don't believe he was handing out money just because he thought she was a nice person, whether or not he agreed with her political stance? You know how altruistic he is. He just passes money to people he likes, but expects nothing at all in return. That' how he's going to make America great again.

If someone doesn't catch the sarcasm in that post, they're seriously sarcasmically challenged.
Well there is another thread saying how the Clinton Foundation is corrupt. Corrupted by the money, some of which came from Trump. Is the payer of a bribe better than the receiver?

when one of them is a public official then it is worse.

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