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Are You Radical or Conservative? (1 Viewer)

Are you a Radical or Conservative

  • A definite Radical

    Votes: 14 56.0%
  • A definite Conservative

    Votes: 11 44.0%

  • Total voters


DP Veteran
Dec 14, 2005
Reaction score
New Hampshire
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
I find it amusing that some here use the term ‘Radical Right’. The term ‘Radical Right’ is the perfect definition of an oxymoron.

CONSERVATIVE: preservative, maintaining existing views, conditions, institutions…traditional.

RADICAL: extremist, a partisan of the political left…leftist.

#1. Conservative…..Defends our traditions/institutions like our Constitution, and defends America from foreign invasion.

#1. Radical…..Legislates and proposes to change the Constitution to appease the nuances of political correctness and multiculturalism; and protests every war, thus further eroding the chances to defend and protect our people and our country.

#2. Conservative…..Upholds and maintains America’s traditional Christian dogma, by celebrating the birth of Christ every December 25th and in our daily prayers.

#2. Radical…..Anyone acting like or supporting the A.C.L.U. in its tiresome effort to eradicate God from our coinage, plaques and institutions, and Christ from the nativity scenes, and prayer from our public schools.

#3. Conservative…..Strong supporters of Christian clergy that aims to spread the word of God across the world in hopes of acquiring a loving and peaceful harmony.

#3. Radical…..Indirect and direct supporters of an Islamic Fascist protocol that calls for a worldwide jihad to eliminate Christianity.

#4. Conservative…..Believes that social programs like Social Security should be eliminated, or to have the recipient dictate (by controlling his own money) how much money goes to whatever vehicle he chooses to invest in. Privatizing just 6% of their SS monies in the stock market (over SS’s lifetime) would net the recipient 7.5% interest in his investment.

#4. Radical…..Takes the stubborn stance on all government sponsored programs. He is content to keep Social Security at it’s status quo. He is happy watching tax paying Social Security recipients shovel their monies into a nearly defunct system, that over it’s lifetime would net the recipient -1% on his investment (if it hadn’t gone belly up by then).

#5. Conservative…..Believes in a traditional marriage between a man and a woman, in which having offspring can be a reality, in fact, having children would be favored by God himself.

#5. Radical…..Pushes for legislation that would honor the marriage between two men, between two women, and between a man and his prize pink-eyed blue ribbon sheep. Alternative lifestyles are vogue, as acceptance for polygamy becomes the standard.

#6. Conservative…..Believes that the birthing of human babies is God’s precious gift to mankind.

#6. Radical…..Believes that God doesn’t exist, and that the psychological makeup of the pregnant woman by choosing to rid herself of an unwanted non-viable piece of flesh and blood…should far outweigh any logical, reasonable, loving, compassionate, or God chosen gift to produce human life itself.
ptsdkid said:
I find it amusing that some here use the term ‘Radical Right’. The term ‘Radical Right’ is the perfect definition of an oxymoron.

CONSERVATIVE: preservative, maintaining existing views, conditions, institutions…traditional.

RADICAL: extremist, a partisan of the political left…leftist.

#1. Conservative…..Defends our traditions/institutions like our Constitution, and defends America from foreign invasion.

#1. Radical…..Legislates and proposes to change the Constitution to appease the nuances of political correctness and multiculturalism; and protests every war, thus further eroding the chances to defend and protect our people and our country.

#2. Conservative…..Upholds and maintains America’s traditional Christian dogma, by celebrating the birth of Christ every December 25th and in our daily prayers.

#2. Radical…..Anyone acting like or supporting the A.C.L.U. in its tiresome effort to eradicate God from our coinage, plaques and institutions, and Christ from the nativity scenes, and prayer from our public schools.

#3. Conservative…..Strong supporters of Christian clergy that aims to spread the word of God across the world in hopes of acquiring a loving and peaceful harmony.

#3. Radical…..Indirect and direct supporters of an Islamic Fascist protocol that calls for a worldwide jihad to eliminate Christianity.

#4. Conservative…..Believes that social programs like Social Security should be eliminated, or to have the recipient dictate (by controlling his own money) how much money goes to whatever vehicle he chooses to invest in. Privatizing just 6% of their SS monies in the stock market (over SS’s lifetime) would net the recipient 7.5% interest in his investment.

#4. Radical…..Takes the stubborn stance on all government sponsored programs. He is content to keep Social Security at it’s status quo. He is happy watching tax paying Social Security recipients shovel their monies into a nearly defunct system, that over it’s lifetime would net the recipient -1% on his investment (if it hadn’t gone belly up by then).

#5. Conservative…..Believes in a traditional marriage between a man and a woman, in which having offspring can be a reality, in fact, having children would be favored by God himself.

#5. Radical…..Pushes for legislation that would honor the marriage between two men, between two women, and between a man and his prize pink-eyed blue ribbon sheep. Alternative lifestyles are vogue, as acceptance for polygamy becomes the standard.

#6. Conservative…..Believes that the birthing of human babies is God’s precious gift to mankind.

#6. Radical…..Believes that God doesn’t exist, and that the psychological makeup of the pregnant woman by choosing to rid herself of an unwanted non-viable piece of flesh and blood…should far outweigh any logical, reasonable, loving, compassionate, or God chosen gift to produce human life itself.

I definetly fall into the non exsistent "neither" catagory
I am very conservative but not radical although some of my liberal friends in this forum might think otherwise...........;)
LOL I was the only one who has said I am a radical.
aps said:
LOL I was the only one who has said I am a radical.

Something we both have in common, I am a radical as well..:2wave:
I'm radical.

Democrats hate me and conservatives think I'm unreal.

I'm an anarchist.
This doesn't make sense:
ptsdkid said:
CONSERVATIVE: preservative, maintaining existing views, conditions, institutions…traditional.
ptsdkid said:
#4. Conservative…..Believes that social programs like Social Security should be eliminated, or to have the recipient dictate (by controlling his own money) how much money goes to whatever vehicle he chooses to invest in. Privatizing just 6% of their SS monies in the stock market (over SS’s lifetime) would net the recipient 7.5% interest in his investment.

Now, how would a conservative, who as you claim is for maintaining existing views, change a social program that is the current existing view of this country? That's an oxymoron!
shuamort said:
This doesn't make sense:

Now, how would a conservative, who as you claim is for maintaining existing views, change a social program that is the current existing view of this country? That's an oxymoron!

***Social Security was enacted by a Democrat president. True conservatives never wanted or needed SS in the first place. We seek to maintain traditional values.
ThePhoenix said:
Something we both have in common, I am a radical as well..:2wave:

It's about time you and I made a connection. Wanna make out? ;)
What a stupid waste of space this poll is. Here, I have a much better one:

Are you a Liberal or a Stupid Idiotic Moronic Reactionary?

#1: Liberal ... Believes we should not engage in war unless there is a direct actual threat to our country or allies and all other avenues have been exhausted.

#1: Stupid Idiotic Moronic Reactionary... Believes it is OK to make up reasons to attack countries that have not committed any act of war against us or threatened us because it's cool to see pictures of bombs going off.

#2: Liberal ... Believes the government should tax as much as it spends, and should spend no more than it taxes.

#2: Stupid Idiotic Moronic Reactionary... Believes we should spend far more than we tax, give tax breaks the the wealthiest, and just stick the bill to the future generation by borrowing trillions of dollars, because who the hell cares about the next generation?

#3: Liberal ... Believes that we should have clean air to breathe and clean water to drink.

#3: Stupid Idiotic Moronic Reactionary...Believes pollution is great as long as it increases corporate profits, because that is what makes America great.

#4: Liberal... Believes in the constitution, the rule of law, and that a person is innocent until proven guilty.

#4: Stupid Idiotic Moronic Reactionary...Believes the constitution is toilet paper and the rule of law is for fairies, unless of course it is a Republican getting busted for corruption.

Which are you?
Another liberal bashing thread from fundamentalist ptsdkid. Should I be surprised?

Well then by your definition, I'm a radical then ptsdikid. Happy?
Iriemon said:
What a stupid waste of space this poll is. Here, I have a much better one:

Are you a Liberal or a Stupid Idiotic Moronic Reactionary?

#1: Liberal ... Believes we should not engage in war unless there is a direct actual threat to our country or allies and all other avenues have been exhausted.

Oh like in Kosovo?
#1: Stupid Idiotic Moronic Reactionary... Believes it is OK to make up reasons to attack countries that have not committed any act of war against us or threatened us because it's cool to see pictures of bombs going off.

Nobody made up anything, Saddam had links to AlQaeda it's unrefutable fact, there were 20 odd reasons given for the war in Iraq, WMD is a strawman.
#2: Liberal ... Believes the government should tax as much as it spends, and should spend no more than it taxes.

Nope liberals believe the government is better at managing the financial affairs of the individual than the individual itself but like any wealth redistribution project in history this is a complete fallacy.
#2: Stupid Idiotic Moronic Reactionary... Believes we should spend far more than we tax, give tax breaks the the wealthiest, and just stick the bill to the future generation by borrowing trillions of dollars, because who the hell cares about the next generation?

Last time I checked conservatives are the ones who hate excessive spending but wars cost money.
#3: Liberal ... Believes that we should have clean air to breathe and clean water to drink.

Nope liberals want only the U.S. economy to be destroyed by Kyoto while their communist allies in China are totally exempt from its stipulations.
#3: Stupid Idiotic Moronic Reactionary...Believes pollution is great as long as it increases corporate profits, because that is what makes America great.

Nope conservatives believe that global warming is not caused by mankind because no one has ever proven that it is, but rather international leftists have created this false ideology in order to destroy U.S. economic hegemony.
#4: Liberal... Believes in the constitution, the rule of law, and that a person is innocent until proven guilty.

Nope liberals believe in rewriting the Constitution as they see fit. Roe V Wade ring any bells?
#4: Stupid Idiotic Moronic Reactionary...Believes the constitution is toilet paper and the rule of law is for fairies, unless of course it is a Republican getting busted for corruption.

Nope, Conservatives believe in a strict constructionalist approach to the Constitution.
Which are you?

I'm a Conservative-Reactionary and you're really sad if you actually believe all that crap that you just spewed.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:

No worries, I always knew you were a Stupid Idiotic Moronic Reactionary. ;)
ptsdkid said:
***Social Security was enacted by a Democrat president. True conservatives never wanted or needed SS in the first place. We seek to maintain traditional values.
Who's a "true conservative" in your book and why aren't they rallying to get rid of it?
aps said:
It's about time you and I made a connection. Wanna make out? ;)


shuamort said:
Who's a "true conservative" in your book and why aren't they rallying to get rid of it?

I've been asking the same question for some time now.
I spent 30 years as a conservative Republican, but the Republicans sold out the middle class and the poor. Over the last 3 years, I have become a radical liberal and a member of the ACLU!

The last straw was Bush's tax cut for the wealthy. I may be Liberal now, but I am a fiscal conservative. Bush creating welfare for the wealthiest 5% of tax payers at the expense of the middle class and poor.

Radical Alinsky
alinsky said:
Over the last 3 years, I have become a radical liberal and a member of the ACLU!

Welcome to the board ACLU member
Navy Pride said:
I am very conservative but not radical although some of my liberal friends in this forum might think otherwise...........;)

Nah, you tow the party line too much to be considered a radical.
alinsky said:
I spent 30 years as a conservative Republican, but the Republicans sold out the middle class and the poor. Over the last 3 years, I have become a radical liberal and a member of the ACLU!

The last straw was Bush's tax cut for the wealthy. I may be Liberal now, but I am a fiscal conservative. Bush creating welfare for the wealthiest 5% of tax payers at the expense of the middle class and poor.

Radical Alinsky

You sure drink the liberal koo aid I give you that.........I make 70K a year and am damn sure not rich but I got a great tax cut.......

Thank you President Bush.............
jfuh said:
Another liberal bashing thread from fundamentalist ptsdkid. Should I be surprised?

Well then by your definition, I'm a radical then ptsdikid. Happy?

***Liberal bashing thread? Can you find where I mentioned the word 'liberal' in that post? Since the shoe fits, you seem to be wearing it rather proudly. Good on you for recognizing just how radical you liberals really are.
Well, I never considered myself a radical before, but considering the choices....pish.

Call me Radical.

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