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At least two dead in Lackland Air Force Base shooting: Sheriff (1 Viewer)

tres borrachos

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Feb 20, 2012
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At least two dead in Lackland Air Force Base shooting: Sheriff


Details somewhat sketchy at this point.

Law enforcement responded to Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas on Friday on reports of an active shooter.

The Bexar County Sheriff posted on Twitter about the reports at 9:50 a.m., ET. Citing the Sheriff, the Associated Press reported that at least one person is dead at the base, and the gunman is still active.
Just saw this on the news and they're calling it a murder/suicide.
Military people? Love triangle? Are they saying anything yet?

I haven't heard anything else.

Lackland is a pretty big base. It's where all UASF do their basic training and they also have a large hospital.

When I hear "murder/suicide" I generally think domestic matter right off the bat.
At least two dead in Lackland Air Force Base shooting: Sheriff


Details somewhat sketchy at this point.

Law enforcement responded to Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas on Friday on reports of an active shooter.

The Bexar County Sheriff posted on Twitter about the reports at 9:50 a.m., ET. Citing the Sheriff, the Associated Press reported that at least one person is dead at the base, and the gunman is still active.

The report is of a "murder/suicide", so the shooter must be dead. At least, he's no longer shooting. No more news currently.
I haven't heard anything else.

Lackland is a pretty big base. It's where all UASF do their basic training and they also have a large hospital.

When I hear "murder/suicide" I generally think domestic matter right off the bat.

Yup, that's what murder/suicides tend to be. Sad!
At this time, all that is known is that an Airman shot and killed his commander before killing himself. 2 guns were found near the bodies.
At this time, all that is known is that an Airman shot and killed his commander before killing himself. 2 guns were found near the bodies.

Shot his commander? That's not good.

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