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Armed School Officer stopped Maryland shooting (1 Viewer)

Unfortunately, the cop also shot one of the bystanders. But still, I'm glad he was there because it sure would've been worse without him.

HAs that been confirmed?
Nice broad-brushing... I guess that since teachers are too incompetent to be trusted with firearms, then we should take them all away from them.

Let them present a post certificate.
Why do you have such a low opinion of teachers? Do you think that they aren't smart enough to learn the skills needed to be competent protectors of our children??

Of course they can learn. Fulltime for one year should be enough
HAs that been confirmed?
Not yet...according to the OP article, anyway.

"...Police are also investigating if the 14-year-old male student was shot by Rollins or Gaskill while the two exchanged gunfire...."​

The shooter and the other victim may have had a romantic relationship....so he may have just been targeting the one student rather than whole school.
HAs that been confirmed?

The latest is the kid either shot himself or the cop got him (CBS News), they've not said that the cop shot the 14 year old. The girl got it in the head; she's critical.
Nice broad-brushing... I guess that since teachers are too incompetent to be trusted with firearms, then we should take them all away from them.

Teachers should not be carrying guns at school.
Actually we did not. And certainly not in public unsupervised

Guess there are major differences in police departments, or maybe things have changed over the years. My weapon came home with me everyday after that's days training was over, had to be cleaned spotless for the next days inspection. We also carried our backup where ever we went "off duty".
Guess there are major differences in police departments, or maybe things have changed over the years. My weapon came home with me everyday after that's days training was over, had to be cleaned spotless for the next days inspection. We also carried our backup where ever we went "off duty".

We were not issued bullets until halfway thru
Not yet...according to the OP article, anyway.

"...Police are also investigating if the 14-year-old male student was shot by Rollins or Gaskill while the two exchanged gunfire...."​

The shooter and the other victim may have had a romantic relationship....so he may have just been targeting the one student rather than whole school.

It would be better if we didn't have people with guns, defending our kids, I mean, what if it's just a single shooting situation? Too dangerous to have others shooting....
I hate to burst your bubble but cops don't go through two years of field training -- at least not typically. Some go to academy for 6 mos, some don't, it just depends on the department doing the hiring. My daughter is in law enforcement and she will occasionally bring officers out to our place to shoot (we have a bank range). Surprisingly, the officers are typically not great shots. Their usual gripes are that they don't get enough range time and that they can't afford to buy their own ammo. Some are pretty decent shots, however.

I am an expert on police firearms training having been the firearms trainer for my DOJ component and having had (both in private practice and as a DOJ trial attorney) the duty of defending police and Federal LEOs in shooting cases. The average Cincinnati PD officer shoots less than 150 times a year. Thats what I consider a minimal monthly requirement to be somewhat competent.
Teachers should not be carrying guns at school.

yeah i know-you prefer to see an active shooter not be challenged when he decides to wipe out a school-then you get the dead bodies you need to push your gun banning desires. A teacher whacking an active shooter deprives your side of having lots of dead children that are so useful to the jihad against guns you don't like other people being able to own since you cannot.
Originally Posted by vegas giants View Post
If everyone was nice there would be no crime.
If wishes were fishes.....lol
I guess we agree. But unfortunately in the real world it's not like that though.
My point exactly
So you see my point then. Teachers need to be armed(ones that want to)with enhanced training.
I guess we agree. But unfortunately in the real world it's not like that though.

So you see my point then. Teachers need to be armed(ones that want to)with enhanced training.

Yep just show the post certificate. At least a year fulltime.
And I bet you would be satisfied without any refresher to. You don't want much do you.

I think our kids deserve to be protected by professionals. You want to do it on the cheap
If it takes you two years to learn how to fire a weapon adequately you are in serious trouble....

ETA - lol, lol, lol

Are you saying cops are dumb? I disagree

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