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Are the violent cities all run by democrats? Does party make any difference? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 14, 2020
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Libertarian - Left
Safewise said:
10 Most Dangerous Cities in America for 2020

.....Here are the 10 most dangerous metro areas in America for 2020
1. Anchorage, Alaska (Democrat)
2. Albuquerque, New Mexico (Democrat)
3. Memphis, Tennessee (Democrat)
4. Wichita, Kansas (Republican)
5. Lubbock, Texas (Republican)
6. Detroit-Dearborn-Livonia, Michigan (Democrat)
7. Spokane-Spokane Valley, Washington (Republican)
8. Shreveport-Bossier City, Louisiana (Democrat)
9. Corpus Christi, Texas (Republican)
10. Mobile, Alabama (Republican)....

Interesting huh? Notice, the absence of Portland, Chicago, Seattle? Notice it's 5 and 5 for party? :roll:

Yeah, sorry but the tired lie of "democrat run cities" is just that and people know it, at least non Fox viewers do. It's an interesting article for sure. I mean who knew? Cities largely all face similar problems, regardless who runs them, isn't that weird? (Spoiler; no it's really not.) :cool:
Truth is, both parties suck. Keep voting for either, just don't expect anything to change for the better.
Interesting huh? Notice, the absence of Portland, Chicago, Seattle? Notice it's 5 and 5 for party? :roll:

Yeah, sorry but the tired lie of "democrat run cities" is just that and people know it, at least non Fox viewers do. It's an interesting article for sure. I mean who knew? Cities largely all face similar problems, regardless who runs them, isn't that weird? (Spoiler; no it's really not.) :cool:

Sorry but counting property crime in with violent crime to hide the Democrats run hell holes doesn’t cut it.
Interesting huh? Notice, the absence of Portland, Chicago, Seattle? Notice it's 5 and 5 for party? :roll:

Yeah, sorry but the tired lie of "democrat run cities" is just that and people know it, at least non Fox viewers do. It's an interesting article for sure. I mean who knew? Cities largely all face similar problems, regardless who runs them, isn't that weird? (Spoiler; no it's really not.) :cool:

Then you aren't looking at Chicago for sure and you are ignoring Portland, Seattle, NYC. Of course the press doesn't report on it and the democrat party ignores it. You have to watch Fox to see the video, but I bet you believe that's movie magic.
Sorry but counting property crime in with violent crime to hide the Democrats run hell holes doesn’t cut it.

It is akin to counting suicides to proclaim that some red states-with lots of veterans and retirees, are more dangerous than places like Baltimore when it comes to gunshot deaths
Interesting huh? Notice, the absence of Portland, Chicago, Seattle? Notice it's 5 and 5 for party? :roll:

Yeah, sorry but the tired lie of "democrat run cities" is just that and people know it, at least non Fox viewers do. It's an interesting article for sure. I mean who knew? Cities largely all face similar problems, regardless who runs them, isn't that weird? (Spoiler; no it's really not.) :cool:

Your list must use magical re definition of most violent as other than shreveport and detroit the rest of those do not come close to being the most violent, the most violent should have been places like new orleans, detroit, st liouis, houston, killeen, shreveport, baltimore chicago etc.

Eidit- your own link even went as far as using high speed internet access to determine safest and most dangerous cities, clearly they did so because raw numbers were not in their favor.
Sorry but counting property crime in with violent crime to hide the Democrats run hell holes doesn’t cut it.

They also counted quality of high speed internet access as well, the link mentions most of what they rate it off of has zero to do with crime, it is a clickbat link with a header that says one thing and the link providing data that contradicts it.

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