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Atheist / Theist Reconciliation Thread (1 Viewer)

arrived at what? There's nothing to arrive to don't actively believe in any gods.
No, you can be born without knowledge of a god but that is not an excuse that stays. Eventually we do learn about gods and then a decision needs to be made.

common usage is the definition it's not right or wrong that's just how the word is defined. Whoever coined it doesn't matter.
But in this case it is wrong.

what I'm saying is what I typed you don't have to ask me if so you're saying. Just read what I said and you'll know what I'm saying.

The sentence that starts so you're saying is a setup for strawman.
I am only doing to you what a theist will do with that definition. Your claim is a lack of belief, not that there is not god only that it is a choice not to believe. And even not believing is a form of a belief system so therefore atheism is a belief system based on faith.

Please, by all means, do tear the argument apart. I have been doing so for a long time.

I'm a Theist, so I don't lack belief. But you're acting as though the natural stah?
te is believing in God.
Not at all. I am just giving reason as to why the definition of the dictionary is faulty and needs to be expressed far better than it is.

are you contending that agnostics believe in God? Church where is the agnostic Churc
No, once again. Gnosticism is about knowledge. Theism is about belief. The two are different.

yes I remember it being moronic. I knew it was moronic. understanding a myth doesn't mean you don't realize it's a myth.
But very young children do not take it as a myth, they believe in santa.
well with the English language some words are ambiguous. Meaning they have multiple meanings. You can extrapolate the particular definition someone is using based on context. but you can't make up completely new definitions and insisted that they are correct based on nothing.

I have not made up any new definition. I have given you what atheist usually say when confronted with a theist who insists that atheism is faith based. All i have done is expanded the explenation from a cliche that was derived by theosts in the first place.

context can remove ambiguity it doesn't define me meaning.
It does define the meaning in that particular context. Without context defining the word "nut" would not be possible because it has many definitions.

But it is esoteric. I didn't reject what you said the meaning of the word was I just said it was esoteric.

that's why I said didn't even exist it's a false authority.

AS much as it would please me to say i invented this, i cannot. Nothing i have said is new. It may be esoteric to you but then you have also said you have never come across this before.
This undermines your position however the word was coined was that that is it set in stone definition throughout all time.

Yes, but that does not mean it has to be used in that setting of stone for all time. The basic definition of atheism in the dictionary is not an adequate definition because theists will twist it so as to call atheism faith based . Therefore a better version of a definition is needed. Which is not to say that the old one cannot still be used. Just be prepared to face a dishonest theist who will twist it when you do.
I was neither having a go at you, nor not keeping up with the thread. I also was also polite and respectful. I know I can't make you do anything, but I can at least respectfully request that you stick to the topic, without devolving into hair splitting. Also up to you whether or not you'd like to participate. But if you do, it sure would be nice if you gave your thoughts re: the OP.

There are people here talking about other religions such as apatheism. There are people talking about churches making a profit pointing finger at you there.. Have i missed the same message being sent to them? But you single me out for discussing with another why we cannot reconciliate because we cannot even agree on definitions. You were being annoying and hanging on a petty point of pretendin hair splitting in a polite and respectful way. Is polite and respectful an excuse for that?

As to why you should seek a solution, I mean, I can't answer that for you. Perhaps you enjoy the division. I'm sure some people do, and do everything they can to keep it going. There are always those folks in any situation. As to how I'd answer for myself, well, I'm tired of all the ugly, between people who otherwise would probably not be all that different. I see the need for greater cooperation going forward, not more division. I don't think we can sustain it. And, the side interest, is that if atheists and theists can accept each other's differences, perhaps we can share those learnings with other massively divided demographics.
There are theists out there who can be reconciled with. They do understand the nature of their belief and the real word. However they are far in the minority while that vast majority are uneducated, superstitious and use their belief to justify very neurotic beliefs that they then try to force on every one else. You cannot present me with one good reason to get along with such people.

I can and have given very good reasons as to why we cannot reconcile. But if you wish to ignore that and pretend it is because i like it which is of course and emotional plea fallacy on your part, then go ahead. For some there is no listening when they think they already have the answer or don't like the answers given.

So, you're saying that your inability to come to terms with the fact that some theists believe that theists choose to believe there is no god, vs you, who hold that it is not a belief that defines you as an atheist, but rather a lack of belief, is so angst inspiring for you, that it prevents you from believing there can be reconciliation?

Not at all. I have said no such thing. All i have done is point out that theists will often apply the dishonest twisting of the definition to make false claims. There is no reconciliation with people who are determined not to take atheism seriously but instead try their best to denigrate it.
Complete and total nonsense. Atheism is the lack of theism. Just as someone who is amoral lacks morals. You are not automatically given morals magically and then reject them to become amoral. If you have no morals at all, then you are amoral. Just as if you have no religious belief whatsoever, you are atheist.
It is not this explanation that i disagree with. It is only the time line you are using. You are correct that no one is born an atheist but only in that no one is also born with a knowledge of god in the first place. Both are learned and knowledge of a god comes before belief in a god.

Total BS. Who gave this knowledge of a divine being to a new born? Religion requires someone to teach it. It does not just magically appear upon birth. Whereas nobody is required to teach atheism, because everyone is a natural born atheist until they are taught theism
I quite clearly said we are born without a knowledge of god. So, not quite sure why you are asking that question. Nobody is required to teach atheism but in order to hold such a position it does need to be thought about and good reasons for maintaining it. Do you think that not believing in a god just stays naturally with you through your whole life?

You clearly don't know the meaning of atheist. No atheist has faith.

In iceland the majority of people are atheist as well as the majority do believe in fairies. That takes faith.

Anti-theists are all about hatred, and nothing else. That is never useful

When theists start trying to change the laws to include their nasty versions of morality then anti theism will and should result.
No, you can be born without knowledge of a god but that is not an excuse that stays. Eventually we do learn about gods and then a decision needs to be made.
not relevant.

But in this case it is wrong.
what do you have to support that claim?

I am only doing to you what a theist will do with that definition. Your claim is a lack of belief, not that there is not god only that it is a choice not to believe. And even not believing is a form of a belief system so therefore atheism is a belief system based on faith.

Please, by all means, do tear the argument apart. I have been doing so for a long time.
atheism is defined as a lack of belief in God. Again I'm willing to hear nuance but I'm not going to accept an esoteric definition is the proper definition and all of the definitions as wrong, not without something to back up your claim.

Not at all. I am just giving reason as to why the definition of the dictionary is faulty and needs to be expressed far better than it is.
you're insisting on an esoteric definition.

No, once again. Gnosticism is about knowledge. Theism is about belief. The two are different.
there is no evidence that God exists therefore there can be no knowledge of God so there can be no such thing as gnosticism in the strictest meanings of the word.

But very young children do not take it as a myth, they believe in santa.

I have not made up any new definition. I have given you what atheist usually say when confronted with a theist who insists that atheism is faith based.
no you haven't I've talked to many atheists and I've never heard them say what you say. But then again I don't insist that atheism is faith-based so either you're wrong or wasting your time arguing a point that I didn't make.

All i have done is expanded the explenation from a cliche that was derived by theosts in the first place.
no really all you've done was argue semantics.

It does define the meaning in that particular context. Without context defining the word "nut" would not be possible because it has many definitions.
it's impossible to write many definitions? So it's dictionary is impossible? I can look in the dictionary and find a different definitions of the word nut. So either you've been on Mars with your head buried in the sand or you're in denial of the existence of a dictionary. Determine which definition you're using and again this is to eliminate ambiguity you would pay attention to context.

AS much as it would please me to say i invented this, i cannot. Nothing i have said is new. It may be esoteric to you but then you have also said you have never come across this before.
okay somebody else invented this it's still an esoteric definition and people don't mean what you are saying when they say atheist.

Yes, but that does not mean it has to be used in that setting of stone for all time. The basic definition of atheism in the dictionary is not an adequate definition because theists will twist it so as to call atheism faith based .
So what?
Therefore a better version of a definition is needed.
build a better mousetrap...
Which is not to say that the old one cannot still be used. Just be prepared to face a dishonest theist who will twist it when you do.
that's their dishonesty you need a new definition of a word to win an argument? You can't define yourself out of an argument.
not relevant.
Of course it is relevant. Atheism can only be sustained by reason, not by the fact that we are born atheists.

what do you have to support that claim?
Every philosopher including comte himself who saw that his original definition, the one the dictionary cites, is wrong.

atheism is defined as a lack of belief in God. Again I'm willing to hear nuance but I'm not going to accept an esoteric definition is the proper definition and all of the definitions as wrong, not without something to back up your claim.
i am not claiming that it is wrong. Merely that it is a definition that has flaws because it was created to suite theists.

you're insisting on an esoteric definition.
You mistake the fact that you have not heard the idea for being esoteric. It is merely an expanded explenation of atheism nothing more.

there is no evidence that God exists therefore there can be no knowledge of God so there can be no such thing as gnosticism in the strictest meanings of the word.
And yet we do have theists who not only believe in the existence of a god but will quite happily tell you they also know what he wants.
Did you not just make the claim that you are a theist.

The analogy of santa was to make the point that there is a difference between knowledge of and belief in. Why you brought up the point that you do not believe ion santa was a bit irrelevant but i answered it anyway.

no you haven't I've talked to many atheists and I've never heard them say what you say. But then again I don't insist that atheism is faith-based so either you're wrong or wasting your time arguing a point that I didn't make.

True, we started out on this conversation to discuss the meaning of gnostism which led onto the meaning of atheism and how it is being distorted by some theists.

no really all you've done was argue semantics.
Again, that is a tautology. If you argue the meaning of words then you are arguing semantics.

it's impossible to write many definitions? So it's dictionary is impossible? I can look in the dictionary and find a different definitions of the word nut. So either you've been on Mars with your head buried in the sand or you're in denial of the existence of a dictionary. Determine which definition you're using and again this is to eliminate ambiguity you would pay attention to context.

That is exactly my point. You can find many definitions of the word nut in a dictionary. The only means we have of determining the meaning of the word is by context.

okay somebody else invented this it's still an esoteric definition and people don't mean what you are saying when they say atheist.
Something being esoteric is not in it self a reason to reject the idea. To do so is to say you have a closed mind and refuse to accept any new ideas.

So what? build a better mousetrap... that's their dishonesty you need a new definition of a word to win an argument? You can't define yourself out of an argument
Again nothing i have said is new. Nor is anything i have said fail as far as reasoning goes. It would seem that your real argument is that you are unwilling to look at anything from a new angle no matter how reasonable it sounds simply because you have never heard it before.
Of course it is relevant. Atheism can only be sustained by reason, not by the fact that we are born atheists.
Still not relevant.

Every philosopher including comte himself who saw that his original definition, the one the dictionary cites, is wrong.
sorry, no philosopher is the dictator if language. so you can list for anybody you want that says it's wrong but they can't show it to be wrong.

i am not claiming that it is wrong. Merely that it is a definition that has flaws because it was created to suite theists.
it's still common usage. I don't care how you feel about the common people that use it that's how words are defined.

You mistake the fact that you have not heard the idea for being esoteric. It is merely an expanded explenation of atheism nothing more.
well I respected that it's an expanded explanation but it's not common usage. and if you have to go into a dissertation about what the word means you're missing the point of words.

And yet we do have theists who not only believe in the existence of a god but will quite happily tell you they also know what he wants.
do you ever ask them to prove it?
Did you not just make the claim that you are a theist.
I don't understand the reason you're asking me this question so I refuse to answer until you do.

The analogy of santa was to make the point that there is a difference between knowledge of and belief in. Why you brought up the point that you do not believe ion santa was a bit irrelevant but i answered it anyway.
I never mentioned Santa Claus once that's all you so you must have me confused with someone else.

True, we started out on this conversation to discuss the meaning of gnostism which led onto the meaning of atheism and how it is being distorted by some theists.
no again you must have me confused with someone else I never mention gnosticism until you started ranting about it. The only thing I've been discussing is how agnostic people are atheist by definition.
Again, that is a tautology. If you argue the meaning of words then you are arguing semantics.
you're the one that keeps insisting that the dictionaries are wrong. doors that it's some sort of theist conspiracy or some retarded **** like that.

I'm arguing that common usage of words is what we go by. If you want to expand upon the meaning you may do so what do you get to say the meaning that is applied buy the speakers is wrong.

That is exactly my point. You can find many definitions of the word nut in a dictionary. The only means we have of determining the meaning of the word is by context.
your point is flawed. The word nut can't mean anything. It can't mean tree it can't mean car it has a specific set of meanings through context do you remove ambiguity you don't derive meaning through context alone.
Something being esoteric is not in it self a reason to reject the idea.
I didn't reject the idea the only thing you said so far and that I reject is this theist conspiracy to define the word to mean a lack of belief and somehow suggesting who knows what. That's kind of stupid but other than that are you accept that this esoteric meaning is an esoteric mean it's just not a common usage and that's the only thing I'm saying.
To do so is to say you have a closed mind and refuse to accept any new ideas.
to think I'm rejecting anything but your moronic little conspiracy theory is you not paying attention to the conversation, are you trying to make a straw man, are you confusing me with someone else.

Again nothing i have said is new. Nor is anything i have said fail as far as reasoning goes.
I never heard this crap about theists being in charge of what atheism means sounds like snowflaky sjw nonsense, so I'm ridiculing the hell out of that idea because I find it moronic. But that's the only one.
It would seem that your real argument is that you are unwilling to look at anything from a new angle no matter how reasonable it sounds simply because you have never heard it before.
seems you've had your head shoved in the sand for this entire discussion. how can we have talked to this long and you have no clue what my argument is? It's almost like you're not even reading.

My argument has been from the beginning what the meaning of atheist is in common usage because that's how people use the word. If you want to get your panties in a bunch about how that words defined that's okay I told you I would hear your nuance and I did. I haven't told you it was wrong. I haven't rejected anything except for the moronic sjw nonsense.

So the question I have for you is why in the hell are you so narrow-minded and so unwilling to read what other people have to say? It seems you are guilty of what you accused me of.
Atheists are angry because they think theists are stupid and they don't like stupidity. Theists are angry because they know that atheists think they're stupid.

Atheists are arrogant know-it-alls. Some theists are narrow-minded unthinking followers. Some theists are open to the reality of the infinitely intelligent universe, and have experienced it directly in their lives.
Atheists are angry because they think theists are stupid and they don't like stupidity.

Are you projecting or something? One of the most brilliant minds in human history was a theist: Newton.

Theists are angry because they know that atheists think they're stupid.

More projection? Why would they care what atheists think about them?

Atheists are arrogant know-it-alls.

Don't you believe you have an invisible all powerful all knowing besty?
Couldn't agree more. What's the best way for me to identify as a Christian that supports the separation of church and state, so that atheists won't automatically distrust me?

Keep your sanctimonious nose, your patriarchal punitive religious comments, your laws forcing your beliefs on women's reproductive choices and your prayers out of public schools to yourselves and let others choose what they want to believe in
Atheists are angry because they think theists are stupid and they don't like stupidity. Theists are angry because they know that atheists think they're stupid.

Atheists are arrogant know-it-alls. Some theists are narrow-minded unthinking followers. Some theists are open to the reality of the infinitely intelligent universe, and have experienced it directly in their lives.

How exactly does one experience the reality of the infinitely intelligent universe?
Who are these authorities on the subject?
but they don't believe so atheist. yes I can I just did. atheist means you like a belief in God. The root word of being theos which is Greek for God, not supernatural. Any word with the root word being Theist is about God not supernatural.

You've not provided any evidence to counter the citation I gave. The link I gave refuted your claims and supported what I said. For lack of evidence, your claims are unfounded and dismissed without any further need to debate, on my part, w/o said evidence.

Your obstinance is duly noted.
Still not relevant.

sorry, no philosopher is the dictator if language. so you can list for anybody you want that says it's wrong but they can't show it to be wrong.

Of course it can be shown to be wrong. And the philosophers are not dictating the language they are debating the meaning.

it's still common usage. I don't care how you feel about the common people that use it that's how words are defined.

So your argument then is that it is broke but don't fix it.

well I respected that it's an expanded explanation but it's not common usage. and if you have to go into a dissertation about what the word means you're missing the point of words.

When theists are deliberately misrepresenting that meaning, and they are when they claim atheism is faith based then simply repeating back to them the same definition they distort does nothing to counter their assertion. The word then needs top be explained in a more succinct fashion.

do you ever ask them to prove it?
I have already given you the reasoning they used and said feel free to tear it apart.

I don't understand the reason you're asking me this question so I refuse to answer until you do.

Your kidding me!!! You and i started this only because you did not get what gnosticism means. You then stated your reason as to why gnosticism cannot exist. Which was that there is no evidence of a god in the first place. Yet further back you also stated you were a theist. Please tell me you do see the conflict between the two statements?

I never mentioned Santa Claus once that's all you so you must have me confused with someone else.
No, i brought up santa as an analogy to explain the difference between knowledge and belief.

no again you must have me confused with someone else I never mention gnosticism until you started ranting about it. The only thing I've been discussing is how agnostic people are atheist by definition.
you're the one that keeps insisting that the dictionaries are wrong. doors that it's some sort of theist conspiracy or some retarded **** like that.

No, your memory fails you once again. Go back and look at post #163 where you and jay59 started discussing the meaning of agnostic. I only jumped in to correct your definition of the word agnostic as apposed to gnostic.
And i have not insisted the dictionaries are wrong. I have been insisting that some theists deliberately misrepresent what the dictionary said.

I'm arguing that common usage of words is what we go by. If you want to expand upon the meaning you may do so what do you get to say the meaning that is applied buy the speakers is wrong.
And please, go right ahead and do so, no problem with that. Unless like some theists you start to use it to make the claim that atheism must therefor be faith based. Then i or some other atheist will rip you argument to shreds as it deserves.

your point is flawed. The word nut can't mean anything. It can't mean tree it can't mean car it has a specific set of meanings through context do you remove ambiguity you don't derive meaning through context alone.

Fine, an example. If i say, " he has big nuts". Then what is the definition of the word nuts? Is it he has large testicles? or is it he is holding some large nuts that fit onto bolts? or is it that he has some large seeds from a tree? Do i mean he has been very brave?
Without context the statement is vague and can be interpreted in these or some other way.
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I didn't reject the idea the only thing you said so far and that I reject is this theist conspiracy to define the word to mean a lack of belief and somehow suggesting who knows what. That's kind of stupid but other than that are you accept that this esoteric meaning is an esoteric mean it's just not a common usage and that's the only thing I'm saying. to think I'm rejecting anything but your moronic little conspiracy theory is you not paying attention to the conversation, are you trying to make a straw man, are you confusing me with someone else.
No, i have been quite specific. I did not say " who knows what" I stated quite clearly that it was faith. You are simply attempting a reductio ad absurdum fallacy by pretending it is a conspiracy while trying to ignore that it is a fact that theist will claim atheism is faith based.

Your not creating good counter points. You are simply creating fake fallacies, I dare you to copy and paste anything i have said that could be construed as a strawman and as i have pointed out you are even forgetting your own words and claiming they were said by some one else.

I never heard this crap about theists being in charge of what atheism means sounds like snowflaky sjw nonsense, so I'm ridiculing the hell out of that idea because I find it moronic. But that's the only one. seems you've had your head shoved in the sand for this entire discussion. how can we have talked to this long and you have no clue what my argument is? It's almost like you're not even reading.

And you are doing what i have actually claimed. That theists will deliberately misrepresent . I never said theists were in charge of what atheism is. That is your words in a failed attempt to try an absurdum fallacy again. We have talked this long because up till this post you have not used these tricks but now this post is full of incorrect and misleading claims by you.
My argument has been from the beginning what the meaning of atheist is in common usage because that's how people use the word. If you want to get your panties in a bunch about how that words defined that's okay I told you I would hear your nuance and I did. I haven't told you it was wrong. I haven't rejected anything except for the moronic sjw nonsense.

So the question I have for you is why in the hell are you so narrow-minded and so unwilling to read what other people have to say? It seems you are guilty of what you accused me of.

Ironic that someone like you whose so far only reason to reject an explanation is that you have not heard it before is complaining about another being narrow minded. Something new enters your life and you reject it on that basis and that alone. From the beginning your actual argument was that you did not understand the difference between agnostic and atheism. You quite obviously still do not understand because you cannot follow the conversation having forgotten what you have said and now try to blame it on someone else must have said it.

Suggest you go back to where we started reread everything and try not in future make false claims about this argument.
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Keep your sanctimonious nose, your patriarchal punitive religious comments, your laws forcing your beliefs on women's reproductive choices and your prayers out of public schools to yourselves and let others choose what they want to believe in

I would also add they theists should try and debate honestly and not run away without apologising for their own hypocrisy. Not that i am pointing a finger at anyone in particular like olnate.
You've not provided any evidence to counter the citation I gave. The link I gave refuted your claims and supported what I said.
you can't cite the dictatorial authorities of language they don't exist.
For lack of evidence, your claims are unfounded and dismissed without any further need to debate, on my part, w/o said evidence.

Your obstinance is duly noted.
My claims were of common usage.
These posts are becoming entirely too long and this discussion is really kind of going nowhere.
I have been insisting that some theists deliberately misrepresent what the dictionary said.

And please, go right ahead and do so, no problem with that. Unless like some theists you start to use it to make the claim that atheism must therefor be faith based. Then i or some other atheist will rip you argument to shreds as it deserves.
so I think you have some sort of emotional problem here. I think you desperately want me to make the argument that atheism is faith-based because you tried to trick me into that several times.

I don't make that argument I don't believe that so if you want to rip apart crappy arguments you'll have to find someone else to make them.

I don't know why you would do this, maybe the concept of a rational theist triggers some insecurities you have about your own philosophy.

Maybe you should re-evaluate that's so cold process you went through to get where you are. I see a chink in the armor.
No, i have been quite specific. I did not say " who knows what" I stated quite clearly that it was faith.
the concept of faith tooth cause you a lot of grief. And I'm still not making the argument that atheism is faith-based and I'm not going to.

If you want to have that argument there are plenty of people that will go find them and don't care about apart and give yourself your banal little jollies.

I'm sorry the existence of a rational Theist causes you this much existential angst.

It should make you feel better but, I don't think you're entirely honest with yourself about your own philosophy and.
These posts are becoming entirely too long and this discussion is really kind of going nowhere.
so I think you have some sort of emotional problem here. I think you desperately want me to make the argument that atheism is faith-based because you tried to trick me into that several times.

I don't make that argument I don't believe that so if you want to rip apart crappy arguments you'll have to find someone else to make them.

I don't know why you would do this, maybe the concept of a rational theist triggers some insecurities you have about your own philosophy.

Maybe you should re-evaluate that's so cold process you went through to get where you are. I see a chink in the armor.

I do not need you to make that argument. That other theists do so is undeniable and all that i need. This all began with your wanting a clear explanation of what agnosticism is and how it differs from atheism. Which then developed onto why the definition of atheism is inadequate to explain such a difference.

And rational theist is an oxy moron as there is no rational reason to be a theist. It is nothing but a faith based belief system..
the concept of faith tooth cause you a lot of grief. And I'm still not making the argument that atheism is faith-based and I'm not going to.

If you want to have that argument there are plenty of people that will go find them and don't care about apart and give yourself your banal little jollies.

I'm sorry the existence of a rational Theist causes you this much existential angst.

It should make you feel better but, I don't think you're entirely honest with yourself about your own philosophy and.

You are again mistaken. I have no problem with faith. But i do have a problem with the twisted thinking of theists who try to falsely claim atheism is faith based.

And again, rational theist is an oxy moron. I honestly doubt you can come up with a rational reason to be a theist.
You are again mistaken. I have no problem with faith. But i do have a problem with the twisted thinking of theists who try to falsely claim atheism is faith based.
I know you keep whining and crying about it even though I've not made that argument.
And again, rational theist is an oxy moron. I honestly doubt you can come up with a rational reason to be a theist.
see what I mean. You are so threatened you deny its existence.
I do not need you to make that argument. That other theists do so is undeniable and all that i need.
then you need to go find these other theists and have this argument with them because right now you're preaching to the choir.
This all began with your wanting a clear explanation of what agnosticism is and how it differs from atheism.
and then you abandoned that to cry about how Theist say atheism is faith-based. I don't care about that it's not my argument. so I'm sorry you abandoned to the discussion we were having about atheism to wine about this particular cause of whatever existential angst do you suffer from.

Which then developed onto why the definition of atheism is inadequate to explain such a difference.
it's moved so completely far away from that to where your whinging about how the mean old theists are calling atheism faith based. Explaining the nuance between agnosticism and atheism, not that there is much, has nothing to do with that.
And rational theist is an oxy moron as there is no rational reason to be a theist. It is nothing but a faith based belief system..
I know you really want that to be true that's why you keep trying to bait me into this argument that you want to destroy with all your atheist buddies.

Makes you feel better to rip it apart I am denying you that by not making that argument now I'm seeing how you would act.
I was neither having a go at you, nor not keeping up with the thread. I also was also polite and respectful. I know I can't make you do anything, but I can at least respectfully request that you stick to the topic, without devolving into hair splitting. Also up to you whether or not you'd like to participate. But if you do, it sure would be nice if you gave your thoughts re: the OP.

As to why you should seek a solution, I mean, I can't answer that for you. Perhaps you enjoy the division. I'm sure some people do, and do everything they can to keep it going. There are always those folks in any situation. As to how I'd answer for myself, well, I'm tired of all the ugly, between people who otherwise would probably not be all that different. I see the need for greater cooperation going forward, not more division. I don't think we can sustain it. And, the side interest, is that if atheists and theists can accept each other's differences, perhaps we can share those learnings with other massively divided demographics.

So, you're saying that your inability to come to terms with the fact that some theists believe that theists choose to believe there is no god, vs you, who hold that it is not a belief that defines you as an atheist, but rather a lack of belief, is so angst inspiring for you, that it prevents you from believing there can be reconciliation?

The problem with your thread is that you make everything personal. The ideas expressed in threads in this particular forum are irreconcilable. And this is what this particular forum is all about. But it is only the ideas that are irreconcilable, not the human beings who express them. I have been falsely accused by you, and others, of trolling, belittling and denigrating other posters. I have done nothing of the kind. I have tried to keep it about a debate about ideas. If you take it personally, it means you are not engaging in the debate of ideas. So I would suggest either stop taking it personally and making it personal, or don't engage at all. You will not get the reconciliation you are looking for here, nor should you expect it.
Since it has absolutely nothing to do with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, any form of speech by students should be allowed. To do otherwise violates their individual right to free speech. Naturally, since you disagree with their speech, you seek to prohibit it entirely. That is a very fascist approach, and not in accordance with the US Constitution or the founding principles of this nation.

So you would advocate allowing them to spew hate, racism, anti government slogans at a high school graduation? You would advocate allowing a personal attack on you?

Your understanding of the first amendment is highly suspect.
Actually, in the US it is call freedom of speech and it is protected by the US Constitution.

And responding in a negative manner is also free speech, no matter how much you dislike the concept.

There is another concept implicit in the 1st amendment, that being freedom from speech.
You do not get to dictate what people say or where they say it. If a high school student is given the opportunity to give a valedictorian speech, they have the right to say anything they please as long as they don't advocate violence. If they want to use the opportunity to preach their religious belief, they can. If they want to use the opportunity to condemn the religious beliefs of others, they can. They can say whatever they wish because they have that individual right protected by the Supreme Law of the Land.

Yet you seem to think that you do get to dictate what they say. Even then you declare that advocating violence cannot be done. Direct opposition of what you claim. Hypocrisy much?

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