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As we use to say at sea "Stand By for Heavy rolls to port." (1 Viewer)

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific NW
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
The Chief Justice of the SCOTUS has died...........As we use to say in the Navy aboard ship at sea when the weather got rough. "Stand by for heavy rolls to port."...........

I might see the end of Roe V Wade yet before I kick the bucket and the end to the murder of innocent babies in the womb.

How sweet that would be.............
As you do.
vergiss said:
As you do.

That is true but I kind of like my side chances on the issue......we shall see.........
Indeed. Will shrubbie listen to the funides political machine and sink the repugnican party, or will he pay attention to the people and find moderates who are not eager to push the Governemnt into people's bedrooms. Well, anyway, the Senators may think twice before trashing their own reelections by confirming extremist rightwinger fundies.
steen said:
Indeed. Will shrubbie listen to the funides political machine and sink the repugnican party, or will he pay attention to the people and find moderates who are not eager to push the Governemnt into people's bedrooms. Well, anyway, the Senators may think twice before trashing their own reelections by confirming extremist rightwinger fundies.

As did "Slick Willie" in nominating one of the biggest Liberals in the history of the U.S. in Ginsberg President Bush will nominate a true Conservative and we will be able to put Roe V Wade to bed preventing the murdering and butchering of innocent babies in the womb..........What goes around comes around my liberal friend......

I think Janis Rogers Brown and Patricia Owens both would make great justices and they are strongly pro life.........

How sweet it is!!!!:lol:

Eat your
Navy Pride said:
As did "Slick Willie" in nominating one of the biggest Liberals in the history of the U.S. in Ginsberg President Bush will nominate a true Conservative and we will be able to put Roe V Wade to bed preventing the murdering and butchering of innocent babies in the womb..........What goes around comes around my liberal friend......

I think Janis Rogers Brown and Patricia Owens both would make great justices and they are strongly pro life.........

How sweet it is!!!!:lol:

Eat your

Keep dreaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Navy Pride said:
How sweet it is!!!!:lol:

Eat your
Was there any point to that rant other than trying to convince yourself that your wishful thinking regarding the theocracy will come to pass?
Old and wise said:
Keep dreaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well how will you lefties stop it? There are 55 Republicans in the Senate plus Nelson from Colarado and Hillary from NY who said they would vote for Roberts

If the Liberals Filibuster the Majority leader invokes the nuclear option which means it only takes a simple majority of 51 votes.......

How will the liberals block it? I will be waiting for your answer......
steen said:
Was there any point to that rant other than trying to convince yourself that your wishful thinking regarding the theocracy will come to pass?

Same question for you my liberal friend.....
Well how will you lefties stop it? There are 55 Republicans in the Senate plus Nelson from Colarado and Hillary from NY who said they would vote for Roberts

If the Liberals Filibuster the Majority leader invokes the nuclear option which means it only takes a simple majority of 51 votes.......

How will the liberals block it? I will be waiting for your answer
Navy Pride said:
Same question for you my liberal friend.....
Well how will you lefties stop it? There are 55 Republicans in the Senate plus Nelson from Colarado and Hillary from NY who said they would vote for Roberts

If the Liberals Filibuster the Majority leader invokes the nuclear option which means it only takes a simple majority of 51 votes.......

How will the liberals block it? I will be waiting for your answer
I merely noted by your answer that you ARE wishing for the theocracy to come to pass in direct violation of the US Constitution. So you would have to ask for judges that deliberately violate the US Constitution. Why am I not surprised. That damn constitution prevents you from imposing your moralistic thumb on everybody else. No doubt that bothers you immensely.

As for the nuclear option, I duly note your desire to shut down congress.
steen said:
I merely noted by your answer that you ARE wishing for the theocracy to come to pass in direct violation of the US Constitution. So you would have to ask for judges that deliberately violate the US Constitution. Why am I not surprised. That damn constitution prevents you from imposing your moralistic thumb on everybody else. No doubt that bothers you immensely.

As for the nuclear option, I duly note your desire to shut down congress.

Yeah like the activist liberal judges did in Mass were when it comes to gay marriage they made law instead of interpreting it.........

As far as shutting down Congress.......Go for it.............Newt tried that tactic in 1994 and lost his job.............

You might think the American people are stupid but they are not..........
Navy Pride said:
You might think the American people are stupid but they are not..........
Not so stupid that they will let rightwing fundie theocrats take their rights away. Shrubbie knows. he knows as does the Senators. When the chips fall, they better be right by the people, or they are out.

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