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Are you boycotting Star Wars? [W:160] (1 Viewer)

Are You Boycotting Star Wars?

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These movies like the second batch of three are just a means to latch on to success of the original series. To be honest though I think the original movies kind of sucked. The main character was a weakling, the bad guy was lame, and the story line was pretty stupid.

The Prequels were aimed at the next generation of movie goers. Introducing all the young characters was clearly done with the intent to identify with the X generation peeps and their kids. This new stuff is aimed at millennials and their children.

It's just marketing and playing off the SW brand. Probably a good idea, but it certainly will not appeal to anyone who is over the age of 40.
The Prequels were aimed at the next generation of movie goers. All the young characters was clearly intent to identify with the X generation peeps and their kids. This new stuff is aimed at millennials and their children.

It's just marketing and playing off the SW brand. Probably a good idea, but it certainly will not appeal to anyone who is over the age of 40.

I'm a Millennial and these movies don't appeal to me. :shrug: The last batch of movies were just all around crap. There was quite literally no reason to watch one and two and three should have just been one movie.Then again, it probably would have been best to just combine all three movies into one.
It means a movie, TV show, or some other media that pushes feminist narratives.

That's a pretty wide open definition. Pretty much every movie today pushes "feminist narratives." We don't see movies anymore like Charles Bronson's "Love and Bullets," where the female character is just a ditz. But, rather, we see them more along the lines of his last series of movies, like "Donato and Daughter," where the female lead is a tough, no nonsense character who is one of the boys, if not actually in charge of the boys.
That's a pretty wide open definition. Pretty much every movie today pushes "feminist narratives." We don't see movies anymore like Charles Bronson's "Love and Bullets," where the female character is just a ditz. But, rather, we see them more along the lines of his last series of movies, like "Donato and Daughter," where the female lead is a tough, no nonsense character who is one of the boys, if not actually in charge of the boys.

Which I don't like and I won't watch. :shrug: It's funny how the woman is so tough that they made the male bad guy super pathetic or how feminists can't stand being the one that needs saved but is more than open to making the male lead the one that needs saved at every turn. I simply will not watch movies like this or that Mad Max movie a year or so ago. It simply won't happen. I frankly had enough of it after the whole Hunger Games drivel to be honest.
I'm a Millennial and these movies don't appeal to me. :shrug: The last batch of movies were just all around crap. There was quite literally no reason to watch one and two and three should have just been one movie.Then again, it probably would have been best to just combine all three movies into one.

I keep forgetting that.

The movies have basically sucked even since "The Return of the Jedi." In fact, even that one sort of sucked, except Yoda. Sucks, never does Yoda :)
Which I don't like and I won't watch. :shrug: It's funny how the woman is so tough that they made the male bad guy super pathetic or how feminists can't stand being the one that needs saved but is more than open to making the male lead the one that needs saved at every turn. I simply will not watch movies like this or that Mad Max movie a year or so ago. It simply won't happen. I frankly had enough of it after the whole Hunger Games drivel to be honest.

I guess, IMO, the Bronson "feminist" movies were still pretty realistic. His daughter always needed Charles to save her from the bad guy, who was about to kill her until Bronson put about six bullets into him to end the movie.

"10 to Midnight" is really good for that. I really like the part where the bad guy says he is sick and that he will end up getting out someday. Bronson says, "No you won't." And, he pumps the SOB full of lead. I love that ****.
Kinda of a SCI-FI fan since high school. I've seen all the other ones, and am figuring to see this one too. Perhaps between Christmas and New Year's as a family outing.

The Sunday morning matinee tickets aren't too pricy at all, but then, after a bacon and eggs breakfast, no need to go to the concessions stand either.
It is it good because nostalgia? Is it good because it's not the prequels? Or is it good in its own right?

Genuinely curious. No spoilers, please.

All of the above. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.
My daughter wanted to see it and it wasn't that bad. Yeah it's not exactly an original concept but if you can try to accept it as a different movie and not compare it to the older version it's more enjoyable. If you guys want to remake Sex and the City or some other all female movie, I won't complain. :2razz:

But it looks like a chick flick now. I like Kristen Wiig but she's not enough to make me want to see it.
And I'm not alone, here's the profit numbers, which while adjusting for the difference in currency from 1984 to 2016, shows the Ghostbusters remake to be a hot dud.

1984 Ghostbusters-
Budget $30 million
Box Office $295.2 million

2016 Ghostbusters remake-
Budget $144 million
Box Office $229.1 million
Apparently, many Trumpettes are boycotting Star Wars. Mostly because a writer or two had the temerity to criticize Trump. So Trump people, are you boycotting Star Wars?

I am not a True Trumper but a Sorta Trumper and I would never not do something I want to do because an actor or politician was mad about something and wanted me to listen to them.

Ive seen it twice now.
I guess, IMO, the Bronson "feminist" movies were still pretty realistic. His daughter always needed Charles to save her from the bad guy, who was about to kill her until Bronson put about six bullets into him to end the movie.

"10 to Midnight" is really good for that. I really like the part where the bad guy says he is sick and that he will end up getting out someday. Bronson says, "No you won't." And, he pumps the SOB full of lead. I love that ****.

If you ever have the time read some books by some sci-fi female feminists writers you will likely notice they are filled with all the same sins that feminists bitch about but in reverse.
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Why boycott it? It is a fantasy, a work of fiction. If you are upset by this, don't watch it. If you are after nothing but entertainment, watch it. Simple.
Apparently, many Trumpettes are boycotting Star Wars. Mostly because a writer or two had the temerity to criticize Trump. So Trump people, are you boycotting Star Wars?

It was a freaking good flick. I loved it.
I am not a True Trumper but a Sorta Trumper and I would never not do something I want to do because an actor or politician was mad about something and wanted me to listen to them.

Ive seen it twice now.

What if the actor is really really ugly like that black woman on Ghost Busters and SNL? I boycott her, not because I want too, but because I feel sick whenever I see her face.
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What if the actor is really really ugly like that black woman on Ghost Busters and SNL? I boycott her, not because I want too, but because I feel sick whenever I see her face.

Nothing wrong with discriminating like that. I feel the same for the fat white chick in so many movirs now. She was in ghostbusters too i think.
Nothing wrong with discriminating like that. I feel the same for the fat white chick in so many movirs now. She was in ghostbusters too i think.

Rosie? She still looks like a woman though. The black woman in that movie is not only racist, but looks like a dude.
Rosie? She still looks like a woman though. The black woman in that movie is not only racist, but looks like a dude.

Melissa mcarthy... what a boring ugly troll.

Holy ****. I just looked up leslie jones. Ugly as **** and yeah... read a bunch of racist tweets of hers.

I would never watch that remake.
Didn't know this was an issue. I googled it and I can see all the alt-left fake news sites are running with it. It appears the issue did prompt Disney to issue a statement.

Like you, I'm wondering how many out of the 60 plus million who voted for Trump, are calling for this.

Is it more a typical political move by the alt-left media dog whistle blowers to inflate the actual sentiment?

I'm more apt to think that is the case.

Considering what the brainless actors say on a regular basis, Trump supporters would be calling for boycotts of most of the stuff that comes out of "Hollywood". Since I'm not aware that is the case, IMO, this issue clearly has no legs, and the numbers are so small as to be meaningless.

There is no alt-left. Except in the "minds" of those who think the term alt-right was coined to hurt their feelings.

If you have been triggered, please go to your safe space.
I hope to see it soon. Did you see what got people in a lather, or is it all a bunch of nonsense?

It was one each movie. I saw a STAR WARS movie, that was all. Nothing related to real world politics. There is deep bond, possible "love" between two males, but it's shown in a way that could be just a deep bond of battle born brotherhood too... that's it for politicalism. Evil Empire, Rebels who sometimes cross the line to to what's needed, a girl with daddy issues, the Force, laser, storm troopers, Xwings and Tie Fighters
It was one each movie. I saw a STAR WARS movie, that was all. Nothing related to real world politics. There is deep bond, possible "love" between two males, but it's shown in a way that could be just a deep bond of battle born brotherhood too... that's it for politicalism. Evil Empire, Rebels who sometimes cross the line to to what's needed, a girl with daddy issues, the Force, laser, storm troopers, Xwings and Tie Fighters

Love between two men is threatening to Trump? Lol!
Love between two men is threatening to Trump? Lol!

I have no clue, I didn't see any antitrumping going on. Nothing near as blatant as the stupidity in the prequels.
I'm not boycotting it, but I'm not going to see it. Why? Because, from what I've heard, it sucks donkey balls.
Not planning to see it, since I didn't see the first reboot. Besides, it'll probably end up on Netflix in a few months, with their Disney deal (only reason the other one isn't on there, is because it came out in 2015).

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