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Australia’s Encryption Law Deals a Serious Blow to Privacy and Security (1 Viewer)

Lord Tammerlain

DP Veteran
Jan 25, 2010
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Political Leaning

Home Affairs Minister, Peter Dutton, has repeatedly targeted digital encryption, which many websites and apps employ to secure user data, as an ominous roadblock standing between intelligence officers and transnational crime syndicates and pedophiles.
His efforts worked. Parliament recently turned their ire into law, after Dutton pilloried large tech companies for their supposed recalcitrance when it comes to working with governments to decrypt and hand over user data. The new law allows the government to request or coerce any communications service with an end-user in Australia to build tools that would weaken encryption protocols.

Note. That would mean Apple, Samsung, Nokia, Facebook etc to provide the Australian government with the capacity to access any data in Australia

The law’s proponents respond that the law prohibits these notices from forcing communications providers (which could include tech giants like Facebook and Twitter as well as any amateur blog or journalism website) to introduce “systemic vulnerabilities” into their systems. Instead, law enforcement can only compel firms to weaken encryption for “particular device(s).” This offers little assurance. If a code or key used to decrypt a particular device falls out of the provider’s or government’s hands for any reason, that device is now at substantial risk.

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